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Determination of the reflection coefficients of laser light of wavelengths λ(0.22 μm,200 μm) from the surface of aluminum using the Lorentz-Drude model

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Using four different fitting methods, the applicability of the Lorentz-Drude (LD) model has been investigated for calculating the reflection coefficients of the laser light of wavelengths of λ(0.22 μm,200 μm) from the surface of aluminum. The applicability of the LD model has been established not only in the IR region but also in the visible and UV regions. The values of plasma frequency ωp and damping frequency Γ have been determined. The values of the reflection coefficients calculated by the LD model have been compared with corresponding experimental values. It has been established that in both the far and medium IR region as well as in both visible and UV, discrepancies are smaller than 3%. The maximum discrepancy is smaller than 7% occurs in a narrow region (~λ = 0.825 μm), where aluminum strongly absorbs caused by band—band and transitions.

© 1990 Optical Society of America

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