1 March 2025, Volume 64, Issue 7, pp. 1582-1744;
Feat. pp: DH1–DH2; B1–B142
38 articles
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This joint special issue from Applied Optics, JOSA A, and Biomedical Optics Express features work presented at the Optica Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging Topical meeting held in Italy in 2024; the section begins on pg. DH1.
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- My Topics
- Diffraction and Gratings (1)
- Fiber Optics, Fiber Sensors, and Optical Communications (1)
- Fourier Optics and Optical Processing (3)
- Geometrical Optics (1)
- Holography (12)
- Imaging Systems, Image Processing, and Displays (7)
- Instrumentation and Measurements (2)
- Lasers, Optical Amplifiers, and Laser Optics (3)
- Materials (1)
- Medical Optics, Microscopy, and Biotechnology (1)
- Optical Design and Fabrication (4)
- Terahertz and X-ray Optics (1)