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Climate change constitutes one of the major challenges of our time. The United States, in particular, represent one of the main greenhouse gas emitters in the world. Under the Obama administration, the US promoted a plan to reduce carbon... more
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      Climate ChangeCritical Discourse AnalysisPolitical DiscourseEnvironmental Discourse
The present work considers the impact of Brexit on the international banking sector. Brexit has the potential to compromise London’s leadership among the global financial centres and to trigger panic and financial instability. In times of... more
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisBusiness discoursePopularizationCrisis Management Communications
The increased availability of the Internet and its growing interactivity have led to the emergence of new forms of civic engagement. In particular, e-petitions websites have brought into our time the centuries-old right to petition the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGenre AnalysisEnvironmental DiscourseE-Petitions
Review of the book by Giuliana Garzone, Maurizio Gotti, eds., Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise. Genres and Trends
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    • Corporate discourse
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports complement the information of financial accounts and enable stakeholders to estimate the intangible value drivers and sustainability-related achievements of a company. The genre is... more
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      Corporate CommunicationCrisis CommunicationCritical Discourse AnalysisMultimodal Discourse Analysis
Plastic is a functional and ubiquitous material in our daily lives and economies. Nevertheless, the way plastics are currently produced, used and discarded is causing serious harms to the environment, especially to the seas. Initiatives... more
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      European UnionMultimodal Discourse AnalysisPublic Communication CampaignsSingle-use Plastics
Customers are today becoming more and more reliant on online travel reviews for their buying decisions, such as where to stay on holiday or where to have dinner in a foreign town. In particular, TripAdvisor has become a first stop for... more
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      Genre AnalysisCorpus-assisted Discourse Studieselectronic word-of-mouth (eWOM)crisis response communication
In the last decades, Corporate Social Responsibility reporting practices have grown exponentially, complementing the information disclosed in financial accounts and enabling stakeholders to estimate the intangible value drivers and the... more
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      Crisis CommunicationGenre AnalysisCorpus-assisted Discourse StudiesAppraisal Framework
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the companiesʼ obligations towards the environment, the workers and the consumers. Two environmental disasters, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill (April 2010) and the Fukushima nuclear... more
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      Developing CountriesIndiaCorpus Assisted Discourse StudiesCorporate Social Responsibility reports
The thesis analysed the discourse of Corporate Social Responsibility reports issued by oil and electric companies operating in emerging and industrial countries. Through a combined quantitative and qualitative approach, the research... more
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      Corporate CommunicationDeveloping CountriesCSR communicationGenre Analysis
This study analysed a corpus of e-petitions calling for action against climate change, published on in the USA and UK. The investigation focuses on the persuasive strategies employed in user-generated discourse, and compares... more
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      Climate ChangePopularisation of ScienceMetadiscourseEnvironmental Discourse
In the contemporary crisis of representative democracy, the increased accessibility of the Internet has favoured novel forms of civic engagement. E-petition platforms like have empowered individuals to address decision-makers... more
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisE-PetitionsCorpus Assisted Discourse StudiesCovid-19 vaccines
Lo sguardo sulla realtà e il linguaggio dell " immaginazione possono coniugarsi felicemente sul piano artistico se l " emozione convive con l " impegno, l " arte con la lotta per il cambiamento. I rapporti dell " uomo con i problemi della... more
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The diffusion and easy access to geographic and computer equipment has revolutionized not only the models of communication, but also the techniques of production and diffusion of geographic information, combining more and more objective... more
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      Virtual CommunitiesWebGEOGRAPHICAL COMMUNITIES
RETI TERRITORIALI DEL VOLONTARIATO PER LA PREVENZIONE ONCOLOGICA. IL CASO AMDOS E AMOS IRPINE Riassunto-Il recente rapporto Aiom sullo "Stato dell'oncologia in Italia 2017", nel declinare numeri e caratteristiche di un fenomeno in... more
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The aim of this original contribution is to present the procedures and process initiated by some municipalities in inland areas for the inclusion of an ancient rural tradition, practiced in south-central Italy—the “Tracing of the straight... more
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Il contributo intende offrire spunti di riflessione sul legame tra cinema, creativita e pratica turistica nei processi di valorizzazione e promozione (cine)turistica che interessano, in particolare, le destinazioni minori. A tal fine,... more
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      HumanitiesArtmovie theater