Corrective Releases¶
Blender 3.2.2¶
Released on August 3rd 2022, Blender 3.2.2 features the following bug fixes:
- Align Active Camera to Selected fails with ortho camera #99653
- Annotation lines doesn't start where clicked #99368
- Bones using empties as custom shapes can't be selected #99270
- Crash applying non-existent modifiers #99678
- Crash when render finishes #100049
- Crash when transform applied on multi-user image #100040
- Eternal loop reading blend file thumbnail #99711
- Fix crash loading factory settings in image paint mode 2b83f3d521
- Fix integer overflow in thumbnail extractor #99705
- Fix Python SystemExit exceptions silently exiting 5f7c677ac9
- Fix use-after-free error when handling events that close windows 3d6f671559
- Fix: Incorrect coordinates used in
functions c07e9e0828 - Fix: Move DRW_shgroup_add_material_resources(grp, mat) to after the null-check for grp. #99646
- Gpencil Flip strokes did not support multiframe edit #99702
- GPencil multiframe falloff is scaling wrongly in rotation #99342
- GPencil strokes cannot be edited after set origin #99979
- Light group passes do not work when shadow catcher is used #98367
- Make Principled Hair IOR input behave like other IOR sliders #99785
- OBJ (new importer): does not import vertices that aren't part of any face #100017
- OBJ (new importer): fails to import faces in some cases #99532
- OBJ (new importer): fails with trailing space after wrapped lines #99536
- NULL pointer free with corrupt zSTD reading #99744
- Python: restrict name-space access for restricted evaluation ae45931797
- Sculpt mode missing check for hidden active object #94633
- sculpt_update_object calls paint updates for nonpaint tools #99196
- Unable to select bones when custom shape display is disabled #99364
Blender 3.2.1¶
Released on July 6th 2022, Blender 3.2.1 features the following bug fixes:
- Anchored mode not working for sculpt smear brush. #98745
- Assets dropped upside down when looking through camera. #96776
- Avoid console warnings when no Sculpt brush selected. #98904
- Avoid unnecessary mesh copy. #98796
- Baking to active color attribute uses wrong layer. #98960
- Boolean modifier creates invalid material indices. #99191
- Broken vertex paint mode operators. #98975
- Color attribute fill API didn't support editmode. #98673
- Console warning using search (F3) in grease pencil draw mode. #99178
- Crash after running view_all operator in VSE. #99110
- Crash deleting file output node with color management override. #99028
- Crash drag-dropping collection from outliner to ID property. #98715
- Crash in Volume to Mesh with 0 voxels. #94969
- Crash on startup - OpenGL4.2 without conservative depth. #98708
- Crash removing some builtin attributes. #98956
- Crash when dragging file to VSE from file browser. #99266
- Crash when moving grease pencil object has any invisible…. #98853
- Crash when recursively nesting NLA meta strips. #98700
- Crash with GPU subdivision in edit mode and instanced geometry. #98813
- Crash: Curve to Mesh node crashes blender if there is a single vertice curve. #98917
- Crash: GPU subdivision crash in edit mode with loose geometry. #98866
- Crash: Grease Pencil: Fix crash when using time offset modifier. 54cfeacf4b
- Curve Pen NURBS extrusion creates duplicates. #98624
- Division by zero in smear code when strength is zero. #98698
- Dynamic Paint does not update normals. #98727
- Editor panels are broken. #98925
- Eevee Bloom Pass Outputs Final Image Instead of Bloom. #98972
- Eevee compilation error cryptomatte shaders. #98663
- Eevee unlinked aov output nodes don't render. #98919
- Eevee: Buffer overflow in sample name buffer. #98825
- Eevee: Crash when using Light Output in Materials. #99104
- Eevee: Missing custom property from volumetrics. #98697
- Eevee: Pixelated Environment Texture. #99128
- Eevee: Specular BSDF apply specular color input twice. #99018
- Eevee: Specular BSDF does not apply occlusion. #99019
- Eevee: World volume shader incorrect texture coords. #99138
- Face dot colors in UV editor was using wrong color from theme. #98699
- Face Is Planar Node Not handling Certain Conditions. #98718
- Fix armatures not visible in VR. a7c923c6d5
- Fix artefacts with GPU subdivision and weight paint face selection. 85db51cd21
- Fix color attribute interpolation with GPU subdivision. c145441981
- Fix edge case crashes in gpu subdiv cache code #98884
- Fix uninitialized memory use in key-down events on window activation. 45763272c5
- Freeze when changing strip source with thumbnails enabled. #99091
- Geometry nodes ignore if subdivision surface modifier is disabled. #99058
- glTF exporter: export driven SK when mesh parented to bone. #98912
- glTF exporter: Fix camera & light export when Yup is off #99306
- glTF exporter: Make sure to not modify virtual tree 9b0f1dbde8
- GPU Subdivision artifacts in weight paint with smooth shading. #99016
- GPU Subdivision displays normals for all elements. #98735
- GPU Subdivision: "Show Wire" overlay glitch. #98913
- Grease Pencil: Gradient colors in a Grease Pencil material change depending on the visibility of other objects. #98882
- Grease Pencil: sculpt brushes break after you delete a brush. #98904
- Grease Pencil: Sculpt Grab/Push don't work with one point. #99248
- Grease Pencil: Set Vertex Color Attribute does not color unpainted. #98756
- Install_deps: Fix several issues with TBB. 6b15369e24
- Issue with subdivision subsurface modifier and >= 8 levels. #98693
- Missing null check in versioning code. #98847
- OBJ (new importer): Fixed scene stats info not updated after import. #98293
- OBJ (new importer): Fixed wrong sharp edges in some cases. #97820
- OBJ (new importer): Got an option to import vertex groups. #98874
- OBJ (new importer): Ignore face normal indices if no normals are present. #98782
- OBJ (new importer): Use filename as the default object name. 581604d17a
- Outliner Unlink material in Blender File mode crashes. #98753
- PBVH_GRIDS ignores face smooth flag on first gpu build. #98886
- PyAPI: Expose event.type_prev, value_prev. #99102
- Remesh modifier frees sculpt masking attributes. #99209
- Remove unused BRUSH_PAINT icon definition. #98565
- Sculpt: Fix backwards normals in PBVH_GRIDS raycasting. e0dd51fc14
- Touch typing in text fields results in dropped key presses. #99027
- Unable to select mask points in clip editor. #98765
- Video sequencer screen corruption occurs when resizing. #98620
- Wrong anchored mode test for smear brush. #99231