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17 March 2008 Visual servoing of a laser ablation based cochleostomy
Lüder A. Kahrs, Jörg Raczkowsky, Martin Werner, Felix B. Knapp, Markus Mehrwald, Peter Hering, Jörg Schipper, Thomas Klenzner, Heinz Wörn
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The aim of this study is a defined, visually based and camera controlled bone removal by a navigated CO2 laser on the promontory of the inner ear. A precise and minimally traumatic opening procedure of the cochlea for the implantation of a cochlear implant electrode (so-called cochleostomy) is intended. Harming the membrane linings of the inner ear can result in damage of remaining organ functions (e.g. complete deafness or vertigo). A precise tissue removal by a laser-based bone ablation system is investigated. Inside the borehole the pulsed laser beam is guided automatically over the bone by using a two mirror galvanometric scanner. The ablation process is controlled by visual servoing. For the detection of the boundary layers of the inner ear the ablation area is monitored by a color camera. The acquired pictures are analyzed by image processing. The results of this analysis are used to control the process of laser ablation. This publication describes the complete system including image processing algorithms and the concept for the resulting distribution of single laser pulses. The system has been tested on human cochleae in ex-vivo studies. Further developments could lead to safe intraoperative openings of the cochlea by a robot based surgical laser instrument.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Lüder A. Kahrs, Jörg Raczkowsky, Martin Werner, Felix B. Knapp, Markus Mehrwald, Peter Hering, Jörg Schipper, Thomas Klenzner, and Heinz Wörn "Visual servoing of a laser ablation based cochleostomy", Proc. SPIE 6918, Medical Imaging 2008: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling, 69182C (17 March 2008); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.770863
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Cited by 11 scholarly publications.
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Laser ablation




Image processing

Image segmentation

Pulsed laser operation

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