This study evaluates the Arctic sea-ice simulation of the SODA3 dataset driven by different atmospheric forcing fields and explores the errors of the Arctic sea-ice simulation caused by the forcing field. We find that the SODA3 data driven by different forcing fields represent a significant systematical error in the simulation of Arctic sea-ice concentration, showing a low concentration of thick ice and a high concentration of thin ice. In terms of sea-ice extent, the SODA3 data from different versions well characterize the interannual variability and declining trend in the observed data, but they overestimate the overall Arctic sea-ice extent, which is related to excessive simulation of ice in the sea-ice margin. Compared to observations, all the chosen SODA3 reanalysis versions driven by different atmospheric forcing generally tend to underestimate the Arctic sea-ice thickness, especially for thick ice in the multi-year sea-ice regions. Inaccurate simulations of Arctic sea-ice transport may partly explain the error in SODA3 sea-ice thickness in multi-year sea-ice areas. The results of different SDOA3 versions differ greatly in the Beaufort Sea, the Fram Strait, and the Central Arctic Sea. The difference in sea-ice thickness among different SODA3 versions is primarily due to the thermodynamic contribution, which may come from the diversity of atmospheric forcing fields. Our work provides a reference for using SODA3 data to study Arctic sea ice.
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The authors are grateful to the providers of the publicly accessible data used in the paper. This study is supported by the Opening Project of Key Laboratory of Marine Science and Numerical Modeling, MNR (2020-ZD-01), the Special Funds for Creative Research (2022C61540), the National Natural Science Foundation (Grant Nos. 41776004, 41876224), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (B210203020), and the Opening Project of Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Information Technology (20195052912).
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Article Highlights
• Inaccurate simulations of Arctic sea-ice extent in SODA3 result from overestimating ice concentration along the sea-ice edge zone.
• The overestimation of sea-ice drift rates in SODA3 is mainly responsible for inaccurate simulations of Arctic sea-ice thickness.
• Model uncertainty in SODA3 primarily results in the overestimation of sea-ice drift rates.
• Inter-version differences of SODA3 in sea-ice thickness may be dominated by thermodynamic processes.
This paper is a contribution to the special issue on Changing Arctic Climate and Low/Mid-latitudes Connections.
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Ge, Z., Wang, X. & Wang, X. Evaluation of the Arctic Sea-Ice Simulation on SODA3 Datasets. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 40, 2302–2317 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-023-2320-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-023-2320-6