In view of the recent progress in studying matrix model-2D gravity duality, we reexamine some features of (2, 2p + 1) minimal string. After reviewing both sides of the proposed correspondence in this case, a previously unnoted identification between correlation numbers of tachyon operators in certain domain of parameter space and “p-deformed volumes”, which are certain integral transforms of topological recursion data, is described and clarified. This identification allows us to efficiently study correlation numbers at finite matter central charge. In particular, we obtain an intersection-theoretic formula and the simplest recurrent equations for them, analogous to the ones recently derived for Virasoro minimal string. These formulas might be useful in establishing a more thorough connection between worldsheet and matrix model approaches.
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The authors are grateful to M. Kazarian, A. Litvinov, A. Marshakov and B. Feigin for numerous stimulating and insightful discussions. We also would like to thank A. Giacchetto and D. Lewański for useful comments and interest in this work. The work of A.A. is supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant (project no. 23-12-00333).
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Artemev, A., Chaban, I. (2, 2p + 1) minimal string and intersection theory I. J. High Energ. Phys. 2025, 151 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP01(2025)151
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP01(2025)151