Papers by Marwa F . A . Attia

This study was conducted to investigate effects of supplementing two doses of que-bracho tannins ... more This study was conducted to investigate effects of supplementing two doses of que-bracho tannins (QT; 100 or 200 g/cow/d; QT 100 or QT 200) pre and post parturition to thirty Holstein dairy cows on Dry Matter Intake (DMI), milk yield and composition, blood metabolites and reproductive performance for 12 weeks. There were no significant changes in DMI due to QT at transition period of dairy cows. QT supplementa-tion at either level decreased (P < 0.004) milk yield, Fat Corrected Milk (FCM) and Feed Efficiency (FE; P < 0.016) compared to untreated dairy cows. The supplementa-tion of QT had no significant effect on milk fat, lactose percentage and protein and solid nonfat (SNF) yield, while protein percentage increased significantly in treated compared to control cows. Treatment time had significant effects on milk composition. The only time × treatment interactions were found on milk fat and protein percentages. Supplementation with QT tended to decrease (P > 0.05) the total number of ovarian follicles, number of large follicles, diameter of largest follicle, number of small follicles, number and diameter of corpus luteum, and progesterone concentration. The inclusion of QT increased days open and number of services per conception , which consequently decreased conception rate, compared to the control cows. QT 100 decreased (P < 0.05) serum total protein, globulin, glucose and triglyce-rides concentrations as compared with their values in control cows. Thus, the sup-plementation of commercial QT to dairy cows at their transition period had negative impacts on productive and reproductive performance.

The present study aimed to evaluate the potential of improving the feeding value of Egyptian clov... more The present study aimed to evaluate the potential of improving the feeding value of Egyptian clover (EC), ryegrass (R), triticale (T), barley (B), and oats (O) monoculture, or Egyptian clover mixed with ryegrass (EC+R), oats (EC+O), barely (EC+B), and triticale (EC+T) at 75:25% seeding rate, respectively, during two successive winter seasons of 2018/19 and 2019/20. Harvesting of plots was carried out at 5 cm stubble height after 60, 100, and 140 days from sowing. The in vitro nutritive value and ruminal fermentation of the monoculture and intercropping containing EC were evaluated. Green forage yield of EC was higher than other plants with about 160% of fresh forage compared with T, O, or EC+T intercropping. The highest crude protein (CP) concentration was noted in EC, while the lowest (p < 0.001) concentration was observed in T, which had the highest fiber fractions content. Ryegrass had the highest net in vitro gas production (GP), while EC+R had the lowest GP (p < 0.05). Th...

Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2017
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of replacing cracked maize with increasing level... more This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of replacing cracked maize with increasing levels of sugar beet pulp (SBP) on nutrients digestibility, blood biochemical and rumen fermentation constituents and animal performance of growing Egyptian buffalo calves. Forty male Egyptian buffalo calves (237.2 ± 24.46 kg of initial body weight, IBW) were allocated into a completely randomized design and stratified to one of four experimental diets. The basal diet was isonitrogenous (40:60 forage: concentrate) and was formulated to contain 60% of dietary DM cracked maize replaced by ascending levels of SBP (0, 333, 667, and 1000 g/kg respectively). The study lasted for a period of 143 days from which 21 days for adaptation while the remaining 122 days were used for data collection. Increasing the level of SBP resulted in a quadratic increase (P = 0.017) in the average daily gain (ADG) with a linear tendency of increase (P = 0.064) in dietary dry matter intake. A quadratic decrease of feed conversion ratio (FCR, P = 0.005) was observed with the ascending levels of SBP. In addition, the daily intake of organic matter, neutral detergent fiber assayed with heat stable α-amylase and corrected for ash (aNDFom), acid detergent fiber corrected for ash (ADFom) were quadratically (P < 0.01) improved upon increasing the dietary SBP level while the daily intake and digestibility of ether extract were declined linearly (P < 0.01). Replacing SBP for maize resulted in linear increase (P < 0.01) in OM, aNDFom, cellulose and hemicellulose digestibility coefficients. Ruminal pH, total short chain fatty acids, proportions of acetate (C2) and butyrate were increased linearly (P < 0.05). In contrast, the proportions of propionate (C3) and isobutyrate were decreased linearly (P < 0.05) upon increasing the levels of SBP. In addition, the C2:C3 ratio and total protozoa were linearly (P < 0.01) increased while the ruminal NH 3-N concentration was quadratically (P = 0.046) increased as SBP replaced maize in the diet. Furthermore, upon increasing the dietary SBP levels, the blood urea-N, cortisol and thyroxin (T4) concentrations were quadratically elevated (P < 0.01). Conversely, linear decreases in creatinine, (P = 0.027) and
Tropical Animal Health and Production
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Jun 29, 2021

This experiment was conducted to evaluate the potential impacts of commercial quebracho tannins (... more This experiment was conducted to evaluate the potential impacts of commercial quebracho tannins (QT) supplementation to male Barki sheep on dry matter intake, digestion coefficients of nutrients, nitrogen balance and rumen fermentation characteristics. Digestibility trial was carried out on Barki sheep (n=12), which were allocated into three groups (4 animals each). The supplementation levels of QT; 0, 26 and 52 g/h/d, were mixed with the concentrate mixture. The results showed that inclusion of 52 g/h/d of QT decreased (P<0.05) the dry matter intake, while low dose had no negative impact on dry matter intake as compared to the control group. The low level (26 g/h/d) of QT supplementation decreased (P<0.05) digestion coefficients of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) relative to control, while the high level (52 g/h/d) of QT supplementation had no significant impacts on nutrients digestion coefficients, except improving (P<0.05) that of ether extract (EE) compared to the control and to the low level of QT supplementation. Moreover, total digestible nutrients (TDN) and digestible crude protein (DCP) decreased (P<0.05) by inclusion of 26g QT /h/d compared to the other levels of QT. Faecal and urinary N increased (P<0.05) when QT was supplemented at 26g/h/d as compared to the control group, while the high level of QT had no effect on faecal or urinary N execration. Also, the low level of QT caused decrease (P<0.05) in the N balance as compared to the other levels of QT. Inclusion of QT at 52g /h/d decreased (P<0.05) the ruminal NH3-N concentration but the reduction in volatile fatty acids (VFA) was not significant when compared to the control group. It can be concluded that low level of QT had negative impacts on nutrients utilization and it is recommend that more studies with lower levels of QT should be conducted.

Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Feeds, 2016
his study was designed to determine the characteristics of rumen fermentation, and post-ruminal p... more his study was designed to determine the characteristics of rumen fermentation, and post-ruminal protein digestion of untreated and treated soybean meal (SBM) using gas production (GP) technique and three step in situ/in vitro procedures. Soybean meal (SBM) was treated by autoclaving, roasting, with ethanol and mixed by various proportions of Acacia saligna (AS) leaves (1:3, 1:1, 3:1) ratios. The results showed that the highest cumulative GP was observed in untreated SBM followed by treated SBM with ethanol, roasted SBM and SBM+AS (3:1). The lowest mean values of GP were obtained in SBM+AS (1:3), autoclaved SBM and SBM+AS (1:1). The predicted metabolizable energy (ME, MJ/kg DM) and net energy (NE, MJ/kg DM) varied widely in substrates and was particularly high in untreated SBM, while SBM+AS (1:3) had significantly the lowest values of ME and NE. The highest mean values of NH 3 -N concentration were obtained with untreated SBM, while the lowest was obtained with autoclaved SBMand followed by SBM+AS (1:3), ethanol-treated SBM and roasted SBM. Rumen degradable protein (RDP, %) varied from 33.6% in autoclaving SBM to 62.4% in SBM+AS (3:1). Intestinal protein digestion (IPD, %) content was highest in autoclaving-SBM, roasting SBM and untreated SBM and lowest mean value of IPD was recorded in SBM+AS (1:1).The highest mean values for VFA concentrations were obtained with SBM+AS (3:1)and SBM treated with ethanol followed by SBM plus A. saligna leaves (1:3). The lowest mean value of VFA concentration was obtained by autoclaving SBM or roasting SBM. It is concluded that autoclaving SBM, ethanol-treated SBM and mixing SBM with Acacia leaves (1:3) could be used advantageously to reduce RDP and increase the bypass protein but the autoclaving SBM showed the best treatment on improving the intestinal protein digestion of SBM.

Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 2019
In a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement, 3 levels of L-arginine (0, 75 and 150 mg/kg BW per day) were te... more In a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement, 3 levels of L-arginine (0, 75 and 150 mg/kg BW per day) were tested at two stages of pregnancy (Early 60 days vs. Late 60 days) on the maternal blood metabolites and postnatal milk composition relative to the newborn traits of Najdi ewes.. Thirty adult pregnant Najdi ewes were randomly assigned into 6 treatments (n = 5). Control early (CE) ewes were orally administered 50 mL normal saline (0.9% NaCl) daily during the first 60 days of pregnancy; control late (CL) ewes were similar to CE except saline was given at the last 60 days of pregnancy; low dose of L-arginine at early pregnancy (LE); low dose of L-arginine at late pregnancy (LL); high dose of L-arginine at early (HE) and high dose of L-arginine at late pregnancy (HL). Blood and milk samples were collected on a weekly basis. Data of lambing and newborn traits were considered. There were non-significant differences in litter size due to L-arginine; however lamb birth and weaning weights increased by 35% in LE-ewes. Arginine did not change blood protein and albumin. Low arginine decreased lipid fractions, creatinine, urea, and milk fat; however, it increased AST, ALT, milk lactose and milk ash. Administration of L-arginine at 75 mg/Kg BW per day for 60 days at an early gestation in ewes improved the maternal body health and milk composition for the welfare of the neonates.

Animal Biotechnology, 2019
Abstract Eighty multiparous lactating Holstein cows (635 ± 33 kg) were used to study the effect o... more Abstract Eighty multiparous lactating Holstein cows (635 ± 33 kg) were used to study the effect of feeding Saccharomyces cerevisiae and/or Aspergillus oryzae on lactational performance for 14 weeks. Cows were assigned in a completely randomized experimental design, with repeated measures into four treatments, and were fed a basal diet of concentrates and forage at a ratio of 592:408, respectively. The treatments were: (1) the basal diet with no additive (Control treatment); (2) the basal diet supplemented with 3.5 g of live S. cerevisiae/cow daily (SC treatment); (3) the basal diet supplemented with 3.5 g A. oryzae fermentation extract/cow daily (AO treatment); and (4) the basal diet supplemented with 3.5 g of live S. cerevisiae + 3.5 g A. oryzae fermentation extract/cow daily (AOSC treatment). The AO and AOSC treatments increased (p < .05) feed intake and daily milk production, with a low milk fat content for the AO treatment. Feeding SC treatment decreased (p = .002) serum glucose concentration, while the AOSC treatment increased serum glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase concentration. It is concluded that S. cerevisiae supplementation did not enhance milk production; however, A. oryzae fermentation extract improved feed intake and milk production.

Animal Biotechnology, 2019
Background: Rectal duplication cysts are rare gastrointestinal congenital duplicate cysts with va... more Background: Rectal duplication cysts are rare gastrointestinal congenital duplicate cysts with various clinical presentations that require different management. Case presentation: We present a case of a lady with a double rectal duplicate cyst which was found incidentally on a follow-up CT abdomen and pelvis scan. The patient initially had a mucocele excision, and following that, she had a non-contrast CT abdomen and pelvis to investigate post-operative pain. The CT scan revealed a single rectal duplicate cyst. She had a posterior approach excision to have it removed, and only intra-operatively, she was found to have a double rectal duplicate cyst. She had them both removed via a midline incision running from the perineal pigmentation and extending until the coccyx. She had another follow-up CT which showed complete excision of the cysts. Conclusions: After a thorough review of the literature regarding rectal cysts, there was no mention of a double rectal duplicate cyst. The purpose of this paper is to point out the various potential presentations of a rectal cyst as well as the idea that a double cyst is managed effectively in a similar way as the single one.

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2017
Investigating effects of partial (50%) or total (100%) substitution of clover hay by tannins-rich... more Investigating effects of partial (50%) or total (100%) substitution of clover hay by tannins-rich plant (Acacia saligna) on productive and reproductive performance of ewe lambs was the main goal of this study. Two experiments were conducted: first focusing on digestibility and N balance using 9 Barky rams (live body weight, 43 ± 2.5 kg) where animals were randomly divided into 3 groups (n = 3); control (C), 50% Acacia (AS50%) and 100% Acacia (AS100%); second focusing on productive and reproductive performance of ewe-lambs (n=18) where animals were divided into three groups (n=6); C, AS50% and AS100%. This experiment started 2 months before mating and continued till weaning. Dry matter intake decreased (P<0.05) linearly due with treatment. The digestion coefficients of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) were lower (P<0.05) in treated than C. The nitrogen intake and urinary nitrogen were reduced (P<0.05) by treatment, while fecal nitrogen increased (P<0.0%) with treatment. No change was found in conception rates among the three groups whereas fertility rates and lambing rates were higher in the treated compared to the control. AS100% reduced (P<0.05) total protein and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) compared to other groups. No differences in progesterone concentration were found among groups. AS50% resulted in higher (P<0.05) milk yield than other groups. Treatment decreased (P<0.05) milk fat percentage, whereas didn't change protein and lactose. Therefore, partial replacement of acacia leaves in sheep diets could be beneficial for productive and reproductive performance.
International Journal of Dairy Science, 2017

Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 2016
This study was conducted to investigate effects of supplementing two doses of quebracho tannins (... more This study was conducted to investigate effects of supplementing two doses of quebracho tannins (QT; 100 or 200 g/cow/d; QT 100 or QT 200 ) pre and post parturition to thirty Holstein dairy cows on Dry Matter Intake (DMI), milk yield and composition, blood metabolites and reproductive performance for 12 weeks. There were no significant changes in DMI due to QT at transition period of dairy cows. QT supplementation at either level decreased (P < 0.004) milk yield, Fat Corrected Milk (FCM) and Feed Efficiency (FE; P < 0.016) compared to untreated dairy cows. The supplementation of QT had no significant effect on milk fat, lactose percentage and protein and solid nonfat (SNF) yield, while protein percentage increased significantly in treated compared to control cows. Treatment time had significant effects on milk composition. The only time × treatment interactions were found on milk fat and protein percentages. Supplementation with QT tended to decrease (P > 0.05) the total number of ovarian follicles, number of large follicles, diameter of largest follicle, number of small follicles, number and diameter of corpus luteum, and progesterone concentration. The inclusion of QT increased days open and number of services per conception, which consequently decreased conception rate, compared to the control cows. QT 100 decreased (P < 0.05) serum total protein, globulin, glucose and triglycerides concentrations as compared with their values in control cows. Thus, the supplementation of commercial QT to dairy cows at their transition period had negative impacts on productive and reproductive performance.

Animal Nutrition, 2018
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of 10 weeks supplementation of Quebracho tann... more This study was conducted to investigate the effects of 10 weeks supplementation of Quebracho tannins (QT; 0 [control], 100 [QT 100 ] or 200 g/[cow$d] [QT 200 ]) to 30 multiparous postpartum buffalo cows (10 cows per group) on milk yield and composition, blood metabolites and reproductive performance. Supplementation of QT 100 had no significant effect on milk yield, whereas QT 200 decreased (P < 0.05) this trait. Compared with the control group, both QT levels decreased (P < 0.05) fat-corrected milk (FCM) yield, but no significant effects were found on percentages of milk fat and protein. Contrariwise, yields of milk fat, lactose and milk protein were decreased (P < 0.05) when QT 200 was supplemented. The solids nonfat (SNF) percentage and yield were decreased (P < 0.05) with QT 100 supplementation. Moreover, QT tended to numerically reduce total number of ovarian follicles, number of small follicles, peripheral progesterone concentration and conception rate. Supplementation of QT 200 numerically increased number of large follicles, mean diameter of large follicle, number and diameters of corpora lutea. The inclusion of QT 200 shortened days open (DO) and decreased number of services per conception. Contrariwise, QT did not show significant effects on serum total protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides concentrations. Supplementation of QT 100 caused an increase (P < 0.05) of serum urea compared with that in control and QT200 groups. Generally, QT decreased (P < 0.05) serum creatinine concentration. Therefore, the supplementation of a commercial QT to early lactating Egyptian buffalo cows displayed negative consequences on their productive and reproductive performances.

This study was conducted to investigate effects of supplementing two doses of que-bracho tannins ... more This study was conducted to investigate effects of supplementing two doses of que-bracho tannins (QT; 100 or 200 g/cow/d; QT 100 or QT 200) pre and post parturition to thirty Holstein dairy cows on Dry Matter Intake (DMI), milk yield and composition, blood metabolites and reproductive performance for 12 weeks. There were no significant changes in DMI due to QT at transition period of dairy cows. QT supplementa-tion at either level decreased (P < 0.004) milk yield, Fat Corrected Milk (FCM) and Feed Efficiency (FE; P < 0.016) compared to untreated dairy cows. The supplementa-tion of QT had no significant effect on milk fat, lactose percentage and protein and solid nonfat (SNF) yield, while protein percentage increased significantly in treated compared to control cows. Treatment time had significant effects on milk composition. The only time × treatment interactions were found on milk fat and protein percentages. Supplementation with QT tended to decrease (P > 0.05) the total number of ovarian follicles, number of large follicles, diameter of largest follicle, number of small follicles, number and diameter of corpus luteum, and progesterone concentration. The inclusion of QT increased days open and number of services per conception , which consequently decreased conception rate, compared to the control cows. QT 100 decreased (P < 0.05) serum total protein, globulin, glucose and triglyce-rides concentrations as compared with their values in control cows. Thus, the sup-plementation of commercial QT to dairy cows at their transition period had negative impacts on productive and reproductive performance.

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of 10 weeks supplementation of
Quebracho tann... more This study was conducted to investigate the effects of 10 weeks supplementation of
Quebracho tannins (QT; 0 [control], 100 [QT 100 ] or 200 g/[cow·d] [QT 200 ]) to 30
multiparous postpartum buffalo cows (10 cows per group) on milk yield and
composition, blood metabolites and reproductive performance. Supplementation of
QT 100 had no significant effect on milk yield, whereas QT 200 decreased (P < 0.05)
this trait. Compared with the control group, both QT levels decreased (P < 0.05) fat-
corrected milk (FCM) yield, but no significant effects were found on percentages of
milk fat and protein. Contrariwise, yields of milk fat, lactose and milk protein
were decreased (P < 0.05) when QT 200 was supplemented. The solids nonfat (SNF)
percentage and yield were decreased (P < 0.05) with QT 100 supplementation.
Moreover, QT tended to numerically reduce total number of ovarian follicles,
number of small follicles, peripheral progesterone concentration and conception
rate. Supplementation of QT 200 numerically increased number of large follicles,
mean diameter of large follicle, number and diameters of corpora lutea. The
inclusion of QT 200 shortened days open (DO) and decreased number of services per
conception. Contrariwise, QT did not show significant effects on serum total
protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides concentrations.
Supplementation of QT 100 caused an increase (P < 0.05) of serum urea compared
with that in control and QT200 groups. Generally, QT decreased (P < 0.05) serum
creatinine concentration. Therefore, the supplementation of a commercial QT to early
lactating Egyptian buffalo cows displayed negative consequences on their productive
and reproductive performances.

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of 10 weeks supplementation of Quebracho tann... more This study was conducted to investigate the effects of 10 weeks supplementation of Quebracho tannins (QT; 0 [control], 100 [QT 100 ] or 200 g/[cow·d] [QT 200 ]) to 30 multiparous postpartum buffalo cows (10 cows per group) on milk yield and composition, blood metabolites and reproductive performance. Supplementation of QT 100 had no significant effect on milk yield, whereas QT 200 decreased (P < 0.05) this trait. Compared with the control group, both QT levels decreased (P < 0.05) fatcorrected milk (FCM) yield, but no significant effects were found on percentages of milk fat and protein. Contrariwise, yields of milk fat, lactose and milk protein were decreased (P < 0.05) when QT 200 was supplemented. The solids nonfat (SNF) percentage and yield were decreased (P < 0.05) with QT 100 supplementation. Moreover, QT tended to numerically reduce total number of ovarian follicles, number of small follicles, peripheral progesterone concentration and conception rate. Supplementation o f QT 200 numerically increased number of large follicles, mean diameter of large follicle, number and diameters of corpora lutea. The inclusion of QT 200 shortened days open (DO) and decreased number of services per conception. Contrariwise, QT did not show significant effects on serum total protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides concentrations.

SUMMARY his study was designed to determine the characteristics of rumen fermentation, and post-r... more SUMMARY his study was designed to determine the characteristics of rumen fermentation, and post-ruminal protein digestion of untreated and treated soybean meal (SBM) using gas production (GP) technique and three step in situ/in vitro procedures. Soybean meal (SBM) was treated by autoclaving, roasting, with ethanol and mixed by various proportions of Acacia saligna (AS) leaves (1:3, 1:1, 3:1) ratios. The results showed that the highest cumulative GP was observed in untreated SBM followed by treated SBM with ethanol, roasted SBM and SBM+AS (3:1). The lowest mean values of GP were obtained in SBM+AS (1:3), autoclaved SBM and SBM+AS (1:1). The predicted metabolizable energy (ME, MJ/kg DM) and net energy (NE, MJ/kg DM) varied widely in substrates and was particularly high in untreated SBM, while SBM+AS (1:3) had significantly the lowest values of ME and NE. The highest mean values of NH 3-N concentration were obtained with untreated SBM, while the lowest was obtained with autoclaved SBMand followed by SBM+AS (1:3), ethanol-treated SBM and roasted SBM. Rumen degradable protein (RDP, %) varied from 33.6% in autoclaving SBM to 62.4% in SBM+AS (3:1). Intestinal protein digestion (IPD, %) content was highest in autoclaving-SBM, roasting SBM and untreated SBM and lowest mean value of IPD was recorded in SBM+AS (1:1).The highest mean values for VFA concentrations were obtained with SBM+AS (3:1)and SBM treated with ethanol followed by SBM plus A. saligna leaves (1:3). The lowest mean value of VFA concentration was obtained by autoclaving SBM or roasting SBM. It is concluded that autoclaving SBM, ethanol-treated SBM and mixing SBM with Acacia leaves (1:3) could be used advantageously to reduce RDP and increase the bypass protein but the autoclaving SBM showed the best treatment on improving the intestinal protein digestion of SBM.

This study was designed to determine characteristics of rumen fermentation and post-ruminal prote... more This study was designed to determine characteristics of rumen fermentation and post-ruminal protein digestion of Egyptian tanniniferous plants in
comparison with two high quality roughages using gas production (GP) technique and the three steps in situ/in vitro procedures. Tanniniferous plants
included Acacia saligna, Atriplex halimus, Prosopis gauliflora (pods and leaves) and Leucaena leucocephala leaves. The roughages were Trifolium
alexandrinum (clover hay) and corn silage. Results showed that Prosopis leaves had the lowest (P<0.05) cumulative gas production in comparison
to other feedstuffs. While, the highest cumulative gas production was observed in corn silage, followed by L. leucocephala leaves, Prosopis pods, A.
saligna leaves, hay and A. halimus leaves, respectively. The Prosopis and A. halimus leaves showed the lowest predicted feed intake (FI). The
predicted metabolizable energy (ME) and net energy (NE) varied widely in the seven forages with particular high values in L. leucocephala and low
values in Prosopis leaves (P<0.05). Estimated organic matter digestibility (OMD) and microbial protein (MP) significantly differ between plants.
Moreover, either leaves or pods of Prosopis had the lowest (P<0.05) OMD and MP, while L. leucocephala leaves presented the highest (P<0.05)
OMD and MP. There were significant differences among plants in the NH3
-N concentration. The A. saligna leaves showed the lowest NH3
-N, while
clover hay had the highest NH3
-N concentration. There was non-significant difference in VFA concentrations among clover hay, corn silage, A. saligna
and L. leucocephala but there was a significant difference among A. halimus and Prosopis pods and leaves. Tanniniferous plants and roughages had
variable content of rumen degradable protein (RDP). The RDP content varied from 12.4% in A. saligna to 60.8% in hay. The rumen undegradable
protein (RUP) differ significantly among feedstuffs. The highest values for RUP were observed in A.saligna but the lowest values were found in hay.
The intestinal protein digestion (IPD) content was highest in hay and corn silage but lowest in A. saligna leaves. This study confirmed that
tanniniferous plants had a potential nutritive value with different percentage of phenolic compounds, which cannot be dissociated completely post
Papers by Marwa F . A . Attia
Quebracho tannins (QT; 0 [control], 100 [QT 100 ] or 200 g/[cow·d] [QT 200 ]) to 30
multiparous postpartum buffalo cows (10 cows per group) on milk yield and
composition, blood metabolites and reproductive performance. Supplementation of
QT 100 had no significant effect on milk yield, whereas QT 200 decreased (P < 0.05)
this trait. Compared with the control group, both QT levels decreased (P < 0.05) fat-
corrected milk (FCM) yield, but no significant effects were found on percentages of
milk fat and protein. Contrariwise, yields of milk fat, lactose and milk protein
were decreased (P < 0.05) when QT 200 was supplemented. The solids nonfat (SNF)
percentage and yield were decreased (P < 0.05) with QT 100 supplementation.
Moreover, QT tended to numerically reduce total number of ovarian follicles,
number of small follicles, peripheral progesterone concentration and conception
rate. Supplementation of QT 200 numerically increased number of large follicles,
mean diameter of large follicle, number and diameters of corpora lutea. The
inclusion of QT 200 shortened days open (DO) and decreased number of services per
conception. Contrariwise, QT did not show significant effects on serum total
protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides concentrations.
Supplementation of QT 100 caused an increase (P < 0.05) of serum urea compared
with that in control and QT200 groups. Generally, QT decreased (P < 0.05) serum
creatinine concentration. Therefore, the supplementation of a commercial QT to early
lactating Egyptian buffalo cows displayed negative consequences on their productive
and reproductive performances.
comparison with two high quality roughages using gas production (GP) technique and the three steps in situ/in vitro procedures. Tanniniferous plants
included Acacia saligna, Atriplex halimus, Prosopis gauliflora (pods and leaves) and Leucaena leucocephala leaves. The roughages were Trifolium
alexandrinum (clover hay) and corn silage. Results showed that Prosopis leaves had the lowest (P<0.05) cumulative gas production in comparison
to other feedstuffs. While, the highest cumulative gas production was observed in corn silage, followed by L. leucocephala leaves, Prosopis pods, A.
saligna leaves, hay and A. halimus leaves, respectively. The Prosopis and A. halimus leaves showed the lowest predicted feed intake (FI). The
predicted metabolizable energy (ME) and net energy (NE) varied widely in the seven forages with particular high values in L. leucocephala and low
values in Prosopis leaves (P<0.05). Estimated organic matter digestibility (OMD) and microbial protein (MP) significantly differ between plants.
Moreover, either leaves or pods of Prosopis had the lowest (P<0.05) OMD and MP, while L. leucocephala leaves presented the highest (P<0.05)
OMD and MP. There were significant differences among plants in the NH3
-N concentration. The A. saligna leaves showed the lowest NH3
-N, while
clover hay had the highest NH3
-N concentration. There was non-significant difference in VFA concentrations among clover hay, corn silage, A. saligna
and L. leucocephala but there was a significant difference among A. halimus and Prosopis pods and leaves. Tanniniferous plants and roughages had
variable content of rumen degradable protein (RDP). The RDP content varied from 12.4% in A. saligna to 60.8% in hay. The rumen undegradable
protein (RUP) differ significantly among feedstuffs. The highest values for RUP were observed in A.saligna but the lowest values were found in hay.
The intestinal protein digestion (IPD) content was highest in hay and corn silage but lowest in A. saligna leaves. This study confirmed that
tanniniferous plants had a potential nutritive value with different percentage of phenolic compounds, which cannot be dissociated completely post
Quebracho tannins (QT; 0 [control], 100 [QT 100 ] or 200 g/[cow·d] [QT 200 ]) to 30
multiparous postpartum buffalo cows (10 cows per group) on milk yield and
composition, blood metabolites and reproductive performance. Supplementation of
QT 100 had no significant effect on milk yield, whereas QT 200 decreased (P < 0.05)
this trait. Compared with the control group, both QT levels decreased (P < 0.05) fat-
corrected milk (FCM) yield, but no significant effects were found on percentages of
milk fat and protein. Contrariwise, yields of milk fat, lactose and milk protein
were decreased (P < 0.05) when QT 200 was supplemented. The solids nonfat (SNF)
percentage and yield were decreased (P < 0.05) with QT 100 supplementation.
Moreover, QT tended to numerically reduce total number of ovarian follicles,
number of small follicles, peripheral progesterone concentration and conception
rate. Supplementation of QT 200 numerically increased number of large follicles,
mean diameter of large follicle, number and diameters of corpora lutea. The
inclusion of QT 200 shortened days open (DO) and decreased number of services per
conception. Contrariwise, QT did not show significant effects on serum total
protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides concentrations.
Supplementation of QT 100 caused an increase (P < 0.05) of serum urea compared
with that in control and QT200 groups. Generally, QT decreased (P < 0.05) serum
creatinine concentration. Therefore, the supplementation of a commercial QT to early
lactating Egyptian buffalo cows displayed negative consequences on their productive
and reproductive performances.
comparison with two high quality roughages using gas production (GP) technique and the three steps in situ/in vitro procedures. Tanniniferous plants
included Acacia saligna, Atriplex halimus, Prosopis gauliflora (pods and leaves) and Leucaena leucocephala leaves. The roughages were Trifolium
alexandrinum (clover hay) and corn silage. Results showed that Prosopis leaves had the lowest (P<0.05) cumulative gas production in comparison
to other feedstuffs. While, the highest cumulative gas production was observed in corn silage, followed by L. leucocephala leaves, Prosopis pods, A.
saligna leaves, hay and A. halimus leaves, respectively. The Prosopis and A. halimus leaves showed the lowest predicted feed intake (FI). The
predicted metabolizable energy (ME) and net energy (NE) varied widely in the seven forages with particular high values in L. leucocephala and low
values in Prosopis leaves (P<0.05). Estimated organic matter digestibility (OMD) and microbial protein (MP) significantly differ between plants.
Moreover, either leaves or pods of Prosopis had the lowest (P<0.05) OMD and MP, while L. leucocephala leaves presented the highest (P<0.05)
OMD and MP. There were significant differences among plants in the NH3
-N concentration. The A. saligna leaves showed the lowest NH3
-N, while
clover hay had the highest NH3
-N concentration. There was non-significant difference in VFA concentrations among clover hay, corn silage, A. saligna
and L. leucocephala but there was a significant difference among A. halimus and Prosopis pods and leaves. Tanniniferous plants and roughages had
variable content of rumen degradable protein (RDP). The RDP content varied from 12.4% in A. saligna to 60.8% in hay. The rumen undegradable
protein (RUP) differ significantly among feedstuffs. The highest values for RUP were observed in A.saligna but the lowest values were found in hay.
The intestinal protein digestion (IPD) content was highest in hay and corn silage but lowest in A. saligna leaves. This study confirmed that
tanniniferous plants had a potential nutritive value with different percentage of phenolic compounds, which cannot be dissociated completely post