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CCTA 2019: Hong Kong, SAR, China
- 2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, CCTA 2019, Hong Kong, SAR, China, August 19-21, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-2767-5
- Yunus Emre Sahin, Zexiang Liu, Kwesi J. Rutledge, Dimitra Panagou, Sze Zheng Yong, Necmiye Ozay
Intention-Aware Supervisory Control with Driving Safety Applications. 1-8 - Mattia Bruschetta
, Enrico Picotti
, Enrico Mion, Yutao Chen, Alessandro Beghi, Diego Minen:
A Nonlinear Model Predictive Control based Virtual Driver for high performance driving. 9-14 - Mingcong Cao, Jinxiang Wang, Rongrong Wang, Junmin Wang, Nan Chen:
Cascaded Velocity Estimation with Adaptive Complementary Filtering: Implementation on a FIAIWM EGV. 15-20 - Uros Kalabic, Stefano Di Cairano:
Smooth Transitions in Shared Control Using Constraint-Admissible Sets. 21-26 - Farzana Rahman, Jay A. Farrell:
Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed (ECEF) Vehicle State Estimation Performance. 27-32 - Liuhui Zhao, A. M. Ishtiaque Mahbub
, Andreas A. Malikopoulos
Optimal Vehicle Dynamics and Powertrain Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles. 33-38 - Junn Yong Loo
, Kah Chun Kong, Chee Pin Tan, Surya Girinatha Nurzaman
Non-linear System Identification and State Estimation in a Pneumatic Based Soft Continuum Robot. 39-46 - Mohammad Billah, Jay A. Farrell:
Real-time Time-varying Surface Reconstruction and Edge Point Extraction for Bucket Wheel Reclaimers. 47-52 - Jeff Hammer, Chong Xu:
Dynamic Inversion Based Navigation Algorithm for Furrow-Traversing Autonomous Crop Rover. 53-58 - Koji Shibata, Kenichiro Nonaka
, Kazuma Sekiguchi:
Model Predictive Obstacle Avoidance Control Suppressing Expectation of Relative Velocity against Obstacles. 59-64 - Zachariah E. Fuchs, Pavlos Androulakakis:
Optimal Turn-Constrained Intercept Strategies from the Target's Turn Circle. 65-72 - Mengxue Hou, Qiuyang Tao, Paul Varnell, Fumin Zhang
Modeling Pointing Tasks in Human-Blimp Interactions. 73-78 - Sung Wook Paek
, Sangtae Kim, Christober Vinoth Raj Rayappan:
Impact of Battery Degradation on Lifetime Ranges of Electric Aircraft and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. 79-85 - Ahmad Nikoobakht, Jamshid Aghaei
, Mohamed Lotfi
, Gerardo J. Osório
, Miadreza Shafie-khah, João P. S. Catalão
Co-optimization of Transmission Switching and Variable Reactance Devices Control under Worst-Case Wind Uncertainty. 86-91 - Kasra Koorehdavoudi, Sandip Roy, Thibault Prevost, Florent Xavier
, Patrick Panciatici, Vaithianathan Mani Venkatasubramanian:
Input-Output Properties of the Power Grid's Swing Dynamics: Dependence on Network Parameters. 92-97 - Mohammad Ali Abooshahab, Morten Hovd
, Robert R. Bitmead:
Disturbance and State Estimation in Partially Known Power Networks. 98-105 - Kaarthik Sundar, Anatoly Zlotnik:
Dynamic State and Parameter Estimation for Natural Gas Networks using Real Pipeline. 106-111 - Hafez Sarkawi
, Yoshito Ohta:
The DC-DC Zeta Converter Hybrid Control Operating in Discontinuous Conduction Mode. 112-117 - Mariam Elnour, Nader Meskin, Mohammed Al-Naemi:
Sensor Fault Diagnosis of Multi-Zone HVAC Systems Using Auto-Associative Neural Network. 118-123 - Tian Liu, Yuxia Sheng, Li Chai, Jingxin Zhang
No-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Algorithm Based on Features on DCT Domain. 124-129 - Joe Deese, Chris Vermillion:
Recursive Gaussian Process-based Adaptive Control: Theoretical Framework and Application to an Airborne Wind Energy System. 130-135 - Zilong Zhao, Sophie Cerf, Bogdan Robu, Nicolas Marchand:
Feedback Control for Online Training of Neural Networks. 136-141 - Begum Taskazan, Jared Miller
, Uduak Inyang-Udoh, Octavia I. Camps, Mario Sznaier:
Domain Adaptation Based Fault Detection in Label Imbalanced Cyberphysical Systems. 142-147 - Haifeng Niu, Avimanyu Sahoo, Chandreyee Bhowmick, Sarangapani Jagannathan:
Attack Detection in Linear Networked Control Systems by Using Learning Methodology. 148-153 - Zengming Yu, Fei Chen, Weiyao Lan:
Regional consensus for non-ANCBC systems with input saturation. 154-159 - Raheel Anjum, Ahmed Yar, Samiur Rahman Shah, Qadeer Ahmed, Aamer I. Bhatti:
Observer Based Robust Control Design for Mitigation of Cyclic Torque Imbalance in Gasoline Engines. 160-165 - Yanwei Huo, Yu Zhao, Zhisheng Duan:
Distributed adaptive disturbance rejection control for general linear multi-agent systems. 160-165 - Yunhan Li, Chunyan Wang, Jianan Wang, Zhou Gu
, Jiayuan Shan, Zhuoyue Song:
Full-order sliding mode control for finite-time attitude synchronization of rigid spacecraft with input delay. 166-171 - Zizhen Wu, Bin Cheng, Zhongkui Li:
Fully Distributed Event-Based Protocols for Lipschitz Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems. 172-177 - Peijun Wang, Wenwu Yu, Guanghui Wen:
Distributed algorithm for solving linear algebraic equations: An implicit gradient neural network approach. 178-183 - Zhenhong Guo, Jie Mei
, Guangfu Ma:
Consensus of Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems with Uncertainties Using Only Position Measurements under a Directed Graph. 184-188 - Agustín Gabriel Yabo
, Bogdan Robu, Olivier Richard
, Bruno Bzeznik, Éric Rutten:
A control-theory approach for cluster autonomic management: maximizing usage while avoiding overload. 189-195 - Abidemi Ajiborisha, Paul A. Trodden:
Model Predictive Load Frequency Control of a Deregulated Power System with Battery Energy Storage. 196-202 - Alexander Lamprecht, Dennis Steffen, Jens Haecker, Knut Graichen
Optimal Control Based Reference Generation for Model Predictive Motion Cueing Algorithms. 203-208 - Mohammadreza Rostam, Ryozo Nagamune, Vladimir Grebenyuk:
Analysis of economic model predictive control parameters selection in an integrated solar thermal system. 209-214 - Ilham Naharudinsyah
, Takayuki Ishizaki, Takahiro Kawaguchi, Jun-ichi Imura
Model Predictive Control Based Data-Driven Retrofit Controller for Network Systems. 215-220 - Simon Densborn, Oliver Sawodny:
Closed-Form Solution for the Eigenmodes of Euler-Bernoulli Beams in Pinned-Pinned-Free Configuration. 221-226 - M. Bulut Coskun, Marzieh Baan, Afshin Alipour
, S. O. Reza Moheimani
Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of a Piezoelectric AFM Cantilever Array. 227-232 - Likang Feng, Weihai Zhang:
Tracking Control with Zero Steady-state Error for the Discrete-time Mass-Spring-Damper System. 233-238 - Teerawat Sangpet, Pitcha Khamsuwan, Suwat Kuntanapreeda:
Twisting Algorithm with Integral Sliding Surface for Positioning of Single-rod Electrohydraulic Actuator: an LMI approach. 239-244 - Ziv Brand, Matthew O. T. Cole:
Results on Active Damping Control of a Thin-Walled Rotating Cylinder with Piezoelectric Patch Actuation and Sensing. 245-251 - Tuan Dat Hoang, Amritam Das
, Sjirk H. Koekebakker, Siep Weiland:
Sensorless Field-Oriented Estimation of Hybrid Stepper Motors in High-Performance Paper Handling. 252-257 - Adrian Gambier
, Fanzhong Meng
Control System Design for a 20 MW Reference Wind Turbine. 258-263 - Shamir Bin-Karim, Michael Muglia
, Christopher Vermillion:
Centralized Position optimization of Multiple Agents in Spatiotemporally-Varying Environment: a Case Study with Relocatable Energy-Harvesting Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in the Gulf Stream. 264-269 - Anantha Karthikeyan, Mirko Previsic, Jeffrey T. Scruggs, A. Chertok:
Non-linear Model Predictive Control of Wave Energy Converters with Realistic Power Take-off Configurations and Loss Model. 270-277 - Aldo-Jonathan Muñoz-Vázquez
, Gerardo Romero-Galván
, Carlos Alberto Anguiano-Gijón
, Vicente Parra-Vega
, Anand Sánchez-Orta
Fractional Sliding Mode Control of Wind Turbines. 278-283 - Bart M. Doekemeijer, Daan C. van der Hoek
, Jan-Willem van Wingerden:
Model-based closed-loop wind farm control for power maximization using Bayesian optimization: a large eddy simulation study. 284-289 - Sina Ameli
, Mohammad Javad Morshed, Afef Fekih
Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Design for the Pitch Control of a Variable Speed Wind Turbine. 290-295 - Ryan Self, Michael Harlan, Rushikesh Kamalapurkar:
Online inverse reinforcement learning for nonlinear systems. 296-301 - Teng Long, Xiaoteng Ma
, Qing-Shan Jia
Bi-level Proximal Policy optimization for Stochastic Coordination of EV Charging Load with Uncertain Wind Power. 302-307 - Yoshio Tange, Satoshi Kiryu, Tetsuro Matsui:
Model Predictive Control Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning Method with Discrete-Valued Input. 308-313 - Peng Zhang, Jie Zhang, Bingzhang Hu, Yang Long:
Optimization control of a fed-batch process using an improved reinforcement learning algorithm. 314-319 - Tae-Ho Oh, Tae-Il Kim, Ji-Seok Han, Young-Seok Kim, Ji-Hyung Lee, Sang-Oh Kim, Sang-Sub Lee, Sang-Hoon Lee, Dong-Il Dan Cho:
Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient-based Parameter Selection Method of Notch Filters for Suppressing Mechanical Resonance in Industrial Servo Systems. 320-324 - Kumiko Tadano, Yoshiharu Maeno:
Scalable control system for dense transfer vehicles in flexible manufacturing. 325-331 - Fengchen Wang, Yan Chen:
Energy-Efficient Flocking Control: A Distributed Least-Informed Method. 332-337 - Robert Maniarski
, Kamil Klimkowicz
, Wojciech Paszke, Eric Rogers:
Repetitive process stability theory applied to the design of distributed controllers for spatially interconnected systems. 338-343 - Huidi Jiang, Hongwei Zhang:
Output sign-consensus of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems. 344-348 - Yuan Wang, Hideaki Ishii:
A Distributed Model Predictive Scheme for Resilient Consensus with Input Constraints. 349-354 - Konstantin S. Amelin, Natalia O. Amelina, Oleg N. Granichin, Olga Granichina, Yury Ivanskiy:
Synchronization of Multi-Agent System of "Feathers" on the Surface of the Wing in a Turbulent Airflow. 355-359 - Sebastian Stemmler
, Muzaffer Ay
, Marko Vukovic, Dirk Abel, Julian Heinisch, Christian Hopmann:
Cross-phase Model-based Predictive Cavity Pressure Control in Injection Molding. 360-367 - Krisztian Mark Balla
, Tom Nørgaard Jensen, Jan Dimon Bendtsen
, Carsten Skovmose Kallesøe:
Model Predictive Control using linearized Radial Basis Function Neural Models for Water Distribution Networks. 368-373 - Liren Yang
, Amey Katnik, Necmiye Ozay
Quickly Finding Recursively Feasible Solutions for MPC with Discrete Variables. 374-381 - Saad Iftikhar, Omar J. Faqir, Eric C. Kemgan:
Nonlinear model predictive control of an overhead laboratory-scale gantry crane with obstacle avoidance. 382-387 - Meng Yuan
, Chris Manzie, Lu Gan, Malcolm C. Good, Iman Shames:
Modelling and Contouring Error Bounded Control of a Biaxial Industrial Gantry Machine. 388-393 - Gianfranco Gagliardi, Francesco Tedesco
, Alessandro Casavola:
Contactless Automotive Turbocharger Speed Estimation via Acoustic Measurements. 394-399 - Shen Qu, Tianyi He, Guoming G. Zhu:
LPV Modeling and Switched Control for EGR Valves with Dry Friction. 400-405 - Michael Pamminger, Carrie M. Hall
, Buyu Wang
, Thomas Wallner, Raj Kumar:
A framework for heat release predictions in compression ignition engines with multiple injection events : IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications. 406-411 - Bryan P. Maldonado
, Charles E. Solbrig, Anna G. Stefanopoulou
Feasibility and Calibration Considerations for Selection of Combustion Control Features. 412-417 - Zhao Ding, Li Chen, Dongxiao Miao:
Internal Model Control for Robust Engagement of Clutches. 418-423 - Alessandro Beghi, Michele Lionello, Mirco Rampazzo:
Efficient Operation of Indirect Evaporative Data Center Cooling Systems via Newton-Like Extremum-Seeking Control. 424-429 - Addison Schwamb, Lynnae Frisco, Pavlos Androulakakis, Samuel Susanto, Zachariah E. Fuchs:
Implementation of an Open-Loop Turn Circle Intercept Controller. 430-436 - Jonathan Emery
, Patrik Andersson, Federico Roncarolo, Yann Thoma
A low fluctuation control strategy for PMSM direct drive system targeting Particle Beam Instrumentation Application. 437-443 - Joseph Poverelli, Forrest Brewer
Direct ΣΔ Bitstream Processing for High Performance Feedback Control. 444-449 - Jan Bendtsen
, Fukiko Kawai:
Internal Stability of Disturbance Feedback Control loops. 450-455 - Jianwei Sun, Rajan Gill:
Vehicle Platoon Control with Virtual Path Constraints. 456-461 - Martin Kupper, Andreas Creutz, Oliver Stark, Stefan Krebs, Sören Hohmann:
Current and State of Charge Estimation of Lithium-Ion Battery Packs Using Distributed Fractional Extended Kalman Filters. 462-469 - Pornpimon Chayratsami, Gregory L. Plett
Hysteresis Modeling of Lithium-Silicon Half Cells Using Krasnosel'skii-Pokrovskii Model. 470-475 - Moinak Pyne, Benjamin J. Yurkovich, Stephen Yurkovich:
Generation of Synthetic Battery Data with Capacity Variation. 476-480 - Pedro Ascencio, Kirk Smith
, David A. Howey, Charles W. Monroe
Augmented State Observer for Simultaneous Estimation of Charge State and Crossover in Self-Discharging Disproportionation Redox Flow Batteries. 481-486 - Kushagra Upreti, Isaiah Oyewole, Xianke Lin, Youngki Kim:
On Simplification of a Solid-State Battery Model for State Estimation. 487-492 - Sung Wook Paek
, Christober Vinoth Raj Rayappan, Sangtae Kim:
Two/Three-dimensional Battery Pack Topologies and Their Internal Short Circuit Detectability. 493-498 - Kurt E. Häggblom:
Experiment Designs to Minimize Input Peak and Crest Factor in MIMO System Identification. 499-504 - Julian Berberich
, Mario Sznaier, Frank Allgöwer
Signal Estimation and System Identification With Nonlinear Dynamic Sensors. 505-510 - Wei Chai, Longhang Guo, Xuemeng Li, Jian Tang:
Interval Prediction of Effluent TP for Wastewater Treatment Plants. 511-516 - Bowen Yi
, Slobodan N. Vukosavic
, Romeo Ortega, Aleksandar M. Stankovic
, Weidong Zhang:
A Frequency Domain Interpretation of Signal Injection Methods for Salient PMSMs. 517-522 - Patrick Schrangl, Laura Giarré, Florian Reiterer, Luigi del Re:
Online k-step PNARX identification for nonlinear engine systems. 523-528 - Min Xiao, Binbin Tao, Wei Xing Zheng:
PID Control of Hopf Bifurcation of Delayed Small-World Networks with Fractional-Order Dynamics. 529-534 - Edmond A. Jonckheere, Eugenio Grippo, Reza Banirazi:
Curvature, Entropy, Congestion Management and the Power Grid. 535-542 - Ke Ma, Peng Wang, Thiagarajan Ramachandran
, Jianming Lian
, Donald J. Hammerstrom
Optimal Iterative Method for Network Utility Maximization with Intertemporal Dynamic Constraints. 543-548 - Bo Liu, Jiahui Bai, Ningsheng Xu, Hong Shi:
Group Synchronization of Nonlinear Complex Dynamical Networks with Time-Delay and Sampled-Data. 549-554 - Hongwei Chen, Bo Shen, Nan Li:
Synchronization of Interconnected Boolean Networks With Stochastic Function Perturbations*. 555-560 - Jiarui Li
, Yugang Niu, Yuanyuan Zou:
Sliding Mode Control for Networked Control System Under Fading Channels. 561-566 - Xun Gong, Hao Wang, Mohammad Reza Amini
, Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
, Jing Sun
Integrated optimization of Power Split, Engine Thermal Management, and Cabin Heating for Hybrid Electric Vehicles. 567-572 - Hao Wang, Yan Meng, Quansheng Zhang, Mohammad Reza Amini
, Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
, Jing Sun
, Mark Jennings:
MPC-based Precision Cooling Strategy (PCS) for Efficient Thermal Management of Automotive Air Conditioning System. 573-578 - Stefan Schaut, Frank Hepperle, Oliver Sawodny:
Intelligent Air Conditioning System Activation in Passenger Cars with Electrified Powertrains. 579-584 - Zhaojian Li, Tianshu Chu, Uros Kalabic:
Dynamics-Enabled Safe Deep Reinforcement Learning: Case Study on Active Suspension Control. 585-591 - Guihai Luo, Daniel Görges
Modeling and Adaptive Robust Force Control of a Pump-Controlled Electro-Hydraulic Actuator for an Active Suspension System. 592-597 - Hjørdis Amanda Schlüter
, Dimitri Boiroux
, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen
, Henrik Madsen
, John Bagterp Jørgensen
Economic Model Predictive Control for Energy Systems in Smart Homes. 598-604 - Mohammad Khosravi
, Annika Eichler, Ahmed Aboudonia
, Roger Buck, Roy S. Smith
Data-Driven Predictive Control of Buildings; A Regression Based Approach. 605-610 - Joakim Børlum Petersen, Jan Dimon Bendtsen
, Jakob Stoustrup
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Energy Efficient Cooling in Shopping Center HVAC. 611-616 - Mohammad Ostadijafari, Anamika Dubey
Linear Model-Predictive Controller (LMPC) for Building's Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System. 617-623 - Veronica Adetola, Fu Lin, Shui Yuan, Hayden Reeve:
Ramping Services from Grid-interactive Buildings. 624-629 - Masaya Tanemura, Shun-ichi Azuma:
Closed-Loop Data-Driven Estimation on Passivity Property. 630-634 - Takumi Namba, Shunya Yamashita, Takeshi Hatanaka, Kiyotsugu Takaba:
Distributed Microgrid Management Using Passivity-based Generalized Primal-Dual Dynamics. 635-642 - Kenta Hanada, Takayuki Wada, Izumi Masubuchi
, Toru Asai, Yasumasa Fujisaki:
A Time Averaging Algorithm for Load Balancing in Distributed Power Dispatch. 643-648 - Bo Tu, Takayuki Ishizaki, Jun-ichi Imura
A Stochastic-Programming-Based Coupled Constraint Equilibrium Problem Under PV Uncertainty in Day-Ahead Energy Market. 649-654 - Carsten Skovmose Kallesøe, Brian Kongsgaard Nielsen, Anders Overgaard, Erik Baasch Sørensen:
A Distributed Algorithm for Auto-Balancing of Hydronic Cooling Systems. 655-660 - Dominik Schubert
, Felix Gärner, Simon Hecker
, Stefan Sentpali
, Martin Buss:
Extending a Combination of Map-based and Adaptive Feedforward Control Algorithms for Active Noise Cancellation. 661-666 - Jing Zhu, Yijing Hou:
Online ADP-based Optimal Control of Nonlinear Time-delay Systems. 667-672 - Andrei Battistel
, Tiago Roux Oliveira
, Victor Hugo Pereira Rodrigues
, Leonid M. Fridman:
Multivariable Generalization of BMRAC Algorithm by means of Global HOSM Differentiators with Dynamic Gains. 673-678 - Thomas Gellrich
, Xiaoci Zhang, Stefan Schwab
, Sören Hohmann:
Nonlinear Model Identification Adaptive Heater Control Design for Loop Heat Pipes. 679-684 - Hannes Wind, Luis Jenisch, Anton Renner, Frank A. Bender, Oliver Sawodny:
Design of an Adaptive Velocity Controller for a Hydraulic Mini Excavator using a Moving-Horizon-Estimator. 685-690 - Tianliang Zhang, Feiqi Deng
, Weihai Zhang:
H_index for linear Markov jump continous stochastic systems. 691-696 - Xiaohua Liu, Xueyan Zhao
, Feiqi Deng
, Wenhua Gao
Almost sure exponential stability of time-varying linear stochastic Markovian jump systems. 697-699 - Linna Liu, Feiqi Deng
Exponential stability of neural stochastic Hopfield neural networks with time varying delays. 700-705 - Chandreyee Bhowmick, Sarangapani Jagannathan:
Detection of Sensor Attacks in Uncertain Stochastic Linear Systems. 706-711 - Cesar Santoyo, Maxence Dutreix, Samuel Coogan
Verification and Control for Finite-Time Safety of Stochastic Systems via Barrier Functions. 712-717 - Mali Xing, Feiqi Deng
Almost Sure Asymptotic Stability of Time-variant Stochastic Systems with Time-delay. 718-723 - Mohammad Reza Amini
, Yiheng Feng
, Hao Wang, Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
, Jing Sun
Thermal Responses of Connected HEVs Engine and Aftertreatment Systems to Eco-Driving. 724-729 - Jingxuan Liu, Bibin Pattel, Akash S. Desai, Edmund Hodzen, Hoseinali Borhan:
Fuel Efficient Control Algorithms for Connected and Automated Line-Haul Trucks. 730-737 - Hadi Abbas, Youngki Kim, Jason B. Siegel
, Denise M. Rizzo:
Sensitivity of Energy-Efficient Driving to Motor Efficiency for EVs. 738-743 - Hafiz Muhammad Yasir Naeem
, Aamer Iqbal Bhatti, Yasir Awais Butt, Qadeer Ahmed:
Velocity Profile optimization of an Electric Vehicle (EV) with Battery Constraint Using Pontryagin's Minimum Principle (PMP). 750-755 - Ching-Yu Lin
, Feng-Li Lian:
A Vehicle Localization System Using Visual Road Features from Monocular Camera. 756-761 - Binbin Li, Lei Ma, Deqing Huang, Xiaotong Sun, Tianlong Hou:
Designing, Modeling, and Control Allocation Strategy of a Novel Omnidirectional Aerial Robot. 762-767 - Michael Schwung, Daniel Vey, Jan Lunze:
Quadrotor Tracking Control: Design and Experiments. 768-775 - Thomas Konrad
, Tobias Kamp, Dirk Abel:
Indoor State Estimation for Multirotors using a Loosely-Coupled Integration of Inertial Navigation. 776-782 - Zhewen Xing, Youmin Zhang
, Chun-Yi Su, Yaohong Qu, Ziquan Yu
Kalman Filter-based Wind Estimation for Forest Fire Monitoring with a Quadrotor UAV. 783-788 - Tianyi He
, Guoming G. Zhu, Sean Shan-Min Swei, Weihua Su:
Optimal Sensor Placement for Vibration Control of a Flexible Aircraft Wing. 789-794 - P. Promod, Arnab Maity, Haichao Hong
, Matthias Bittner, Florian Holzapfel:
Aerobatic Aircraft Guidance Design for Air-Race Scenario. 795-800 - Yutaka Yamamoto:
Collaboration with Industry in Realizing Sound-Processing Patents. 801-802 - Masaaki Nagahara:
A Research Project of Society 5.0 in Kitakyushu, Japan. 803-804 - Nacim Meslem, John J. Martinez:
Reachability-Based Method for Control Performance Analysis. 805-810 - Yogesh V. Hote:
PD Controller Design for Perturbed Servo Systems. 811-815 - Akira Yanou:
A Study on Self-Tuning PID Control by Smart Strong Stability System. 816-821 - Moad Kissai, Bruno Monsuez, Didier Martinez, Xavier Mouton, Adriana Tapus:
Robust Control for Over-Actuated Vehicles*. 822-829 - Avinash Kumar, Tushar Jain:
Suboptimal Control of Linear Systems with Bounded Disturbances using Krotov sufficient Conditions. 830-834 - Bahram Shafai, Sam Nazari, Anahita Moradmand
A Direct Algebraic Approach to Design State Feedback and Observers for Singular Systems. 835-842 - Ferdie F. H. Reijnen
, J. J. Verbakel, Joanna M. van de Mortel-Fronczak, Jacobus E. Rooda:
Hardware-in-the-loop Set-up for Supervisory Controllers with an Application: the Prinses Marijke Complex. 843-850 - Fei Gao, Yanwen Li
, Siyang Gao, Hui Xiao:
Selecting an Optimal Subset with Regression Metamodels*. 851-855 - Li Xia, Zhen Yang:
A New Method for Mean-Variance Optimization of Stochastic Dynamic Systems. 856-859 - Pengyu Zeng
, Feiqi Deng
Event-triggered H∞ control for network-based uncertain stochastic linear systems. 860-865 - Kai Zhang, Bin Zhou:
Parametric Lyapunov Equation Based Event-Triggered and Self-Triggered Control of Discrete-Time Linear Systems. 866-869 - Meng-Hao Chou, Ching-Chi Huang, Yi-Lin Liu, Huang-Chih Chen, Li-Chen Fu:
Novel Micro Scanning with Integrated Atomic Force Microscope and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope. 870-875 - Rohit Konda, Eric Squires, Pietro Pierpaoli, Magnus Egerstedt, Samuel Coogan
Provably-Safe Autonomous Navigation of Traffic Circles. 876-881 - Liuhui Zhao, Andreas A. Malikopoulos
, Jackeline Rios-Torres:
On the Traffic Impacts of Optimally Controlled Connected and Automated Vehicles. 882-887 - Behdad Chalaki
, Andreas A. Malikopoulos
An Optimal Coordination Framework for Connected and Automated Vehicles in two Interconnected Intersections. 888-893 - Dantong Ge, Ufuk Topcu
Hierarchical Path Planning for Urban On-Demand Air Mobility. 894-899 - Rizqi Ardhi, M. Raka Febsya, Augie Widyotriatmo, Yul Y. Nazaruddin:
Backward Motion Path Following Control of Autonomous Truck-Trailer: Lyapunov Stability Approach. 900-905 - Clemens Ornetzeder, Florian Reiterer, Merete Bechmann Christensen, Kirsten Nørgaard
, Guido Freckmann
, Luigi del Re:
Feasibility of Fully Closed Loop Insulin Delivery in Type 2 Diabetes. 906-913 - Tinna B. Aradóttir, Dimitri Boiroux
, Henrik Bengtsson, John Bagterp Jørgensen
, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen
Model predictive control with sub-frequency actuation for long acting insulin treatment in type 2 diabetes. 914-919 - Tobias K. S. Ritschel
, Dimitri Boiroux
, Marcus Krogh Nielsen, Jakob Kjøbsted Huusom
, Sten Bay Jørgensen
, John Bagterp Jørgensen
The Extended Kalman Filter for Nonlinear State Estimation in a U-loop Bioreactor. 920-925 - Maike Ketelhut, Fabian Göll
, Bjoern Braunstein
, Kirsten Albracht
, Dirk Abel:
Iterative Learning Control of an Industrial Robot for Neuromuscular Training. 926-932 - Tobias K. S. Ritschel
, Dimitri Boiroux
, Marcus Krogh Nielsen, Jakob Kjøbsted Huusom
, Sten Bay Jørgensen
, John Bagterp Jørgensen
Economic Optimal Control of a U-loop Bioreactor using Simultaneous Collocation-based Approaches. 933-938 - Jiayi Fang, Kang-Zhi Liu
, Pan Yu, Makoto Yokoyama, Min Wu:
A Phase-Shaping Method for the Control of Pantograph-Catenary System of High-Speed Trains. 939-941 - Jinhua She, Mingyuan Xie
, Dan-Yun Li, Min Wu, Zhentao Liu, Wen-Nong Zhang:
A VFF-RLS Method of Inertia Identification for PMSM. 942-943 - Luefeng Chen, Min Wu, Weihua Cao, Xin Chen:
Design of An Intelligent Control System for the Drilling Process. 944-945 - Yuta Nakao, Kenta Koiwa, Kenji Natori, Kang-Zhi Liu, Yukihiko Sato:
A Fundamental Study on LCLCL Filters for Grid-connected inverters. 946-947 - Ze Yan
, Xuzhi Lai, Qingxin Meng
, Yawu Wang
, Min Wu:
Active vibration suppression approach of flexible joint manipulator with dead zone and unmodeled dynamics*. 948-949 - Toru Kuribayashi, Tadanao Zanma
, Kenta Koiwa, Kang-Zhi Liu
Online Sensor Transmission Scheduling of Networked Control Systems. 950-951 - Qi Lei, Ting Li:
Selective Affinity Propagation Ensemble Clustering. 952-957 - Yen-Cheng Huang, Jui-Ting Shen, Ming-Li Chiang, Yu-Wen Chen
, Tuan Lian Chua, Li-Chen Fu:
Dual Null-Space Based Controller Design with Signal Compensation for Formation with Conflicted Tasks. 958-963 - Matthew O. T. Cole, Pongsiri Kuresangsai
Convolution-Based Input Shaping for Finite-Time Settling in Non-LTI Systems: An LTV Approach. 964-969 - Sachit Rao
Design of Terminal Sliding Modes in the presence of Control Bounds*. 970-975 - Jared Miller
, Bahram Shafai:
A Model of Heave Dynamics for Bagged Air Cushioned Vehicles. 976-981 - Muhammed Mangera
, Aarti Panday
, Jimoh O. Pedro:
GA-Based Nonlinear Pseudo-Derivative Feedback Control of a High-Speed, Supertall Building Elevator. 982-987 - Sam Nazari, Bahram Shafai, Anahita Moradmand
Robust Intrusion Detection in Dynamic Networks. 988-993 - Ásgeir Daniel Hallgrímsson, Hans Henrik Niemann
, Morten Lind
Autoencoder Based Residual Generation for Fault Detection of Quadruple Tank System. 994-999 - Shahram Hajshirmohamadi, Farid Sheikholeslam, Nader Meskin:
Actuator Fault Estimation for Multi-agent Systems: A Sliding-mode Observer-based Approach. 1000-1005 - Yanzheng Zhu, Wei Xing Zheng:
Fault Estimation for Discrete-Time Switched Linear Parameter Varying Systems: An Input-to-State Stability Approach. 1006-1011 - Sönke Meynen, Sören Hohmann, Dirk Feßler:
Early Detection of Incipient Faults in Nonlinear Systems Based on State-Set Observation. 1012-1017 - Mohammad Reza Davoodi, Mohammed Chadli, Nader Meskin, Javad Mohammadpour Velni:
Finite Frequency Fault Diagnosis for Heterogeneous Multi-agent LPV Systems. 1018-1023 - Steen Hørsholt
, Kent Johansen, Allan P. Engsig-Karup
, Hamidreza M. Nick
, John Bagterp Jørgensen
Oil production optimization of the SOLSORT reservoir. 1024-1029 - Alexander Hørsholt, Lasse Hjuler Christiansen, Tobias Kasper Skovborg Ritschel
, Kristian Meyer, Jakob Kjøbsted Huusom
, John Bagterp Jørgensen
State and Input Estimation of Nonlinear Chromatographic Processes. 1030-1035 - Robert Miklos
, Lars Norbert Petersen, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen
, Christer Utzen, John Bagterp Jørgensen
, Hans Henrik Niemann
Control-oriented greybox noise structure of multi-stage spray dryers for data-driven tuning of kalman filter. 1036-1042 - Anders Overgaard, Brian Kongsgaard Nielsen, Carsten Skovmose Kallesøe, Jan Dimon Bendtsen
Reinforcement Learning for Mixing Loop Control with Flow Variable Eligibility Trace. 1043-1048 - Riccardo Lucchese, Andreas Johansson:
On server cooling policies for heat recovery: exhaust air properties of an Open Compute Windmill V2 platform. 1049-1055 - Shivam Jain, Yogesh V. Hote:
Reduced order approximation of incommensurate fractional order systems. 1056-1061 - I. G. N. A. Indra Mandala, Franky, Yul Y. Nazaruddin:
Optimization of Two Degree of Freedom PID Controller for Quadrotor with Stochastic Fractal Search Algorithm. 1062-1067 - Zexi Lu, Dan Ma, Juan Wang:
Delay Robustness of Second-Order Uncertain Nonlinear Delay Systems under PID Control*. 1068-1073 - Yijun Feng
, Wanchun Chen, Liang Yang, Donghui Wei:
An Optimal Terrain Following Trajectory Online Regeneration Method. 1074-1080 - Haavard Holta, Ole Morten Aamo:
A Least-Squares Scheme Utilizing Fast Propagating Shock Waves for Early Kick Estimation in Drilling. 1081-1086 - Lindokuhle J. Mpanza, Jimoh O. Pedro:
Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms for Sliding Mode Control Parameters Tuning for Autonomous Quadrotor. 1087-1092

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