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View all- TANAKA TYASUDA SISHII T(2006)A COUNTERMEASURE AGAINST LIQUEFACTION-INDUCED FLOW BEHIND SEAWALLS BY INSTALLING PREVENTING PILESDoboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu C10.2208/jscejc.62.59362:3(593-604)Online publication date: 2006
Singularity editing of a quadrangle mesh consists in shifting singularities around for either improving the quality of the mesh elements or canceling extraneous singularities, so as to increase mesh regularity. However, the particular structure of a ...
Q&A forums are widely used in large classes to provide scalable support. In addition to offering students a space to ask questions, these forums aim to create a community and promote engagement. Prior literature suggests that the way students participate ...
With the increasing demand on knowledge sharing and problem solving, there is a growing participation on online Question & Answer (Q&A) forums in the recent past. We classify the online community participation on Stack Exchange into two different genres,...
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