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In the context of the Bible, the term "argued" often refers to discussions, disputes, or debates that occur between individuals or groups. These arguments can be about theological, moral, or practical matters and are sometimes recorded to illustrate a deeper spiritual truth or to highlight human nature.

Old Testament Instances

1. Cain and Abel: The first recorded argument in the Bible can be inferred from the account of Cain and Abel. While the text does not explicitly state an argument, the tension between the brothers is evident. Cain's anger and subsequent murder of Abel (Genesis 4:8) suggest underlying disputes, possibly over God's favor and acceptance of Abel's offering over Cain's.

2. Job and His Friends: The Book of Job contains extensive dialogues where Job argues with his friends about the nature of suffering and divine justice. Job maintains his innocence and questions why he suffers, while his friends argue that suffering is a result of sin (Job 4-31).

3. Moses and the Israelites: Throughout the Exodus narrative, Moses frequently argues with the Israelites, who complain and rebel against God's commands. One notable instance is when the Israelites argue with Moses about the lack of water, leading to the miracle at Meribah (Exodus 17:1-7).

New Testament Instances

1. Jesus and the Pharisees: Jesus often engaged in arguments with the Pharisees and other religious leaders. These disputes were usually about the interpretation of the Law and the nature of true righteousness. For example, in Matthew 22:34-40, Jesus argues about the greatest commandment, emphasizing love for God and neighbor.

2. Paul and the Early Church: The Apostle Paul frequently argued in defense of the Gospel. In Acts 17:2-3, Paul reasons with the Jews in Thessalonica, explaining and proving that the Messiah had to suffer and rise from the dead. Additionally, in Galatians 2:11-14, Paul recounts his argument with Peter over the issue of Gentile inclusion in the church.

3. Disputes Among Believers: The early church faced internal arguments, as seen in Acts 15 during the Jerusalem Council. The apostles and elders debated whether Gentile converts needed to follow Jewish law. The resolution of this argument was pivotal for the church's mission to the Gentiles.

Theological Implications

Arguments in the Bible often serve to reveal deeper truths about God's character, human nature, and the unfolding of God's redemptive plan. They highlight the importance of seeking truth, understanding, and reconciliation. The Bible encourages believers to engage in arguments with a spirit of love and humility, as seen in Proverbs 15:1, "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

Practical Application

Believers are called to engage in arguments with wisdom and discernment, always seeking to uphold truth and love. Ephesians 4:15 encourages speaking the truth in love, while 2 Timothy 2:24-25 advises the Lord's servant to be kind, able to teach, and patient when wronged, correcting opponents with gentleness. These principles guide Christians in navigating disputes in a manner that honors God and promotes peace.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
(imp. & p. p.) of Argue.
4802. suzeteo -- to examine together, hence to dispute
... Word Origin from sun and zeteo Definition to examine together, hence to dispute
NASB Word Usage argue (1), argued (1), arguing (3), debated (1), discuss (1 ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4802.htm - 7k

1256. dialegomai -- to discuss, to address, to preach
... Word Origin from dia and lego Definition to discuss, to address, to preach NASB
Word Usage addressed (1), argued (1), carrying on a discussion (1), discussed (1 ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/1256.htm - 8k


The Necessity of Regeneration, Argued from the Immutable ...
/.../practical discourses on regeneration/discourse iv the necessity of.htm

On the Question of Baptism, Then, I Think that I have Argued At...
... Book I. Chapter 18. " 27. On the question of baptism, then, I think
that I have argued at? "27. On the question of baptism ...
/.../writings in connection with the donatist controversy /chapter 18 27 on.htm

I have Already, I Think, Argued to the Best of My Power...
... Book VI. Chapter 7. " 10. I have already, I think, argued to the best
of my power? "10. I have already, I think, argued to ...
/.../writings in connection with the donatist controversy /chapter 7 10 i.htm

Of Clerics who do not Take Care to have their Causes Argued Within ...
... The Sixth Ecumenical Council. Canon LXXIX. (Greek lxxxii.) Of clerics who
do not take care to have their causes argued within a year. ...
/.../schaff/the seven ecumenical councils/canon lxxix greek lxxxii of.htm

The Genealogical Question is Again Taken up and Argued on Both ...
... Book VII. The genealogical question is again taken up and argued on both sides.
1. Faustus said: You ask why I do not believe in the genealogy of Jesus. ...
/.../the genealogical question is again.htm

Texts Explained; Secondly, Psalm Xlv. 7, 8 Whether the Words ...
... Argued against first from the word fellows' or partakers.' He is anointed
with the Spirit in His manhood to sanctify human nature. ...
/.../chapter xii texts explained secondly psalm.htm

Introductory Notice to Two Epistles Concerning virginity
... Not only have Roman Catholic writers maintained their genuineness with great ingenuity
and learning, but Wetstein, who first edited them, argued powerfully for ...
/.../two epistles concerning virginity/introductory notice to two epistles.htm

Matt. xix. 1
... When at least they argued much about the Sabbath, when they said, "He blasphemeth,"
when they said, "He hath a devil," when they found fault with His disciples ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily lxii matt xix 1.htm

But Let this Pass, for what Follows is of More Importance. I Thank ...
... He therefore says, "But, as it stands, the addition of the preposition before' leads
us to explain it according to the ideas which we argued in a former place ...
/.../31 but let this pass.htm

... And it is argued, that, as the true character of Moses is that of an historian;
it would be unbecoming his judgment and exactness, to insert an allegory in the ...
/.../an essay on the mosaic account of the creation and fall of man/essay.htm

Argued (20 Occurrences)
... Multi-Version Concordance Argued (20 Occurrences). ... "If we say 'a heavenly origin,'"
they argued, "he will say, 'Why then did you not believe him?' (WEY RSV). ...
/a/argued.htm - 12k

Argue (21 Occurrences)
... 3. (vt) To debate or discuss; to treat by reasoning; as, the counsel argued
the cause before a full court; the cause was well argued. ...
/a/argue.htm - 12k

Debated (7 Occurrences)
... matter among themselves. "If we say 'a heavenly origin,'" they argued, "he
will say, 'Why then did you not believe him?' (WEY). Mark 1 ...
/d/debated.htm - 8k

Matter (263 Occurrences)
... among themselves. "If we say 'a heavenly origin,'" they argued, "he will
say, 'Why then did you not believe him?' (WEY). Matthew ...
/m/matter.htm - 39k

Heavenly (51 Occurrences)
... among themselves. "If we say 'a heavenly origin,'" they argued, "he will
say, 'Why then did you not believe him?' (WEY). Matthew ...
/h/heavenly.htm - 22k

Quarreled (8 Occurrences)
... Genesis 26:20 The herdsmen of Gerar argued with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, "The water
is ours." He called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with ...
/q/quarreled.htm - 8k

Contended (24 Occurrences)
... Genesis 26:20 The herdsmen of Gerar argued with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, "The water
is ours." He called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with ...
/c/contended.htm - 13k

Ephod (45 Occurrences)
... at Nob (1 Samuel 23:6), and through this ephod David sought in certain crises to
learn Yahweh's will (1 Samuel 23:9; 1 Samuel 30:7). Some have argued that the ...
/e/ephod.htm - 27k

... From the style and contents of the first chapter it has been argued with great
plausibility that it was written by Daniel; for similar reasons it has been ...
/e/ezranehemiah.htm - 22k

... From the style and contents of the first chapter it has been argued with great
plausibility that it was written by Daniel; for similar reasons it has been ...
/e/ezra-nehemiah.htm - 22k

Who were the scribes that often argued with Jesus? | GotQuestions.org

Who was John Wycliffe? | GotQuestions.org

What are the duties of an elder in the church? | GotQuestions.org

Argued: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.com

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Argued (20 Occurrences)

Matthew 21:25
John's Baptism, whence was it? --had it a heavenly or a human origin?" So they debated the matter among themselves. "If we say 'a heavenly origin,'" they argued, "he will say, 'Why then did you not believe him?'

Mark 9:34
But they said nothing: because they had had an argument between themselves on the way, about who was the greatest.
(See NIV)

Mark 11:31
So they debated the matter with one another. "Suppose we say, 'Heavenly,'" they argued, "he will ask, 'Why then did you not believe him?'

Luke 20:5
So they debated the matter with one another. "If we say 'Heavenly,'" they argued, "he will say, 'Why did you not believe him?'

John 6:52
This led to an angry debate among the Jews. "How can this man," they argued, "give us his flesh to eat?"

John 9:16
This led some of the Pharisees to say, "That man has not come from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath." "How is it possible for a bad man to do such miracles?" argued others.

John 10:21
Others argued, "That is not the language of a demoniac: and can a demon open blind men's eyes?"

Acts 6:9
But some of those who were of the Synagogue named that of the Libertines, and some of the men of Cyrene and of Alexandria and those from Cilicia and Asia, had arguments with Stephen.
(See NAS)

Acts 17:2
Paul, as was his custom, went in to them, and for three Sabbath days reasoned with them from the Scriptures,
(See RSV)

Acts 17:17
So he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and the devout persons, and in the marketplace every day with those who met him.
(See RSV)

Acts 18:4
He reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded Jews and Greeks.
(See RSV)

Acts 18:19
He came to Ephesus, and he left them there; but he himself entered into the synagogue, and reasoned with the Jews.
(See RSV)

Acts 19:9
But when some were hardened and disobedient, speaking evil of the Way before the multitude, he departed from them, and separated the disciples, reasoning daily in the school of Tyrannus.
(See RSV)

Acts 23:9
A great clamor arose, and some of the scribes of the Pharisees part stood up, and contended, saying, "We find no evil in this man. But if a spirit or angel has spoken to him, let's not fight against God!"
(See NIV)

Acts 24:25
As he reasoned about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix was terrified, and answered, "Go your way for this time, and when it is convenient for me, I will summon you."
(See RSV)

Jude 1:9
But Michael the Archangel, when contending with the Devil and arguing with him about the body of Moses, did not dare to pronounce judgement on him in abusive terms, but simply said, "The Lord rebuke you."
(See NAS)

Genesis 26:20
The herdsmen of Gerar argued with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, "The water is ours." He called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with him.

Genesis 26:21
They dug another well, and they argued over that, also. He called its name Sitnah.

Genesis 31:36
Jacob was angry, and argued with Laban. Jacob answered Laban, "What is my trespass? What is my sin, that you have hotly pursued after me?

1 Kings 3:22
The other woman said, "No; but the living is my son, and the dead is your son." This said, "No; but the dead is your son, and the living is my son." Thus they spoke before the king.
(See NIV)



Related Terms

Faultfinder (1 Occurrence)

Correct (14 Occurrences)

Accuses (5 Occurrences)

Spiritual (42 Occurrences)

Contend (56 Occurrences)

Argued (20 Occurrences)

Paul (207 Occurrences)

Apostles (79 Occurrences)

Almighty (242 Occurrences)

Body (562 Occurrences)

Baruch (24 Occurrences)

Worship (332 Occurrences)

Sabbath (126 Occurrences)

Luke (4 Occurrences)

Kanah (3 Occurrences)

Nicolaitans (2 Occurrences)

Nobah (2 Occurrences)

Lily (9 Occurrences)


Temper (14 Occurrences)

Reasoner (1 Occurrence)

Debate (13 Occurrences)

Mahanaim (15 Occurrences)

Malchiel (3 Occurrences)

Pleader (1 Occurrence)

Promise (112 Occurrences)

Patriarchs (6 Occurrences)


Belshazzar (8 Occurrences)

Colossians (1 Occurrence)


Argueth (1 Occurrence)

Separate (115 Occurrences)

Salt (45 Occurrences)

Laban (52 Occurrences)

Text (5 Occurrences)

Baptist (16 Occurrences)

Interpretation (45 Occurrences)


Brethren (528 Occurrences)



Ramothgilead (19 Occurrences)

Ramoth-gilead (20 Occurrences)


Testament (13 Occurrences)

Nebo (13 Occurrences)

New (1850 Occurrences)

Pontus (3 Occurrences)

Devils (48 Occurrences)

Demons (54 Occurrences)

Reconciliation (11 Occurrences)

Oak (22 Occurrences)

Reconcile (10 Occurrences)

Lord (59401 Occurrences)

Communion (8 Occurrences)

With (66342 Occurrences)

Adam (29 Occurrences)

Hebrews (24 Occurrences)

Malefactor (2 Occurrences)

Apostle (25 Occurrences)

Obadiah (21 Occurrences)

Manasses (1 Occurrence)

Haggai (14 Occurrences)

Gods (310 Occurrences)

Acts (271 Occurrences)

Jude (4 Occurrences)

Gospel (108 Occurrences)

Well (2882 Occurrences)

Preacher (27 Occurrences)

Harod (3 Occurrences)

Ecclesiastes (1 Occurrence)

Judith (1 Occurrence)

Galatians (2 Occurrences)

Tabernacle (333 Occurrences)

Law (670 Occurrences)

Empire (8 Occurrences)


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