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◄ Pediculous ►

(a.) Pedicular.

abashed afflict afflicted aggravate agitated ail annoy annoyed anxious apply pressure assail assault attack badger badgered bait baited barred be at be the matter bedevil bedeviled beleaguer beleaguered besiege besieged blandish blockade blockaded bother bothered bound box in bristle brown off bug bugged bullyrag bullyragged burn up buttonhole cabined cage caged cajole cast down chagrined chamber chapfallen chivied chivy circle cloistered close in closed-in coax compass compel complicate matters concern confined confused contain coop coop in coop up cooped cordon cordon off cordoned cordoned off corral corralled cramped crawl with creep with cribbed devil deviled discomfited discomforted discommode discompose discomposed disconcerted disquieted distemper distress distressed disturb disturbed dog dogged drive dun embarrassed encircle enclose enclosed encompass enshrine envelop environ exasperate exercise exert pressure fall fash fence in fenced fret fretted gem get gird girdle grip gripe grubby harass harassed harried harry haunt haunted heckle heckled hector hectored hedge in hedged hem hem in hemmed hold hound hounded house in hung up hunt ill at ease immured impel importune impound imprison imprisoned incarcerate incarcerated include inconvenience inconvenienced infatuate infest infested invade invest irk irked jail jailed jewel kennel lay siege to leaguer leaguered lousy mew mew up mewed miff molest mortified nag nag at needle needled nettle nipped at not let go nudzh obsess oppress out of countenance overrun overspread overswarm paled pedicular pediculous peeve pen pen in penned pent-up perplex persecute persecuted perturb perturbed pester pestered pick on picked on pique plague plagued pluck the beard ply pocket possess pother preoccupy press pressure provoke pursue push put out put to it put-out put-upon puzzle puzzled quarantine quarantined ragged rail in railed ratty ravage ravaged restrained ride rile ring roil ruffle shrine shut in shut up shut-in soften up sore beset stable storm strike surround swarm swarm with tease teased teeming torment


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