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◄ Dedication ►

1. (n.) The act of consecrating to a divine Being, or to a sacred use\, often with religious solemnities; solemn appropriation; as, the dedication of Solomon's temple.

2. (n.) A devoting or setting aside for any particular purpose; as, a dedication of lands to public use.

3. (n.) An address to a patron or friend, prefixed to a book, testifying respect, and often recommending the work to his special protection and favor.

abandon acknowledgments address adherence allegiance altruism ardency ardor assigned task assignment back back matter bastard title beatification beatitude bibliography blessedness blessing bounden duty burden business call of duty canonization catch line catchword charge colophon commitment committedness consecration constancy contents contents page copyright page decidedness decision decisiveness deference definiteness determinateness determination determinedness devoir devotedness devotion devoutness disinterest disinterestedness duties and responsibilities duty earnestness endleaf endpaper endsheet enshrinement errata ethics exaltation faith faithfulness fastness fealty fervency fervidness fervor fidelity fire firmness fixedness flyleaf folio fore edge foreword front matter glorification grace half-title page hallowing head heartiness heat heatedness homage humility impassionedness imperative imprint index inscription intensity intentness introduction justification justification by works leaf line of duty loyalty makeup message mission modesty must obligation obstinacy onus ordainment ordination ought page passion passionateness perseverance persistence place pledge preface preliminaries purification purpose purposefulness recto relentlessness resoluteness resolution resolve resolvedness respect reverso running title sacrifice sainthood sainting sanctification self-abasement self-abnegation self-denial self-devotion self-effacement self-forgetfulness self-immolation self-imposed duty self-neglect self-neglectfulness self-renouncement self-sacrifice self-subjection self-will selflessness seriousness setting apart signature sincerity single-mindedness spirit state of grace staunchness steadfastness subtitle table of contents tail tenacity text title title page total commitment tried-and-trueness triedness trim size trueness type page unacquisitiveness unpossessiveness unselfishness vehemence verso warmth wholeheartedness will zeal


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