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CSE 190D / 291J: Special Topics: Fairness, bias, and transparency in Machine Learning (Winter 2025)

Instructor Julian McAuley
Room Peterson Hall, 108
Days & times 9:30-10:50am, Tuesdays & Thursdays
Office hours posted on Piazza

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This course is devoted to fairness, bias, and transparency in machine learning. After taking this course, you will be able to understand the main sources of bias and unfairness in machine learning systems, and deploy strategies to mitigate these biases. You will also understand the related notions of accountability and transparency in Machine Learning, allowing for the development of systems that are more trustworthy.


module week (approx) slides (w/annotations) workbook
intro and outline
1 1-2 regression and classification (w/ annotations) workbook 1 and datasets
2 3-4 intro to bias and fairness (w/ annotations) workbook 2
3 4-5 fairness and bias interventions (w/ annotations) workbook 3
4 6-7 interpretable and explainable AI (w/ annotations) workbook 4
5 8-9 fairness and bias in application domains (w/ annotations)
10 project presentations? (if time allows)


Homework 50% Assignments 50%
 ├ Homework 1 10%  ├ Assignment 1 25%
 ├ Homework 2 10%  ├ Assignment 2 25%
 ├ Homework 3 10%
 ├ Homework 4 10%
 ├ Homework 5 10%