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The term "argueth" is an archaic form of the verb "argue," which appears in older translations of the Bible. In the context of Scripture, to "argue" often means to reason, dispute, or contend with words. While the specific term "argueth" may not appear in the Berean Standard Bible , the concept of arguing or reasoning is present throughout the biblical text.

Biblical Context

In the Bible, arguing or reasoning is often depicted in both positive and negative lights, depending on the context and the intent behind the discourse. The Scriptures provide numerous examples where individuals engage in argumentation, either with one another or with God, to seek truth, justice, or understanding.

Old Testament Examples

1. Job and His Friends: The Book of Job is a profound example of argumentation. Job's friends argue with him about the reasons for his suffering, suggesting that it is due to sin. Job, however, maintains his innocence and argues his case before God. This discourse highlights the human struggle to understand divine justice and the nature of suffering (Job 13:3: "But I desire to speak to the Almighty and to argue my case before God.").

2. Moses and Pharaoh: In Exodus, Moses argues with Pharaoh to let the Israelites go free. This confrontation is not merely a human dispute but a divine mandate, as Moses acts as God's representative. The arguments presented by Moses are backed by signs and wonders, demonstrating God's power and authority (Exodus 5:1-2).

3. Abraham and God: In Genesis 18, Abraham argues with God over the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham's intercession is a form of argumentation where he pleads for the righteous within the city, showcasing a relationship with God that allows for dialogue and negotiation (Genesis 18:23-33).

New Testament Examples

1. Jesus and the Pharisees: Jesus often engaged in arguments with the Pharisees and other religious leaders. These disputes were centered around interpretations of the Law and the nature of God's kingdom. Jesus used these opportunities to reveal deeper spiritual truths and to challenge the legalistic mindset of the religious elite (Matthew 22:15-22).

2. Paul and the Athenians: In Acts 17, the Apostle Paul argues with the philosophers in Athens. He presents the gospel in a reasoned manner, engaging with their cultural and philosophical context to reveal the truth of Christ. This example illustrates the use of argumentation in evangelism and apologetics (Acts 17:16-34).

Theological Implications

From a theological perspective, the act of arguing in the Bible is not inherently sinful or negative. Instead, it can be a means of seeking truth, understanding God's will, and engaging with others in meaningful dialogue. The key is the intent and the spirit in which the argument is conducted. Arguments that are rooted in pride, deceit, or malice are condemned (Proverbs 13:10: "Arrogance leads only to strife, but wisdom is with the well-advised.").

Conversely, arguments that seek to clarify, edify, or bring about justice are seen as valuable. The Bible encourages believers to reason together, to test all things, and to hold fast to what is good (Isaiah 1:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:21).

Practical Application

In practical terms, Christians are called to engage in arguments with a spirit of humility, love, and respect. The goal should always be to reflect Christ's character, to seek truth, and to build up the body of Christ. Believers are encouraged to be prepared to give a reason for their hope, doing so with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15).

In summary, while the term "argueth" may not be commonly used in modern translations, the concept of arguing is deeply embedded in the biblical narrative, serving as a tool for discernment, proclamation, and the pursuit of righteousness.

Touching the First Subject of all the Forementioned Power of the ...
... the Presbytery, it is stewardly and Aristocraticall: in regard of the peoples power
in elections and censures, it is Democraticall: which argueth, the people ...
/.../chap vii touching the first.htm

What the Keyes of the Kingdome of Heaven Be, and what their Power.
... keys, are said here to be binding and loosing, which are not the proper acts of
materiall keys; for their acts be opening and shutting, which argueth the keys ...
/.../the keyes of the kingdom of heaven and power thereof/chap i what the keyes.htm

Of the Subject of the Power of the Keyes, to whom they are ...
... not be received into the Church, till he have first received the faith, and have
made profession of it before the Lord, and the Church: which argueth, that the ...
/.../chap iii of the subject.htm

Of the Power and Authoritie Given to Synods.
... In joyning the Elders to the Apostles (and that doubtlesse by the advise of Paul
and Barnabas) it argueth that they sent not to the Apostles as extraordinary ...
/.../the keyes of the kingdom of heaven and power thereof/chap vi of the power.htm

Consolations against the Fear of Death.
... 1. That it argueth a dastardly mind to fear that which is not; for in the church
of Christ there is no death (Isaiah 25:7, 8), and whosoever liveth and ...
/.../bayly/the practice of piety/consolations against the fear of.htm

General and Public Concernments Seem at First Unmanageable
... multitude of Kingdoms. Which argueth a peculiar excellency in the soul, because
it is a creature that can never be exceeded. For bodily ...
/.../traherne/centuries of meditations/97 general and public concernments.htm

Of the Diverse Motions of Nature and of Grace
... 16. "Nature looketh upon all things in reference to herself; striveth and argueth
for self; but Grace bringeth back all things to God from whom they came at ...
/.../kempis/imitation of christ/chapter liv of the diverse.htm

Of the Subject to whom to the Key of Church Priviledge, Power, or ...
... Yea, and from thence argueth, in all the Saints, even in the meanest of the Saints,
an ability to judge between brethren, in the things of this life, as those ...
/.../chap iiii of the subject.htm

Of the Subject to whom the Key of Authority is Committed.
... 3.6. & ver. The Apostles command argueth a power in the Elders,
to charge these duties upon the people effectually. 10. ...
/.../the keyes of the kingdom of heaven and power thereof/chap v of the subject.htm

... damning begins to cease, depart, and fly away: dolors and terrors fade and vanish,
and that soul conceiveth hopes of life; for thus the soul argueth: "Is this ...
//christianbookshelf.org/bunyan/the riches of bunyan/xi conversion.htm

Argueth (1 Occurrence)
... Multi-Version Concordance Argueth (1 Occurrence). Job 40:2 Shall he that cavilleth
contend with the Almighty? He that argueth with God, let him answer it. ...
/a/argueth.htm - 6k

Arguing (12 Occurrences)

/a/arguing.htm - 9k

Reproves (9 Occurrences)
... (WEB NAS RSV). Job 40:2 Shall he that reproveth contend with the Almighty?
He that argueth with God, let him answer it. (See NAS). ...
/r/reproves.htm - 8k

Cavilleth (1 Occurrence)
... Cavilleth (1 Occurrence). Job 40:2 Shall he that cavilleth contend with the
Almighty? He that argueth with God, let him answer it. (ASV). ...
/c/cavilleth.htm - 6k

Argues (1 Occurrence)

/a/argues.htm - 6k

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Argueth (1 Occurrence)

Job 40:2
Shall he that cavilleth contend with the Almighty? He that argueth with God, let him answer it.



Related Terms

Condemnation (30 Occurrences)

Argument (45 Occurrences)

Zedekiah (63 Occurrences)

Wickedly (34 Occurrences)

Forceful (3 Occurrences)

Terms (25 Occurrences)

Temper (14 Occurrences)

Road (155 Occurrences)

Result (73 Occurrences)

Reviling (47 Occurrences)

Discussing (5 Occurrences)

Dared (9 Occurrences)

Dare (19 Occurrences)

Debating (3 Occurrences)

Misrepresent (2 Occurrences)

Michael (16 Occurrences)

Presume (10 Occurrences)

Pronounce (47 Occurrences)

Contending (9 Occurrences)

Argueth (1 Occurrence)

Argue (21 Occurrences)

Argued (20 Occurrences)

Abusive (7 Occurrences)

Archangel (2 Occurrences)

Slanderous (4 Occurrences)

Buying (12 Occurrences)

Rebuke (77 Occurrences)

Yourselves (530 Occurrences)

Simply (27 Occurrences)

Virgin (62 Occurrences)

Apostles (79 Occurrences)

Birth (357 Occurrences)

Reconciliation (11 Occurrences)

Reconcile (10 Occurrences)

Acts (271 Occurrences)

Devil (58 Occurrences)

Capernaum (16 Occurrences)

Judgement (68 Occurrences)


Faithfulness (91 Occurrences)

Charge (379 Occurrences)

Stephen (13 Occurrences)

Jonah (30 Occurrences)

Faithful (136 Occurrences)

Elijah (104 Occurrences)

Judge (297 Occurrences)

Thessalonians (6 Occurrences)


Son (25967 Occurrences)

Man (26072 Occurrences)

Law (670 Occurrences)

First (4693 Occurrences)

Nehelamite (4 Occurrences)

Paul (207 Occurrences)

Consist (7 Occurrences)

Books (16 Occurrences)


Second (2060 Occurrences)

Book (211 Occurrences)

Tabeel (2 Occurrences)

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