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1. (n.) That which, being sewed or otherwise fastened to an edge or border, serves to guard, strengthen, or adorn it

2. (n.) A small cord covered with cloth and sewed on a seam or border to strengthen it; an edge of cloth folded on itself, usually over a cord, and sewed down.

3. (n.) A hem, border, or fringe.

4. (n.) In shoemaking, a narrow strip of leather around a shoe, between the upper leather and sole.

5. (n.) In steam boilers and sheet-iron work, a strip riveted upon the edges of plates that form a butt joint.

6. (n.) In carpentry, a strip of wood fastened over a flush seam or joint, or an angle, to strengthen it.

7. (n.) In machine-made stockings, a strip, or flap, of which the heel is formed.

8. (n.) A narrow border, as of an ordinary, but not extending around the ends.

9. (v. t.) To furnish with a welt; to sew or fasten a welt on; as, to welt a boot or a shoe; to welt a sleeve.

10. (v. t.) To wilt.

abscess aposteme bash bat beading bed sore belt bilge binding birthmark blackhead blain bleb blemish blister blob boil bop bordering bordure boss bow bubble bubo bulb bulge bulla bump bunch bunion burl button cahot canker canker sore carbuncle chancre chancroid check chilblain chine cicatrix clump cold sore comedo condyle convex crack crater craze defacement defect deformation deformity disfiguration disfigurement distortion dowel dress down ear edging eschar fault felon fester festering fever blister fimbria fimbriation fistula flange flap flaw flax flounce freckle frill frilling fringe furbelow furuncle furunculus gall galloon gathering give a dressing-down gnarl gumboil handle hem hemangioma hemorrhoids hickey hide hill hump hunch jog joggle keloid kibe kink knob knot knur knurl larrup lather leather lentigo lesion lick lip list loop lump milium mole motif mountain needle scar nevus nub nubbin nubble paddle papilloma papula papule paronychia parulis peg petechia piles pimple pit pock pockmark polyp port-wine mark port-wine stain pound pustule rib ridge rift ring rising ruffle scab scar scratch sebaceous cyst selvage shoulder skirting smack smash soft chancre sore spine split stigma strawberry mark stud sty style suppuration swelling tab tan track trim trimming tubercle tubercule twist ulcer ulceration valance verruca vesicle wale wallop warp wart weal wen whack whale wheal whelk whelp whitehead whitlow wound


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