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Posts in the “cvs” category

CVS revert - How do I go back to a previous version of a file?

CVS FAQ - How do I go back to a previous version of a file?

Solution: What revision would you like to revert to?

Let's see ... I just messed up revision 1.25, so I would like to go back to version 1.24.

And what is the name of the file?


Move to the directory where your file is located, then run this command:

cvs login - how to log into a CVS server using SSH

CVS login FAQ: How do I login to a CVS server using SSH?

cvs login - a Windows example

Here's how I do a "cvs login" to our CVS server using SSH, on a Windows PC:

set CVSROOT=:ssh:al@some.server.com:/home/cvs/
cvs login

Note that the only real different thing here is that you specify the ssh protocol for communicating with the server.

CVS export - How to export a project from a CVS repository

Can I get a copy of the source code (without the repository)?

The other day someone not familiar with CVS asked if they could have a copy of the source code for the DDConnectionBroker project, an Open Source project from DevDaily.com. I said sure, I'd be glad to provide a copy of the source code, stripped of all the CVS directories/files. To do this, all I had to do was run the "cvs export" command.

Everyday WinCVS tasks

This section assumes that that you've already checked out a project from a CVS repository and you're ready to start working on it. This section is broken down into the sub-sections:

WinCVS - Special Tasks

I started to write about a few "special CVS tasks" that a user needs to perform from time to time, but as a practical matter, I've found that most new users don't need to worry about tagging a release for at least a little while, so I've skipped this topic here, at least for the time being.


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