To improve the simulation efficiency of turbulent fluid flows at high Reynolds numbers with large eddy dynamics, a CUDA-based simulation solution of lattice Boltzmann method for large eddy simulation (LES) using multiple graphics processing units (GPUs) is proposed. Our solution adopts the “collision after propagation” lattice evolution way and puts the misaligned propagation phase at global memory read process. The latest GPU platform allows a single CPU thread to control up to four GPUs that run in parallel. In order to make use of multiple GPUs, the whole working set is evenly partitioned into sub-domains. We implement Smagorinsky model and Vreman model respectively to verify our multi-GPU solution. These two LES models have different relaxation time calculation behavior and lead to different CUDA implementation characteristics. The implementation based on Smagorinsky model achieves 190 times speedup over the sequential implementation on CPU, while the implementation based on Vreman model archives more than 90 times speedup. The experimental results show that the parallel performance of our multi-GPU solution scales very well on multiple GPUs. Therefore large-scale (up to 10,240 \(\times \) 10,240 lattices) LES–LBM simulation becomes possible at a low cost, even using double-precision floating point calculation.

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This project was supported by the Aeronautical Science Fund of China (Grant No. 20111453012) and the National Defense Pre-Research Foundation of China (Grant No. 9140A13040111HK0329).
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Appendix A: Table 3
Appendix B: Kernel function LBCollProp \( Smagorinsky\,\, model \)
__global__ static void LBCollProp ( int nx, int* geoD, double tauf, double prefix, double* fr0, \(\cdots \), double fse0, double fr1, \(\cdots \), double* fse1 )
// collision and propagation processes of the fluid nodes
//registers for kernel processing
double ux, uy, uv, rho, tau;
double fr, fe, fn, fw, fs, fne, fnw, fsw, fse; //f*
double f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8; //feq
//Index K in 1D-arrays
int k = nx*blockIdx.y + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if(geoD[k] \(=\)= FLUID) //Inner fluid nodes for update
//“ propagation” was performed at the global memory read transactions.
// Note: some global memory read transactions remained misaligned.
fr = fr0[k];
fe = fe0[k-1];
fn = fn0[k-nx];
\(\cdots \)
//get the macroscopic properties: velocity (ux, uy) and density (rho).
rho = fr + fe + fn + fw + fs + fne + fnw + fsw + fse;
uv = 1/rho;
ux = (fe + fne + fse - fw - fnw - fsw);
ux *= uv;
uy = (fn + fne + fnw - fs - fsw - fse);
uy *= uv;
//get the feq after propagation.
tau = rho/9.0;
uv = 1.0 - 1.5*(ux*ux + uy*uy);
f1 = tau*( 3.0*ux + 4.5*ux*ux + uv);
\(\cdots \)
tau = tau*0.25;
f5 = tau*( 3.0*(ux+uy) + 4.5*(ux+uy)*(ux+uy) + uv);
\(\cdots \)
uv = 16*tau*uv; //means f0
//get the single relaxation time according Smagorinsky model.
//only needs the local quantities such as nonequilibrium stress tensor.
ux = (fe-f1) + (fne-f5) + (fse-f8) + (fnw-f6) + (fw-f3) + (fsw-f7);
uy = (fne-f5) + (fn-f2) + (fnw-f6) + (fsw-f7) + (fs-f4) + (fse-f8);
tau = (fne-f5) + (fsw-f7) + (f6-fnw) + (f8-fse);
tau = sqrt(2*(ux*ux+uy*uy+2*tau*tau))*prefix;
tau = (sqrt(tauf*tauf+tau/rho)+tauf)*0.5;
// perform the LBM iteration according to equation:
// f = f* - (f* - feq)/tau \( \rightarrow \) f = (1-1/tau)f* + feq/tau
// write data back to device memory, coalesced global memory accesses.
tau = 1/tau;
ux = 1-tau;
fr1[k] = ux*fr + tau*uv;
fe1[k] = ux*fe + tau*f1;
fn1[k] = ux*fn + tau*f2;
\(\cdots \)
Appendix C: Kernel function LBProp and LBColl (Vreman model)
__global__ static void LBProp (const int nx, const int* geoD, double * dev_ux, double * dev_uy, double * dev_rho, double* fr0, \(\cdots \), double* fse0, double* fr1, \(\cdots \), double* fse1)
//This kernel function is responsible for propagation of the fluid nodes
double ux, uy, uv, rho, tmp;
double fr, fe, fn, fw, fs, fne, fnw, fsw, fse; //f*
//Index K in 1D-arrays
int k = nx*blockIdx.y + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if(geoD[k] \(=\)= FLUID) //Inner fluid nodes for update
//“ propagation” was performed at the global memory read transactions.
// Note: some global memory read transactions remained misaligned.
fr = fr0[k];
fe = fe0[k-1];
fn = fn0[k-nx];
\(\cdots \)
// get and store the whole updated macroscopic properties to global memory
// for the sake of synchronization.
rho = fr + fe + fn + fw + fs + fne + fnw + fsw + fse;
dev_rho[k] = rho;
tmp = 1/rho;
ux = (fe + fne + fse - fw - fnw - fsw);
dev_ux[k] = ux*tmp;
uy = (fn + fne + fnw - fs - fsw - fse);
dev_uy[k] = uy*tmp;
fr1[k] = fr;
fe1[k] = fe;
fn1[k] = fn;
\(\cdots \)
__global__ static void LBColl ( int nx, int* geoD, double tauf, double prefix, double * dev_ux, double * dev_uy, double * dev_rho, double* fr1, \(\cdots \) , double* fse1)
//This kernel function is responsible for collision of the fluid nodes
double ux, uy, uv, rho, tmp1, tmp2;
double delta_Uxx, delta_Uxy, delta_Uyx, delta_Uyy, up, down;
double tauf0, tauf1, tauf2, tauf3,tauf4, tauf5;
//Index K in 1D-arrays
int k = nx*blockIdx.y + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
ux = dev_ux[k];
uy = dev_uy[k];
rho = dev_rho[k];
//get the resolved velocity gradient tensor: gij
delta_Uxx = 0.5*(dev_ux[k+1] - dev_ux[k-1]); //g11
delta_Uxy = 0.5*(dev_ux[k+nx] - dev_ux[k-nx]); //g12
delta_Uyx = 0.5*(dev_uy[k+1] - dev_uy[k-1]); //g21
delta_Uyy = 0.5*(dev_uy[k+nx] - dev_uy[k-nx]); //g22
//numerator : \((g12*g21 - g11*g22)^2\)
up = (delta_Uxy*delta_Uyx - delta_Uxx*delta_Uyy) * (delta_Uxy*delta_Uyx - delta_Uxx*delta_Uyy);
//denominator : gij gij = g11*g11 + g12*g21 + g21*g11 + g22*g22
down = delta_Uxx*delta_Uxx + delta_Uxy*delta_Uxy + delta_Uyx*delta_Uyx + delta_Uyy*delta_Uyy + 1e-15;
//get the single relaxation time according to Equation(6).
tauf0 = tauf + 3.0*prefix*sqrt(up/down);
// perform the LBM iteration according to equation:
// f = f* - (f* - feq)/tau \(\rightarrow \) f = (1-1/tau)f* + feq/tau
// read f* and write f back, coalesced global memory accesses.
tauf1 = 1.0/tauf0;
tauf2 = 1.0 - tauf1;
tauf3 = (4.0/9.0)*tauf1;
tauf4 = 0.25*tauf3;
tauf5 = 0.25*tauf4;
uv = 1.0 - 1.5*(ux*ux + uy*uy);
tmp1 = 4.5*ux*ux;
tmp2 = 4.5*uy*uy;
fr1[k] = tauf2*fr1[k] + tauf3*rho*uv;
fe1[k] = tauf2*fe1[k] + tauf4*rho*( 3.0*ux + tmp1 + uv);
fn1[k] = tauf2*fn1[k] + tauf4*rho*( 3.0*uy + tmp2 + uv);
\(\cdots \)
tmp1 = 4.5*(ux + uy)*(ux + uy) + uv;
tmp2 = 4.5*(uy - ux)*(uy - ux) + uv;
fne1[k] = tauf2*fne1[k] + tauf5*rho*( 3.0*(ux + uy) + tmp1);
fnw1[k] = tauf2*fnw1[k] + tauf5*rho*( 3.0*(uy - ux) + tmp2);
\(\cdots \)
Appendix D: An excerpt of the evolution loop of multi-GPU implementation
void evolution(int steps)
dim3 dimBlock( THREAD_NUM, 1);
dim3 dimGrid1( nx / THREAD_NUM );
dim3 dimGrid2( 0, 2 );
dim3 dimGrid3( nx / THREAD_NUM, 1 );
bool isEvenStep = true; //switch between two sets of arrays.
for(int i=0; i \(<\) steps; i++){
isEvenStep = (i%2 \(=\)= 0)?true:false;
dimGrid1.y = height_r[3];
dimGrid2.x = (height_r[3] + THREAD_NUM - 1) / THREAD_NUM;
launch_LBCollProp(\(\cdots \)); //dimGrid1, inner fluid nodes
launch_LBBC_LR(\(\cdots \)); //dimGrid2, left and right boundaries
launch_LBBC_UP(\(\cdots \)); //dimGrid3
\(\cdots \) //Note: no “ break” here!
dimGrid1.y = height_r[0];
dimGrid2.x = (height_r[0] + THREAD_NUM - 1) / THREAD_NUM;
launch_LBCollProp(\(\cdots \));
launch_LBBC_LR(\(\cdots \));
launch_LBBC_DOWN(\(\cdots \)); //dimGrid3
if(gpu_count \(=\)= SINGLE_GPU)
launch_LBBC_UP(\(\cdots \));
//GPU to GPU communication between adjacent work sets.
if(gpu_count \(>\)= DOUBLE_GPU){ //GPU1 - GPU2
if(isEvenStep \(=\)= true){
src_offset = nx*(ny/gpu_count-1);
dest_offset = 0;
//transfer 3 fractions to the corresponding “ ghost layer”
packedTransfer(src_offset, dest_offset, fn1, fne1, fnw1, fn3, fne3, fnw3, pitch, width, 1, cudaMemcpyDefault);
src_offset = nx;
dest_offset = nx*(ny/gpu_count);
packedTransfer(src_offset, dest_offset, fs3, fsw3, fse3, fs1, fsw1, fse1, pitch, width, 1, cudaMemcpyDefault);
src_offset = nx*(ny/gpu_count-1);
dest_offset = 0;
packedTransfer(src_offset, dest_offset, fn0, fne0, fnw0, fn2, fne2, fnw2, pitch, width, 1, cudaMemcpyDefault);
src_offset = nx;
dest_offset = nx*(ny/gpu_count);
packedTransfer(src_offset, dest_offset, fs2, fsw2, fse2, fs0, fsw0, fse0, pitch, width, 1, cudaMemcpyDefault);
if(gpu_count \(>\)= TRIPLE_GPU) {\(\cdots \)} //GPU2 - GPU3
if(gpu_count \(>\)= QUADRUPLE_GPU) {\(\cdots \)} //GPU3 - GPU4
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Li, Q., Zhong, C., Li, K. et al. A parallel lattice Boltzmann method for large eddy simulation on multiple GPUs. Computing 96, 479–501 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-013-0356-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-013-0356-7