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Is it good?
I'm intrigued by the concept of emulating a fighting game via dice rolls but I figure it's either going to make for a cool pulpy action game or total dogshit that tries to merge two things which should never touch.
Anyone ever play this? If it's good, I think it would be fun to come up with a campaign based on fighting game tropes.
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mechanics wise?
Wasn't there a cap on stun? It's been a bit since I did a one shot but I swore there was an upper limit on it.
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For your consideration:

shit, instead of "Dojo madness" I meant "Panic at the dojo"
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Back in my day...

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how do you format your campaigns?
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Grim = Everything sucks...
Bright = ...but there's a chance to make it better
This is compared to grimdark, which is "everything sucks, and there's no chance of making things better."
I know where I want my players to start and where I want them to end up. The rest gets filled in as we play.
>inb4 calling me a fag for improv
>Will the characters (...)?
Great campaign, OP
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Nigger that’s an easel
>catfag can't read

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Do your players bow to authority, or automatically resist it out of spite?
I always do the former, to force the rest of my group to play nice.
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Depends on the morality of that authority, doesn't it?
Depends on the game and the authority, but sometimes I think they respect authority a little too much.
>Cyberpunk 2020\Red has an explicit skill for concealing weapons
>Has gear that exists purely for ass wallet reasons
Depends on what we're getting.
A smart authority figure is always offering SOMETHING in exchange for obedience.
Unfortunately most people playing tabletop RPGs are socially miserable people with a load of complexes. I seldom have encountered players that are in a psychologically "normal" state and are able to just enjoy roleplaying in another universe and time. Most players do a combination of self-inserting, power fantasizing, and projecting their personal ideas/problems/insecurities, etc onto the table.
To answer your question: no, because most players want to project these insecurities into the game especially if they are women or Irish.

>Be the hottest human woman in the world
>Still get utterly mogged by an average elf
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>People say you can see Steven Tyler in Liv Tyler's face
they both have giant kissy lips
What kind of name is Magali?
Is this a self-insert?
Objectivly correct reaction
Maybe there is one in Black Speech


>pocket aces
>folds pre-flop
>andy dick flops four of a kind
>bets 10,000 on the nuts on the river

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Anyone know where can i get the rulebook of Cain for free?
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>Send psychics to deal with monsters born from psychics with negative thoughts
>Intentionally give them negative thoughts
Can't tell if this edge or an implied meta-plot. I'm leaning towards it being the latter because the game makes a point of having extremely basic comforts (like being allowed to see loved ones every once in a while, being allowed to make extremely small aesthetic choices like choosing your own haircut) objectively make exorcists more effective at their jobs. So either they're stingy (no point in investing in exorcists until they're high power because the rookies have such a high casualty rate anyway) or they're intentionally pushing buttons for some grand plan.

It also states that CAIN's methods are highly inefficient, and that they KNOW this is the case but refuse to act on it, so seems intentionally on the border of idiocy due to bureaucracy hell and evil shadow plan.
>cain actually does want to cull exorcist numbers
Is that in the pdf or is this some lore buried in some discord?
The whole setting is left open enough that you can imagine a half dozen possibilities for why Cain comes across so self-sabotaging that could then serve as your overarching campaign mystery.
>exorcists are actually less likely to chimp out if you’ve already lowered their standard of living so that they’d consider death a release
>authority is full of catholic vampire boomers who are all 500+ years old and seethe at the idea that new blood get an easier road than they did
>Cain is compromised by a seventh type of Sin, that feeds on self-flagellation of the entire institution
>grace is a shard of humanity’s original sin and the bearers of this sin are required to show contrition to god in the hopes of petitioning for an end to the sins, and humanity’s re-entry to the garden of Eden
>an exorcist that can’t handle wearing uncomfortable shoes without summoning persona needs to be weeded out before they gain more power
>there is a limited amount of grace in humanity so Cain has chosen to churn through exorcists at an accelerated rate, taking only the best as virtues and high ranking members with the intention of allowing earth to fall to sins before reclaiming it with their army of jacked virtues
>Damn, it's been a long time since I've ever seen anyone have a retard meltdown like this
This must be your first day on the internet if that's what you consider a meltdown.
The Funny thing is that the new errata shoots that down. It's more likely for SINs to put people into Sin Overflow/Imagos now that outright killing them and even if they do survive, you get a sin-mark that checks off two of your sin boxes and makes it easier for you to get corrupted from trauma or running out of resources. Seeing how CAIN shits bricks with Imagos to the point of dropping their God-Tier exorcists like Eversor Assassins to clean that shit up, the only way CAIN isn't pants on head incompetent is if they want to destroy the world just like the evil anti-CAIN faction does.
post some OC faggot

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Which TCG has your favorite face template and design, the actual card art notwithstanding
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You could also just move it to this already useless stripe
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Oh true that does work as well, gives it a bit more life.

Also if your ready for round two, here is how lorcana does its full art stuff. The top and side edges of the rapunzel are just from one of those psa cases.
Yu-gi-oh! and full art Pokemon.

Rush has the most generic and ugly design ever made, I blame the font used for ATK/DEF and the stars plus the way they design old monsters with shitty lightnings, looks like some crappy bootleg.
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I'm surprised nobody mentioned sorcery yet
Simple but effective.

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I have a to write a one shot heist for this week but I've never attempted to write one before. Any ideas for a heist in a fantasy or sci-fi setting? Any and all tips are welcome.
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Your adventurers are a party of perverts looking to pull the ultimate heist. The Sigma Kappa Poggers Sorority of Elven Sisterhood has a vault of panties deep within their hallowed hall. The party must avoid detection by the women's keen elven senses and all manner of traps. Any combat encounter, except with the guardian golem within the vault, results in instant expulsion from Mirkwood University.
Reminder that you are not a mod.
God forbid you have to come up with some as a gm. Again, you are lazy as fuck.
I came here to post this. The Crimeworld section really is a solid set of advice.
that's a really cheap missile

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Everything posted goes on the roll table
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a boner
The man hunches by the stream, picking the bones from a freshly-killed fish. He waves a friendly hello and tells you about a trail that provides a shortcut through a dense forest that will save you a day's travel.
If you follow the trail, you find a grizzly sight: a raccoon, split down the middle, with all of its bones removed. Further along the trail you find a horse in the same condition. Further still, the horse's rider.
Gotta make a move to a town that's right for me...
A tavern. Inside, a raucous celebration is underway. Dozens of townsfolk, many still wearing their work clothes, dance with wild abandon to the sound of a hurdy-gurdy cranked by a thin hunched man.
When the man stops playing (due to some trivial interruption), the townsfolk stop dancing. They blink confusedly. Some try to run, others sob and plead for help, until the hurdy-gurdy man begins to play again and the dancing resumes.

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Any advice if I want to make something like a D&D book for my lore?
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>Not a Dndtard but arent there settings and lorebooks for those settings? The forgotten realms book or whatever is a lorebook is it not got maps and kingdoms names and cities and whatever?
Yeah, there are literally thousands of books that are just for fleshing out the details of specific settings. Typically they're a mix of prose/fluff and actual rules. For example, a writeup about an important city might have a few paragraphs of prose describing the important people, followed by statblocks for each of the people listed. Something like a festival contest might have specific rules for the GM to use if the players want to compete in it.
What do you mean?
Care to extrapolate?
Fuck D&D. Don't look for excuses to write. Look for excuses to NOT write and then banish them from your mind and write anyway.
I hate it when people make things instead of agreeing with me that D&D sucks.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://rentry.co/cyoag
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>94315939
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I think this one was kinda post apocalypticy
All roads lead back to the Dao

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I am prepping the Village of Hommlet. I feel like there are a lot of details that would be easy to miss. What are some finer points of the module? Please share some war stories.
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I have no idea how I didn't know that. Huh.
No problem it's a pretty deep cut, I've been doing Hommlet and ToEE for a long long time now it's just so comfy. I don't know if Gary ever posted on Dragonsfoot about it but again this was something I personally interacted with him about before that was a thing. He didn't really like talking about the circumstances of his ouster online but I didn't really care about that and I was very clearly asking about his original vision which I think stroked his ego a bit but that's fine.

Nothing against Arneson either, his mind just tends to visualize things in a more Lawful orientation and you can clearly see in T1-4 where he "tied up" all the chaos that was going on in the undertemple levels, plus additionally that he didn't even bother attempting to "finish" the Nodes and basically just published Gary's maps and notes as they were for those areas.
The Temple slowly reinforces losses at the rate of one man per day and a monster per week. If left too long, they pcs can be facing more that what's normally there. While not detailed in the modulel, there has to be staging grounds for said recruitment.My players get wind of the efforts through their contacts and they went and took out the recruiting points in a few areas, crippling the replenishment efforts.
The only way the Temple will be conquered is defeat in detail. A fine strategy.
My players also utilized the robes found in the first floor. Leaving behind scraps of rival temples robes when they struck an area. Due to the chaotic nature, lack of trust and that the pcs didn't brag about their exploits, it took far too long for the greater temple to figure out that it was more than just infighting.

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A time of plague, war, pestilence, and hunger edition

>Previous Thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (feel free to suggest additions!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

What is your favorite miniature you use in your specialist game(s) of choice, and why? Post pictures if possible!
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I just got this box, does anybody know if the cards and tokens in it still viable?
Those are the kind of lgs that are only in business 1-3 years, the greedy agressive pursuit of profit is a recipe for loss, good business knows that having people at your tables and having fun at all times is the best way to make sales, doesn't have to be sales to the people sitting at the table.
Smart lgs's would get in on the printing game by at least selling resin.
I don't know about the tokens but the cards won't be usable for the new edition, you'll have to resort to the compendium
No, you just get it once.
How would that work? Say you get a charge with 2 melee weapons on the basis of 1 attack.
That's 3 attacks due to charge and 2 weapons.

Each attack could potentially trigger the Knockback effect right? If the guy is already against the wall, wouldn't that mean each attack has a chance to slam him, for +1 damage?

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You will never be a janny.
They turned the canonically pale skinned Aragorn black, they will rape every IP they can get their hands on including their own
This is real?
The harder you try the harder you'll fail?

>a Custodes is dropped into modern day America
Can they save the human race before the grim dark future happens?
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No bait, no /pol/ shit intended, but I think the custards stance depends on his initial impression where he is dropped on contemporary Earth. If you drop him in Prague or Paris or some other European city with trad and/or monumental architecture, and where the people are not fat, out of shape, and dysgenic looking (including things like tats, whorerish or lazy dressing style, etc.) I think he will develop an appreciation for Earth but will have a mindset like "why can't the rest of the planet be like this? Let's spread it to them"
However, for any other region the results are much worse. I think East Asia and the MENA region also would fly because the cities are clean (besides warzones) and the people don't look dysgenic, but it also doesn't give him any positive impression, just a neutral one.
The same is true for an US suburb.
You see where I am going with this.
If you dropped him in bad parts of American cities, like hoods or favelas, or sub-saharan Africa, India, and other such places, I think he will be disgusted, and even the revelation there are good spots on the planet he will see as more consolation prize (especially when he finds out these places out-populate the good or medium parts).
>Prague or Paris or some other European city with trad and/or monumental architecture
the average european city is not what you think it is. there'e is some traditionalist archetecture, but it's suffused with post modern garbage attaching as a cancer and a large population of non native chance takers who care nothing about the civilisation they're part of. They're also gaining weight at a rapid enough pace.
The middle east is heavily inbred as well.
The custode would probably be amused that the hive city and feral/feudal world problems he would be aware of are happening in miniature on all of terra, then dissapointment that traditionalist warriors/priests arn't even trying to get a handle on the most cowardly bureaucrat. At least his eras bureaucrats didn't despise humanity at large nearly as much.
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The armor alone would probably set us up by 3000 some years if we can take it apart, I don't even know what the UN or US or other nation would do if they could get a few tubes into the Custode's butthole.
Then nothing would be done for mankind because the oil industry would get mad, lmao.
>At least his eras bureaucrats didn't despise humanity at large nearly as much.
The bureaucrats of his era regularly kill our entire current population as ROUNDING ERRORS!

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