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Posts in the “cvs” category

Deploying a Project with CVS and Ant

A few simple steps

(Note: These comments were specific to our company's use of Ant to deploy our Java projects. If you're not using Ant, any Ant commands shown here won't apply to your project.)

To deploy any of our Java projects using Ant, just follow steps similar to these to check the project out of CVS and then build it on the server:

Common CVS and WinCVS errors

The CVS "Insufficient Karma" message

The CVS Insufficient Karma message means that you don't have the proper security permissions to check files back into a CVS repository. This is a problem that your CVS administrator can fix for you, and in the DevDaily CVS configuration refers to improper configuration in the "avail" file.


WinCVS - Checking out a Project

Checking out a copy of a project

Select "Create | Checkout Module", then fill in these fields:

  • Enter the module name and path on the server
  • Local folder to checkout to

How to use anonymous CVS to access a CVS repository

I can never remember the command-line syntax to access a remote CVS repository via anayonymous CVS access, so just as a reminder to myself, here are the commands I used recently to access an OpenBSD CVS repository:

WinCVS setup - Initial Setup and Configuration

Initial Tasks

These are the tasks you'll need to perform to get started with WinCVS:

  • Download WinCVS
  • Install WinCVS
  • Start WinCVS
  • Setting your preferences via Admin/Preferences
  • Checking out a copy of a project

Download WinCVS

You can download the latest version of WinCVS from it's Internet home, wincvs.org.

How to Use WinCVS

The following "Introduction to WinCVS" tutorial pages were taken from a short presentation I gave to new programmers and people in the design department at a small company I previously owned. As part of our overall development process we found it was helpful if everyone knew a little bit about how CVS works, and how WinCVS in particular works. I hope these pages will be helpful to you as well.

How to Use WinCVS

The following "Introduction to WinCVS" tutorial pages were taken from a short presentation I gave to new programmers and people in the design department at a small company I previously owned. As part of our overall development process we found it was helpful if everyone knew a little bit about how CVS works, and how WinCVS in particular works. I hope these pages will be helpful to you as well.

Recovering a deleted file from CVS using Eclipse

Life never ceases to amaze me. In this case, one day I write a rant about a Pigpen Developer who is anti-YAGNI, and then later in the week this exchange takes place.

Thursday morning, a customer tells me "Al, we're not going to need the XYZ functionality after all."

"No problem", I say, "I'll delete it."

"That would be great", they say, and I go off and delete all the code related to XYZ.

CVS command line reference page

With a little down time this morning I thought I'd start a simple CVS command line reference page (cheat sheet). I've tried to include the most common CVS command line examples here.

How to open the Windows Explorer from WinCVS

A lot of times when I'm using WinCVS I also need to jump over to the Windows Explorer (the file explorer, not internet explorer, although of course they are kinda-sorta the same), so I thought I'd make a note here of how to do this.

cvs import - how to import a project into CVS

This is an easy task. For the purposes of this exercise assume (a) the high-level directory of your project is named "MyProject", and (b) that you are on a Unix computer, and (c) that your "MyProject" directory is in your home directory on your Unix system. With these simple assumptions, just follow these steps:

  cd MyProject
  cvs import -m "your description here" MyProject alexander start

If everything works ok, you should see a message that says something like "No conflicts created by this import."


cvs checkout - how do I get a snapshot of a CVS repository on a certain date?

CVS checkout FAQ: How do I get a snapshot of a CVS repository back to a certain date?

To solve your first problem, let's assume that yesterday was September 14, 2001, and your project name was KickStart. To check out the code from your KickStart repository from late last night, use this cvs checkout (cvs co) command:

cvs tag - how to tag a release

"CVS tag" FAQ: How do I tag a release of a software project with CVS?

Assume that you have a software project named KickStart checked into a CVS repository. Further assume that you want to tag the current release of the project with the name "Release-2001_09_15". Here's how to tag that release with the "cvs tag" command:

cvs binary file example - fix a binary file with cvs admin

Several times when working with CVS I've forgotten to check a binary file into CVS with the binary file flag. Fortunately this problem can be fixed using the cvs admin command. It's just important to remember that fixing this problem is a two-step operation.

cvs remove faq - how do I move or rename a file?

CVS remove FAQ - How do I move or rename a file that is checked into a CVS repository?

Good question. This is neither obvious or straightforward with CVS. It also requires administrator priviledge.

cvs remove example - how to move a file

To move a file that's checked into CVS and save it's revision history, do the following: