Curtin University, Perth
School of Psychology
Purpose. Research has demonstrated that certain relational biases exist within perceptions of stalking. One such bias concerns the perception that ex-partner stalkers are less dangerous than those who target strangers or acquaintances... more
Purpose. To assess the match between anti-stalking legislation and participants' own opinions of what constitutes stalking, and to test the ability of lay persons to interpret anti-stalking statutes.
This paper presents results from the first survey of stalking victims to be conducted in the United Kingdom. In depth questionnaire data are drawn on to investigate the course and nature of prolonged stalking in 95 selfdefined victims.... more
In a stalking scenario, the prior relationship between and the gender of stalker and victim were systematically manipulated in order to judge culpability and consequences for the persons involved. Written vignettes were presented to 168... more
It is known that a major world event caused by one group can influence perceptions of other social groups. The impact of the events of September 11, 2001 on religious and ethnic discrimination in the UK was assessed. Of seven ethnic... more
Very little research exists on false reports of stalking. The current work analyzed questionnaires completed by 357 respondents who presented as stalking victims at antistalking charities in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. After... more
A confederate dressed in either smart or unkempt clothing made 18,000 attempts to cross the road at legally designated crossing points. Consistent with their statutory obligation, drivers were more likely to stop than not stop for the... more
Drug-and nondrug-related acquisitive crime offences such as burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft, were compared to assess whether drug abusers were more likely to be apprehended via forensic science techniques. Data were all... more
Public figures are at relatively high risk of unusual contact initiated by fixated individuals. Prior research on managing the threat presented by public figure stalkers concludes that although direct threats rarely precede attacks, there... more
One in every five women will experience stalking in their lifetime (British Crime Survey, 2009/10). Research suggests the lifetime prevalence rate ranges between 12-32 per cent for among women and 4-17 percent among men (see Dressing,... more
Information on the psychological consequences of stalking on victims is scarce. Research has not reported yet about standardised measures of psychopathology or the impact of specific stalking features on victims' psychopathology. The... more
Purpose. Stalking has given rise to considerable media interest and public concern throughout the 1990s. The England and Wales Protection from Harassment Act 1997 was introduced to legislate against the crime, but failed to de ne it. This... more
This paper introduces the Public Figure Preoccupation Inventory (PFPI), bridging the theoretical and empirical gap between 'everyday' celebrity worship and unhealthy preoccupation with a celebrity or other public figure. In Study 1, 1162... more