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Content archived on 2024-05-14

A network of excellence for agent-based computing


"Agentlink" aims to:

- Gain competitive advantage for European industry by raising awareness of agent technology, promoting agent technology transfer from research to industry, focussing agent-related research activities on industrially-relevant issues, and bringing together and focussing European industrial consortia on promising new areas of agent development
- Promote excellence in European agent systems research, by bringing together agent researchers in areas of common interest, promoting cross-fertilisation of research skills, promoting research collaboration on promising areas of European strength, and raising awareness of European agent research activities
- Promote the excellence and relevance of teaching and training in agent-based systems across Europe by organising summer schools to present courses on a range of agent-related issues, disseminating curricula, courses, and teaching materials; and finally
- Provide a pan-European infrastructure for communicating the results of the network and debating relevant issues

Agent technology is a significant area of interest for such application areas as telecommunications, information management and the Internet, electronic commerce and simulation. The successful adoption of agent technology in these areas will have a profound impact both on the competitiveness and viability of European IT industries, and also on the way in which future computer systems will be conceptualised and implemented.

"Agentlink" will be comprised of industrialists working on significant agent development projects across Europe (from such sectors as telecommunications, manufacturing, and new media), and first rate researchers working on the foundations of agent technology. Once established, "Agentlink" will be made open to all European industry and to research sites carrying out research and development activities in the area of agent-based computing. "Agentlink" will be organised into committees to carry out the work packages of the network, and also into special interest groups, focussing on industrial and technological issues that show promise for future application, development, and exploitation.

"Agentlink" will be an open Network of Excellence in the area of agent based computing, an important new area of information technology concerned with the construction of computer systems composed of one or more semi-autonomous computer systems known as agents.

Call for proposal

Data not available


Queen Mary and Westfield College
EU contribution
No data
Mile End Road
E1 4NS London
United Kingdom

See on map

Total cost
No data