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Snail promotes Wnt target gene expression and interacts with β-catenin


The transcription factor snail represses epithelial gene expression and thereby promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transitions (EMT) and tumor invasion. The Wnt/β-catenin pathway is also involved in EMT and was shown to activate snail. Here, we demonstrate that snail increases Wnt reporter gene activity induced by β-catenin, LRP6 or dishevelled, and also promotes transcription activated by GAL4-β-catenin fusion proteins. Snail mutants lacking the transcriptional repressor domain also stimulate β-catenin-dependent transcription indicating that downregulation of snail target genes is not required for this activity. Snail interacts with β-catenin in immunoprecipitation experiments at its N-terminus, which is required for activation by snail. In colorectal cancer cell lines, overexpression of snail leads to increased expression of Wnt target genes, whereas downregulation of endogenous snail by siRNA reduces target gene expression. Our data indicate a positive feedback stimulation of the Wnt pathway by activation of snail.

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We thank F Costantini for providing the Axin2 promoter reporter construct, E Krieghoff for LRP6da and β-catenin constructs and M van de Wetering for TOP and FOPglow constructs.

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Correspondence to J Behrens.

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Stemmer, V., de Craene, B., Berx, G. et al. Snail promotes Wnt target gene expression and interacts with β-catenin. Oncogene 27, 5075–5080 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1038/onc.2008.140

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