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Information for Book Authors

The pages of an SPIE Press book

SPIE Press invites inquiries and proposals from prospective authors and editors for future publications.

SPIE Press books reach a worldwide professional audience of scientists and engineers in optical, photonic, imaging, and optoelectronic technologies.

The benefits of publishing with SPIE Press include:

  • Wide-reaching promotion to academic and industry professionals
  • High production standards
  • Experienced editorial and production staff
  • Excellent royalties program for authors
  • Contribution to the technical literature in your field
  • Long-term availability and promotion of all titles
  • Inclusion in the SPIE Digital Library eBooks program

Follow these steps to publish a book with SPIE Press:

1. Submit a book proposal for acceptance.

It's important to develop a proposal before you begin writing. Use these proposal guidelines.

Submit your proposal using this online form. After submission, proposals are technically reviewed by subject matter experts.

2. Prepare and submit your manuscript.

If you are writing a Field Guide, use this style sheet.

If you are writing a Tutorial or Monograph book, use these general manuscript guidelines.

3. Work with the SPIE Press production staff.

An SPIE editor will guide you through the entire process. Here is the current SPIE Press production workflow (PDF).


Contact Matt Jungwirth, SPIE Manager of Technical Content & Scientific Publishing