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◄ Desideration ►

(n.) Act of desiderating; also, the thing desired.

address affectation aim at ambition angle animus aspiration aspire aspire after aspire to atmosphere attempt aura azimuth be after be determined bear bearing bend bent butt by-end by-purpose cast character choose complacency concentrate contemplate counsel course covet crave current descant desideration desideratum design desire destination destine determination determine diapason direct direction direction line directionize dispose drift drive at effect end end in view endeavor essay expect feel feeling final cause fix fix on fixed purpose focus function game go go for goal harbor a design have every intention have in view head heading helmsmanship hold a heading hold on idea idol inclination incline intend intendment intent intention labor lay lead level level at lie line line of direction line of march loftiness lugs mannerism mark mean meaning measure melodia melody mind mood motive navigation nisus object object in mind objective orientation ostentation pant piloting plan point point at point to present pretentiousness prey project property proposal propose prospectus purport purpose pursuit quality quarry quarter quintain range reason for being resolution resolve run sake seek self-importance semblance set show sight on steer steerage steering strain strive striving struggle study sweat sweat blood take aim target teleology tend tend to go tendency tenor think track train train upon trend try tune turn turn upon ultimate aim urge vainglory vanity verge view want warble way will wish yearn for


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