Multi-scale ancient DNA analyses confirm the western origin of Michelsberg farmers and document probable practices of human sacrifice
Fig 3
Principal component analysis (PCA) of the ancient mtDNA dataset.
(a) PCA performed with haplogroup frequencies. (b) Circle of correlation. (c) Chronological overview of groups with the number of individuals between parentheses (see S6 Table for details). Colors are the same as in Fig 2. HGCN: Hunter-gatherers from Central Europe; HGW: Hunter-gatherers from West Europe; HGS: Hunter-gatherers from South Europe; STA: Starcevo-Körös; LBKT: Linearbandkeramik in Transdanubia; LBK: Linearbandkeramik; CRD: Cardial; EPI: EpiCardial Early Neolithic in Spain; RSG: Grossgartach/Planig-Friedberg/Rossen; MNF: Middle Neolithic in France; SCG: Schöningen; MICH: Michelsberg; BAC: Baalberge; LNS: Late Neolithic in Spain; SMZ: Salzmünde; BEC: Bernburg.