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Small roll angle measurement using lateral shearing cyclic path polarization interferometry

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We present a technique for the measurement of roll angular displacement of a rotary stage using a lateral shearing cyclic path optical configuration (CPOC) setup and polarization phase shifting interferometry (PPSI). The CPOC setup, aligned on the rotary stage, laterally shears the input plane polarized spherical beam into a pair of orthogonally polarized beams, which when brought to the same state of polarization by a polarizer produce interference fringes similar to Young’s fringes. Rotation of the CPOC setup in its plane introduces a phase change between the orthogonally polarized lateral sheared beams due to the change in angle of incidence of the input beam. The change in the phase results in spatial displacement of the interference fringes. Using PPSI, the phase, or the optical path difference change between the laterally sheared beams that is related to the rotation angle of the CPOC setup, is measured.

© 2016 Optical Society of America

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