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1. (v. t.) To put garments on; to clothe; to dress; to array; -- opposed to divest. Usually followed by with, sometimes by in; as, to invest one with a robe.

2. (v. t.) To put on.

3. (v. t.) To clothe, as with office or authority; to place in possession of rank, dignity, or estate; to endow; to adorn; to grace; to bedeck; as, to invest with honor or glory; to invest with an estate.

4. (v. t.) To surround, accompany, or attend.

5. (v. t.) To confer; to give.

6. (v. t.) To enclose; to surround of hem in with troops, so as to intercept succors of men and provisions and prevent escape; to lay siege to; as, to invest a town.

7. (v. t.) To lay out (money or capital) in business with the /view of obtaining an income or profit; as, to invest money in bank stock.

8. (v. i.) To make an investment; as, to invest in stocks; -- usually followed by in.

accommodate afford allot anoint apparel arm array attire authorize base bedeck bedrape beleaguer bequeath beset besiege bless with blockade box budget build build in bundle up buy in buy into case chair close clothe clothe with power compass compass about consecrate contribute cost cost out crate crown deck deputize devote dight disburse donate dower drape dress dud embay embosom embox embrace empower enable encapsulate encase encircle enclasp enclose enclothe encompass endow endow with endue enfold enlist enrobe enroll enshroud enthrone envelop environ enwrap establish expend favor with fill fill up financier find fix fork out found fund furnish garb garment give go around go round go through grace with ground habilitate harass harry honor imbue inaugurate incur costs induct ingrain initiate inoculate install instate invest in involve keep lap lay out lay out money lay siege to lay the foundation leaven maintain make an investment make available make provision for muffle up open the purse ordain outlay pack package pay pay out pitch place place in office plant plow back into plunge prepare present provide provide for put put in put out put up rag out raiment recruit reinvest replenish risk robe run through schedule seat set set up settle on settle upon sheathe shell out shroud sign on sign up sink sink money in smother soften up speculate spend splurge squander steep stock store subsidize suffuse supply support surround swaddle swathe swear in throne throw money around tire veil venture vest vest with wrap wrap about wrap up yield


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