is there a more cowardly character is cinematic history than him?
>>205373447I heard Sarah Gadon sleeps with all her co-stars. Is this true?
>>205368335Gronald Plumpf
>>205368979That really pissed me off. What a stupid thoughtless thing to do.
>>205368335> pictured, man who did literally nothing wrong
>>205373447Half of Sarah Gadon's face is more beautiful than most people's whole faces, think about that
Okay but how does this change things for next season?
>>205377383Sage predicted that Homelander would do this. She's just that smart.
>>205376849that already happened Butcher literally ripped her in two, but he's NZ not aus
>>205376839>The president will change again.We'll see.
The Boys will not end with season 5. It will get two more seasons because that bald hack Kripke will not pass up the opportunity for more "GUYS, HOMELANDER IS DONALD TRUMP ALLEGORY! SEE?" faggotry. Season 5 is shooting this month and there is a lot of time for rewrites.
>Builds a protocol droid when he's 8 years old>Makes it extremely gayWhat did Anakin mean by this?
>>205377636I have heard that Lucas did this purely out of spite.George's original idea with Star Wars was it was supposed to be through the eyes of R2 and C3P0.Well one expanded media or some description on an action figure, or something like that it described R2 and C3P0 as being hundreds if not thousands of years old, and having witnessed loads of galactic history.R2 figured out how to avoid memory wipes over the years for himself and started backing up c3P0 and that's how they stayed intact so was really cool and Lucas changing it to something so brutally dumb instead was on of the things that made me hate the prequels even as a 12 year old kid.
>>205377884oh and I got off track explaining it but supposedly Lucas only really shoehorned this bit in because he wanted to take the droids' long history out of canon
>>205374848People thing the same thing about me until I get angry. A lot of people don't realize real men don't need to posture and pretend.
>>205377904I don't blame George for spiting the EU desu. Most of those stories are frankly bad, and people only like them because they have the Star Wars label on them. If they weren't attached to Star Wars people would see them as the trash they are.
>>205377984While do agree the EU was mostly shit even if Disney made a worse version, at the same time doing something just to spite it can lead to ops pic if what the other anons claim is true
>convicted criminal elected into the most powerful position in the world
>>205377666The point of the movie is that dumb people are having shitloads of kids and the pressed & manipulated middle classes are having none. That’s happening across the west and is life for the rest of the world because all those countries are just stupid people
>>205377657committed high treason against his lawful sovereign
>>205377657Anon, you realize he was born British?
camacho wasn't a felon, you just think that because he was black
>>205377733>>205377849Never convicted
They are not getting a younger actress either
>>205374508I love her so much. She always seems to play psychos, but irl she seems chill.
nobody watched orphan 2
>>205378032I did, in theaters even.
>>205378032I did.
>>205374043>she'd have to be jason tire to come backMaybe that's what they'll go with.
It's just getting started
Have a Totally Nice Day everyone
>>205378075T-thank you, doctor Nosemberg. You're my greatest ally.
I can't fucking wait bros.
>>205377600I have never heard of any of them. Post one good song.
>>205377968nice soft and beautiful
>>205378003First song is alright. Second song, no thanks. Rap after the '90s sounds stale and soulless unless it's Atmosphere.
>>205378039Fair. What about this
>>205378046That makes me feel old. Sounds like something I would have been into 25 years ago.
Why was this never brought up again? Clearly he met Cancer Man but they just ignored it.
It seemed to have confused a lot of people but as cool as his backstory episode it was never meant to be taken as accurate since it's intermingled with his own fictonal story he wanted to get published.The timelines of it all don't really make sense and I think the intention was more that you don't know which parts of it are fiction and which aren't.
How does this election affect Hollywood? Will the male gaze return?
>>205377380Asian women have fatter, fuller asses than she does. And that's saying something.
>>205377187that's a man
>>205377359all asses look good bent over
>>205377187were directors tripping over themselves to pander to straight white males between 2016 and 2020? There's your answer.
i thought trump was a christian?
goon edition
>>205377924Stop anon, I'm still tender...
>>205377924whyre u posting star wars hag
I've watched TOS, TNG, and DS9. What next, if anything?
>>205378048If you've come this far you might as well finish the entire oldtrek era with VOY and ENT
well then, south africa it is...
>>205377854is he another leaving the country if Drumpf wins faggots?
>>205377896He said he was going to do it the first time and didn't.
yea come here where the retards vote for the ANC over and over because they give free KFC chicken the day before, great idea
>>205377854Why SA? Why not Nigeria or Somalia?
Outside of Blade Runner, are there any movies that match the style of this?
>>205377722Human revolution is too similar to OG deus ex but with a gay protagonist instead of unforgettable JC denton, it also has annoying ninja try hard animation and a horrible orange piss filter
>>205377683 we ever see level intros like this again?
>>205374733Mankind Divided would have been great if they didn't cut half of it to turn into a sequel that never even got made. It really feels like half a game stretched to full length too.
>>205374741>>205374567Seconding Strange Days.If you're looking specifically for something that feels a little closer to DX:MD's "style", your choices are pretty much that or the total recall remake(which sucks.)Maybe johnny mneumonic if you want something a little more stereotypically cyberpunky, but that's also not a good movie.
huh I guess anime isn't so bad after all
>>205378061I tried watching this like 20 years ago and couldn't get past the looney tunes comedy shuffled into every scene
>>205378079Watch the new version
>>205378096Don't be a fucking retard
>>205378030I don't know. I'm not a weeb. I just watch stuff that looks interesting to me. The (sub)cultural aspects, at a certain level, become noise to me.
>>205378096>Watch the new version
What's your favorite Star Wars film? Mine is Return of the Jedi
I like the entire 1-6 saga. I don't like ranking them against each other. But with a gun to my head, I'd pick Sith. That movie is the culmination of all the build up, and a flawless loop back to the OT.
I don't count the sequels
>>205374651Episode II. It's got such a simple and important political message and yet it either goes over everyone's heads or people who get it hate it because (((it's accurate))).
>>205374651YesI was born in 1999
>>205374651The Endor stuff is ultimately non-essential, but the redwood aesthetic is comfy.Those earlier AI art-makers really glommed onto the comfy aspect pretty hard. Maybe we'll see some more engaging stories set in Not-Endor sooner rather than later.