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Mapping Peptidergic Cells in Drosophila: Where DIMM Fits In

Figure 8

The expression patterns of five neuropeptide markers within DIMM-expressing neurons of the PI.

(A) DIMM and c929-GAL4 are co-localized within 16 PI neurons. (B) All dILP2-expressing neurons are DIMM-positive. (C) The two SIFa-positive neurons are both DIMM-positive. (D) The three DH 44-expressing neurons are all DIMM-positive. (E) All seven DSK-GAL4-positive neurons are DIMM-positive. (F) The DMS-positive neurons are DIMM-positive. (G) The seven DSK-GAL4-positive neurons (as visualized with UAS-lacZ) are dILP2-positive. (H) dILP2-positive neurons and SIFa-positive neurons are distinct. (I) dILP2-positive neurons and DMS-positive neurons are distinct. (J) dILP2-positive neurons and DH 44-positive neurons are distinct. (K) The SIFa-positive and DMS-positive neurons are distinct. (L) The SIFa-positive and DH 44-positive neurons are distinct. The results are illustrated in the schematic at the bottom of the figure and in Table 2.

Figure 8

doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0001896.g008