
1 Introduction

Building Automation Systems (BAS) aim at controlling, monitoring and administrating services such as heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and lighting in the buildings. While managing various building systems, they ensure the operational performance of the facility as well as the comfort and safety of the building’s inhabitants. They also aim to decrease the energy consumption and reduce the operational costs of a building.

One of the data communication protocols used in BAS is Building Automation and Control networking protocol (BACnet) [6]. It is an internationally adopted ISO standard for the communication between BAS devices and implemented in products by more than 800 vendors worldwide. The BACnet protocol defines a number of services that are used to communicate between building devices and works over a number of data link/physical layers, including ARCNET, Ethernet, BACnet/IP, Point-To-Point, Master-Slave/Token-Passing, LonTalk etc. as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

BACnet OSI layers as defined in the ISO standard [6].

BAS are responsible for taking care of many services in the buildings but the BAS operators face a significant challenge while effectively monitoring BAS due to modern-day building’s complexity. BAS operators generally possess only partial situation awareness, i.e., the perception of the current situation within the building and how it might change in the near future. Especially in large and inter-connected buildings, the operators face the challenge of spotting meaningful incidents within large amounts of simultaneously occurring events. For example, slight temperature changes can occur throughout the day, and even hardware failures and access events for rooms can occur hundreds of times each day. On the other hand, if a usually closed window is opened at night, it should raise the attention of the BAS operator: opening a window at night is probably linked to a more important cause than slight temperature changes over the day.

In this paper, we present the techniques to analyze and visualize the data for several events from BAS devices in a way that determines the potential importance of such unusual events and helps with the building-security decision making. First, we explain the concept of processing and selecting the data from BACnet traffic to carry out the data analysis. Second, we discuss the visualization methods that can be implemented in BAS to increase situation awareness among the operators and users, while handling the events effectively. These methods can improve the detection of the anomalies in BAS. We implemented these techniques as a mobile (Android) based application to efficiently visualize the application data and created tools for visualizing and analyzing message flows between different devices in a BAS network. The tools generate directed graphs that illustrate the network topology, allowing the operators to quickly identify unusual communication.

The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Sect. 2, we summarize the related work in the field of network analysis and visualization techniques for BAS. In Sect. 3, we explain the methods used for collecting the BAS data. Section 4 discusses the visualization techniques for network data. This is followed by the discussion on techniques for visualizing application data along with the usability study in Sect. 5. The conclusions and future work are presented in Sect. 6.

2 Related Work

Traffic flow measurement has been known in IP networks for quite some time, but observing the traffic flow in BACnet networks has been done only recently [9]. The methods were later improved in [13] to include entropy-based analysis of the traffic flow. However, these papers focused on the volume of the packets and packet rates and no attempt was made to classify the traffic between individual BACnet devices, making the methods unsuitable for detecting anomalies within the BACnet networks.

There has been some research on visualizing events in BAS. Wendzel et al. proposed one such approach for visualization of simultaneously occurring events in [12] and implemented it in a tool named Chronos [10]. Chronos provides temporal mosaic charts for events which provide good representation of details and make efficient use of screen real-estate, unlike Gantt charts. The temporal mosaic charts possess the capability of combining parallel occurring events into a single stream so as to use the provided screen space more efficiently. In [12], the authors make use of entropy to highlight the important events. However, while a lot of research has been done in the context of visualizations on limited screen space, no attempts have been made to transfer this to the context of mobile applications in the area of BAS networking data.

Chittaro [3] investigated general aspects of visualizations on mobile devices, stressing the importance of data selection, efficiency of space usage and interactivity. Games et al. [5] proposed focus-plus-context approach, showing that it outperforms bar graphs or scatter plots in certain scenarios. Our approach on visualizing BAS data on mobile devices originates from a method called treemaps, first introduced by Shneiderman in 1992 [11]. It maps a tree to rectangles for each node, filling the available space. The rectangle sizes can be connected to some attributes of the nodes, e.g., weights. This technique is more space efficient than conventional graph visualizations.

3 Collecting the BAS Data

In this section, we describe the experimental lab setup, our methods of obtaining the BAS data, and the sources of BAS data that were used to obtain the results.

3.1 Lab Setup

To evaluate our methods, we used two BACnet labs, each with several BACnet devices. A generalized scheme of the labs is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

A generalized scheme of our BACnet labs. EnOcean sensors \(s_1,\dots ,s_n\) connect wirelessly to the EnOcean receiver which is connected to a BACnet gateway device. The binary input/output devices are connected to the gateway via MS/TP.

The first lab setup has 16 wireless EnOcean sensors, which includes door and window sensors, motion sensors (wall and ceiling) and temperature sensors. It also has 16 actuators/binary output devices. All the devices are connected to the BACnet network via a BACnet gateway module. The second lab setup has various BACnet devices, sensors (CO\(_2\), light, motion, presence, air pressure, moisture, temperature) on MS/TP bus, together with 32 binary outputs.

3.2 Collection Methods

We analyzed two types of data: network data and application data. The methods of obtaining data differ between the two types. For collecting the application data from BAS devices we used the log export functions of the BACnet gateway module. Module’s internal software maintains the logs of data and allows them to be exported in the form of csv files for each individual sensor. In general, there are two ways of obtaining sensor data: by periodically polling the sensors for data or by subscribing to sensor’s notifications about changes in value. We use the latter approach, i.e., the sensors were configured to report the Change-of-Value data. The door, window and motion sensors record their state using binary values, while the temperature sensor records every change in the room temperature of more than 0.1\(^o\)C. The states of the actuators are also recorded as binary values. The values from different sensors can be combined together and correlated to analyze and visualize the events in BAS.

We used Wireshark [4] to capture the network data. Wireshark is an open-source network protocol analyzer. It allows examining the data from a live network or from a saved capture file. The captured data can be interactively browsed, delving down into all the levels of packet details. It supports hundreds of protocols and media types including BACnet. Wireshark also has the functionality of filtering the captured packets. In case of BACnet, packets can be filtered by using keywords bacnet, bvlc etc. The captured packets are saved in .pcap format. In addition to our own Wireshark recordings from the two labs, we used the network traffic recordings from Steve Karg’s collection [8] to test the performance of our code.

4 Visualizing the Network Data

In this section, we focus on the network-related data, more specifically, on BACnet/IP over Ethernet. In this case, the BACnet data is encapsulated in User Datagram Protocol (UDP) layer. BACnet data is transmitted as packets and each packet contains communication and control values. BACnet standard requires that there exists exactly one message path between any two nodes on an interconnected BACnet network. Therefore, a flow between two BACnet devices is well-defined and can be identified by the BACnet addresses of the devices in question.

4.1 Selection and Processing

An important aspect of any raw data analysis is a selection of the relevant features, together with pre- and postprocessing. Since the data are captured using Wireshark and stored in a raw pcap format, a fair amount of preprocessing is needed. The preprocessing was done using the Python library Scapy [2], together with the open source Scapy BACnet extension [7] which we substantially extended to enable full network and application layer parsing. Figure 3 shows the structure of a typical BACnet/IP packet. For a detailed explanation of the structure of NPDU and APDU, we refer the reader to the ISO standard [6].

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Structure of a typical BACnet/IP packet. The outermost layer is the Ethernet layer, which encapsulates the Internet Protocol (IP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) layers. BACnet/IP is encapsulated within the UDP datagram as a BACnet Virtual Link Layer (BVLL), containing the BACnet Virtual Link Control (BVLC) that indicates the function of the BACnet packet. The presence of the Network layer Protocol Data Unit (NPDU) and the Application layer Protocol Data Unit (APDU) within NPDU depends on the particular BVLC function and the values in the Network Protocol Control Information (NPCI), which is the second octet of NPDU.

One piece of data that is important for analysis but is not explicitly contained in any of the layers is the timestamp of the captured packet. However, this is recorded by Wireshark and is stored for each packet along with the packet contents inside the pcap capture files. We use the timestamps to estimate the packet rates and determine whether certain types of packets are periodic or sporadic, e.g., network layer message packets with a specific message type or application layer packets with specific PDU type for a given pair of source/destination addresses.

We next describe the features we select from each layer, starting with the outermost layer and working towards the inner layers.

Ethernet Layer. Two features are of interest here: destination MAC and source MAC. These are the physical addresses of the communicating devices, or in the case of a broadcast message, FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF (only as destination).

BVLC Layer. Although this layer can contain broadcast distribution table data, we only focus on the BVLC function field and the total BVLC length. Both serve the purpose of characterizing the message flows.

The last two layers, NPDU and APDU, are present and can be analyzed only if the BVLC function is 0x04 (forwarded NPDU), 0x0A (original unicast NPDU), or 0x0B (original broadcast NPDU).

NPDU Layer. The fields in NPDU layer depend on the values of the NPCI control octet, which is the second octet within the NPDU. In particular, bit 7 of the NPCI control octet indicates whether the NPDU contains a network layer message or application layer data. We extract the source address, destination address, and message type, when they are present. For BACnet/IP, the source and destination addresses are always 6 octets long and are encoded according to Annex J of the standard [6] as 4-octet IP address and 2-octet port number. For MS/TP, the addresses are 1 octet long. The addresses are needed to map the flows within the BACnet network.

APDU Layer. If the indication bit of the NPCI control octet is 0, the data portion of the NPDU contains application data within an APDU, from which we only consider one parameter, the PDU type.

The chosen fields allow us to detect and map message flows, characterize these flows, and create an overview of the communication within a BAS network. Characterizing individual flows also provides a means to detect certain traffic anomalies and attacks. For example, the packet length for a specific PDU type usually does not deviate much from the average size, so unusually small or large packets can indicate an attack or other kinds of anomalies.

In the postprocessing step we aggregate and export the data in a form suitable for visualizing the flows and creating the model for anomaly detection.

4.2 Analysis

To analyze the flow data, we group the packets based on their source and destination addresses and call each such group a connection. For each such connection, we divide the packets into two sets: packets containing network layer messages and packets containing application layer data. Within each set we further group the packets based on the network message type and PDU type (for network layer messages, respectively application data). For each set we analyze the timing data to detect whether the packets are sent periodically or sporadically. We detect this by computing the average inter-arrival time \(\tau \) between the packets and its standard deviation. If the standard deviation is suitably small (comparable to a fraction of the mean, e.g., less than 20 %), we classify such traffic as periodic. If the standard deviation is comparable to the mean (e.g., between \(0.5 \tau \) and \(2\tau \)), we treat such traffic as sporadic and we model it using a Poisson process with parameter \(\lambda = \frac{1}{\tau }\). If the standard deviation does not fit in these two cases, we do not attempt to classify the packets based on their arrival time.

After computing these parameters for all connections from the sample traffic data, we create a probabilistic flow map, which we later use to analyze each incoming packet by checking whether it fits in the constructed flow map. We do this by computing the likelihood of observing such a packet at the given time. If the probability of observing such a packet is smaller than some predefined threshold (which can be connection-dependant), we flag such packet as anomalous.

4.3 Directed Graphs for Flow Data

In addition to analyzing the flow data, we visualize the connections between the BACnet devices in the form of a directed graph. Each source and each destination address represents a node, with edges being the observed directed message flows. Both network layer messages and application layer data can be used for this pupose and lead in general to different graphs. The weights of the edges are computed from the number of packets on each connection as a fraction of the total traffic. The data are processed using a Python script and the graph information is exported in the Graph Exchange XML Format (GEXF). We then visualize this flow map using the open source program GePhi [1]. The program has several tools to process graph data, including optimal node placement based on edge weights and node degrees, finding clusters of more tightly connected nodes, etc. This allows us to visualize the intrinsic network features of a BAS. An example of a flow map is shown in Fig. 4. The corresponding flow classification (the top 5 flows) is shown in Table 1.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

An example of a flow map for BACnet network using the application layer data. The thickness of the edges is determined by the weight, which corresponds to the fraction of the traffic belonging to that edge.

Table 1. Flow classification of the 5 most frequent flows for the network in Fig. 4. The PDU types are 0x00-BACnet-Confirmed-Request and 0x03-BACnet-ComplexACK.

We construct the directed graph representation from traffic recordings for a sample period, e.g., one week. We then regenerate the representation every day by adding the newly recorded data from that day and observing the changes in the graph. If new nodes or edges appear, the operator is notified. The new nodes and edges can be confirmed and become part of the reference representation from that point on. Additionally, packets can also be analyzed in real time by checking whether they fit the individual connection distribution and timing parameters.

5 Visualizing the Application Data

The application-related data are the actual sensor values and actuator states. No special selection is performed on the application data, we simply collect all the values that are available. Since the application data come from internal logs, no preprocessing is needed on our part. For the postprocessing, we convert the extracted csv data from internal logs in a format that is more appropriate for our visualization application. In particular, since most sensors report Change-of-Value data and our visualization methods are based on fixed time intervals, we extrapolate the data so that there is at least one data point within each 15 min interval, by repeating the previous known sensor value.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Weighted tree for BACnet application data. Events for each day are clustered by sensor type and subdivided in individual hours within each cluster.

5.1 Weighted Tree for Application Data

The BACnet application data is transformed into a weighted tree for each day as shown in Fig. 5. The root represents the total set of BACnet events on that day, while its children separate the data into a specific cluster for each sensor type. Each cluster vertex has 24 children, representing the 24 h of a day. In [12], the authors already considered entropy for highlighting events in BAS. We expand on their work as follows. The weight W(h) for an hour h is a function of the information content I(h) and the number of changes in value N(h) in that hour. The events which deviate in value from the events in the past are associated with higher weights. The calculation differentiates between floating point and boolean values. For a boolean event e with value v, the probability p(v) is calculated by comparing it to the values of events in the past at around the same time of the day.

The information content I(e) is computed as

$$ I(e) = -\log _2(p(v)). $$

For a floating point event e, the deviation of its value v from the mean of the values in the past at around the same time is considered. I(h) results from the maximum of I(e) in hour h. The number of changes in value in hour h is also compared to the number of changes in the past and N(h) is the deviation from the resulting mean. Finally, W(h) is the maximum of I(h) and N(h). These calculations result in weights that are higher for data whose fluctuation deviates significantly from the average or whose values are unusual for the specific time. However, since real BACnet traffic will always show some form of irregularity or inconsistency which is not caused by malfunctions, the weight calculation will generally produce noise which might lead to false conclusions. The weight for a cluster vertex W(c) is the mean of the weights W(h) of its 24 children.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

The size coding method (left) and the color coding method (right).

The visualization of the weighted tree, representing one day of data, is implemented using a 2D-grid. Figure 6 shows two screenshots of our implementation. Every column is associated with a cluster of sensors and there is a row for each of the 24 children. The details of data events associated with a row can be expanded separately for every cluster and viewed in a list below the grid. We implemented two methods for the visualization of the weights, namely, the size coding and the color coding. Both methods are illustrated in Fig. 6. In the size coding method, we link the weights to the heights of the individual cells and the widths of the whole columns. This results in bigger rectangles for interesting data. In the color coding method, we use uniform grid size while visualizing the weights using colors. The background of a row is linked to the weight of that row, giving it darker shades of color for higher weights. The weights for the clusters are visualized by colored backgrounds of the column headings. We implemented both visualization methods of the BACnet application data for Android phones. Due to the limited display space available on these devices, we focused on a space efficient arrangement of the data, providing a good display of values in the grid along with the feature to go into details for each cell value. The potentially interesting data are highlighted (either by using the size coding method or the color coding method, as shown in Fig. 6) in the grid to make the detection of anomalies easier.

5.2 Usability Study

We conducted a user study with ten participants to test our Android implementations. The participants had background in the field of Computer Science but had no deeper knowledge or practical experience in operating building management systems. The goal was to compare the two highlighting methods (as presented in Sect. 5.1) for interesting data and to prove that the visualizations enable fast and reliable error detection while being restricted to a small screen space.

We simulated data for two typical scenarios of malfunctions in a BAS. The first scenario represented a light that usually gets switched on or off in connection with the measurements of a motion sensor. From a certain point onward the light stayed switched on all the time, even if the motion sensor did not detect any motion because the automatic regulation was broken. In the second scenario, a thermometer got stuck at a certain value and did not measure the real temperature any more. This caused the heating to detect that the room was warm enough and so it turned itself off automatically.

The participants were split into two groups of five each. The first group was asked to analyze the first scenario using the color coding method and the second scenario using the size coding method as highlights for unusual information. The second group was asked to do the same but the order of scenarios was reversed. All the participants were also asked to fill out a questionnaire which contained the questions regarding their confidence in the correctness of their answers, their opinion about the usability in general and their preference for the highlighting method.

The total amount of time needed to handle the two scenarios was 12 % less for color coding method in comparison to the size coding method. This result is consistent with the feedback on confidence, intuitiveness and efficiency of screen space usage, which are all slightly better for the color coding method. When being asked about their preference, eight out of ten preferred the color coding method over the size coding method. However, with a correctness of 72.5 %, the size coding method seems to be superior in this regard compared to only 52.5 % correctness for the color coding method. This discrepancy can be explained by the users relying too much on the colored highlights and neglecting to verify the underlying data. Since there will always be some highlights which do not correspond to actual errors in the system, neglecting the real data can lead to false conclusions. In addition to being less obtrusive, size coding method has an advantage that interesting rows are bigger and can be selected easier for looking at the data list. This supports a more thorough analysis and requires longer time but leads to better conclusions. Due to the variable row sizes, a disadvantage of size coding method is that the rows in different columns are not aligned, which makes the comparison across different sensors harder.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

Visualizing network message flows and computing probabilistic flow maps to study the traffic patterns allows us to detect various kinds of anomalies and attacks that could be present within a BACnet network. By focusing solely on BACnet traffic, the amount of data is reduced, which makes it more manageable for analysis. However, our current models support only two time-based types of traffic, periodic and sporadic, without the capacity to characterize diurnal, weekly or seasonal cycles which are common in BAS. We therefore intend to incorporate these more advanced classifications of flows in our future work to improve anomaly detection.

The usability study has shown that the visualization techniques for application data work. Considering that the participants had no practical experience in the BAS field, 72.5 % and 52.5 % correctness is a satisfying result. The feedback in general supports this conclusion. However, there is still some room for improvement. A combination of both highlighting methods is possible, combining the advantages of both and reducing the disadvantages to a minimum. In addition, further testing has to be done to improve the highlight calculations, reduce their noise and increase their significance.