InMAP: A model for air pollution interventions
Fig 10
Comparison of WRF-Chem and InMAP performance in predicting the impacts of 100 tons per year of primary nonreactive PM2.5 emissions in Los Angeles at 9 km (panels a and b), 1 km (panel d), and 1–27 km variable (panel f) grid resolutions. InMAP predictions in panel e are based on meteorology from the 9 km-resolution WRF-Chem simulation (panel a) rather than the 1 km-resolution simulation (panel d). Panels c and f show the differences between the panels to their left. Area- and population-weighted statistics are shown on the right. Abbrevations: MFB = mean fractional bias; MFE = mean fractional error; MB = mean bias; ME = mean error; MR = model ratio; S = slope of regression line; R2 = squared Pearson correlation coefficient.