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◄ Passion ►

1. (n.) A suffering or enduring of imposed or inflicted pain; any suffering or distress (as, a cardiac passion); specifically, the suffering of Christ between the time of the last supper and his death, esp. in the garden upon the cross.

2. (n.) The state of being acted upon; subjection to an external agent or influence; a passive condition; -- opposed to action.

3. (n.) Capacity of being affected by external agents; susceptibility of impressions from external agents.

4. (n.) The state of the mind when it is powerfully acted upon and influenced by something external to itself; the state of any particular faculty which, under such conditions, becomes extremely sensitive or uncontrollably excited; any emotion or sentiment (specifically, love or anger) in a state of abnormal or controlling activity; an extreme or inordinate desire; also, the capacity or susceptibility of being so affected; as, to be in a passion; the passions of love, hate, jealously, wrath, ambition, avarice, fear, etc.; a passion for war, or for drink; an orator should have passion as well as rhetorical skill.

5. (n.) Disorder of the mind; madness.

6. (n.) Passion week. See Passion week, below.

7. (v. t.) To give a passionate character to.

8. (v. i.) To suffer pain or sorrow; to experience a passion; to be extremely agitated.

Alecto Amor Christian love Eros Megaera Nemesis Platonic love Tisiphone abandon ache aching admiration adoration affect affection affectivity agape agitation agony amorousness amour andromania animation anthem aphrodisia appetence appetency appetite appetition ardency ardor aspiring attachment avidity avidness beloved biological urge blow bluster bodily appetite bodily love brawl broil brotherly love brouhaha bug burning rage cacophony calenture cantata canticle caritas carnal desire cathexis chaos charity choice chorale church music clawing command commitment committedness commotion compulsion conation conatus concern concernment concupiscence conjugal love convulsion coveting cramp craving craze crazy fancy cruciation crucifixion crush curiosity cut decision dedication delirium desideration desire determination devotedness devotion devoutness discretion disposition distress disturbance dolor doxology drive eagerness earnestness ebullition ecstasy embroilment emotion emotional charge emotional shade enthusiasm eromania eroticism eroticomaniac erotism erotomania eruption excitement experience faith faithful love faithfulness fanaticism fancy fantasy fascination feeling feeling tone ferment fervency fervidness fervor feverishness fidelity fieriness fire fire and fury fit flame flap fleshly lust fomentation fondness foofaraw foreboding free choice free love free will free-lovism frenzy fume furious rage furor furor uterinus furore fury fuss glow goatishness gospel gospel music grief gust gusto gut reaction gynecomania heart heartiness heartthrob heat heatedness hell hell upon earth hero hero worship heroine holocaust hope horme horniness horror hot blood hot pants hubbub hurrah hurt hymn hymn-tune hymnody hymnology hysteria idol idolatry idolism idolization impassionedness impression inclination indecency infantile sexuality infatuation injury intellectual curiosity intensity intention intentness interest intoxication introit itch keenness laceration lancination lasciviousness lesion libidinousness libido lickerishness like likes liking liveliness longing love lovemaking loyalty lust lust for learning lustfulness lyricism madness mania manic-depressive psychosis married love martyrdom mass matter of interest mind misery motet nasty blow need nightmare nymphomania objective obsession offertory offertory sentence oratorio orgasm orgy outbreak outburst paean pain pandemonium pang


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