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1. (n.pl.) The narrow passage from the mouth to the pharynx, situated between the soft palate and the base of the tongue; -- called also the isthmus of the fauces. On either side of the passage two membranous folds, called the pillars of the fauces, enclose the tonsils.

2. (n.pl.) The throat of a calyx, corolla, etc.

3. (n.pl.) That portion of the interior of a spiral shell which can be seen by looking into the aperture.

4. (n.) Plural of Faux

abysm abyss allay arroyo bar barrier batten blank wall blind alley blind gut block blockade blockage bolt bolt down bottleneck box canyon breach break canyon cavity cecum chap chasm check chimney chink choke choking choking off cleft cleuch clog clough clove cloy col congest congestion constipation costiveness coulee couloir crack cram cranny crevasse crevice crowd cul-de-sac cut cwm dead end defile dell devour dike ditch donga draw drench embolism embolus engorge esophagus excavation fauces fault fill fill up fissure flaw flume fracture furrow gap gape gash gill glut gluttonize gobble goozle gormandize groove gulch gulf gullet gully gulp gulp down guttle guzzle hals hole impasse impediment incision infarct infarction jade jam jam-pack joint kloof leak live to eat moat notch nullah obstacle obstipation obstruction opening overburden overcharge overdose overeat overfeed overfill overgorge overindulge overlade overload oversaturate overstuff overweight pack pall pass passage pharynx raven ravine rent rift rime rupture sate satiate satisfy saturate scissure sealing off seam slake slit slot soak split stall stodge stop stoppage strangulation stuff supercharge supersaturate surcharge surfeit swallow throat trench valley void vomit wadi weasand wizen wolf wolf down


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