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Welcome from the Program Chairs
Over the years, AMCIS has been evolving into a major international conference even as it retains its regional feel. Over half of all authors on the papers to be presented in Lima this summer are from outside the Americas region. In total, 45 different nationalities are represented in the presentations. Roughly 48% of the authors on accepted papers come from the Americas region; 12% from the Australasia region and 40% from the European region. We thank all of you for traveling in many cases quite long distances with indirect, multiple-stop routes to attend AMCIS2010!
For more information about the program and paper acceptance rates, please click here

Dorothy Leidner
Baylor University

Joyce Elam
Florida International University
Submissions from 2010
The role of cognitive conflict in open-content collaboration, Kiljae K. Lee and Gilbert G. Karuga
Hierarchical Structures: Conducive or Barrier to Knowledge Management?, Andrew Leslie and Souad Mohamed
Engagement in e-Government Business Case Justification? : A Case for Constructive Technology Assessment, Nick Letch
Personalized Knowledge Service Based on Smart Cell-Phone Usage: A Conceptual Framework, Meira Levy, Peretz Shoval, and Bracha Shapira
Adoption of a Centralised Post-Trade Processing Market Infrastructure after the Credit Crisis, Olga Lewandowska
The Consequences of Information Technology Control Weaknesses on Management Information Systems: The Case of Sarbanes-Oxley Internal Reports, Chan Li, Gary F. Peters, Vernon J. Richardson, and Marcia Watson
Modeling Utilitarian Consumption Behaviors in Online Shopping: An Expectation Disconfirmation Perspective, Eric Lim, Dianne Cyr, and Chee-Wee Tan
A Behavioral Perspective on Transmuting Successive Multi-session Web Searches, Shin-jeng Lin
The Complementary Effect of Manufacturing Process Modularity and IS Flexibility on Agility in Manufacturing, Shuai-fu Lin
An Examination of Privacy Concerns and Trust Entities in Determining Willingness to Disclose Personal Information on a Social Networking Site, Janice Lo and Cindy Riemenschneider
Towards a structured application of IT governance best practice reference models, Stefanie Looso
A Method for Analyzing IT Service Strategy in Municipal Governments from Nicaragua, Anayanci López-Poveda, Lazar Rusu, and Paul Johannesson
Architecture for analyzing manufacturing execution data - using Business Intelligence logic, Philipp Louis
Critical Issues in Enterprise Architecting – A Literature Review, Carsten Lucke, Sascha Krell, and Ulrike Lechner
Understanding the Performance Impact of Enterprise Architecture Management, Johannes Lux, Gerold Riempp, and Nils Urbach
Web Service Standards Taxonomy, Zakaria Maamar
An ERP-centric Master Data Management Approach, Alexander Maedche
All Aboard: ERP Implementation as Participatory Design, Johan Magnusson, Jonas Klingberg, Håkan Enquist, Bo Oskarsson, Andreas Nilsson, and Anders Gidlund
Combining Wikis and Screen Capture Videos as a Part of information Systems Science Course, Pekka Makkonen
Análisis del Éxito de las Adopciones de Sistemas ERP: Un estudio empírico en América Latina utilizando Modelamiento SEM., Miguel Maldonado, Jonathan Wareham, Oswaldo Lorenzo, and Rafael Lorenzo
Mobile Technology in Governmental Organizations: the IBGE Case, Adriana Manica, Amarolinda Zanela Saccol, and Silvia Elaluf-Calderwood
Application of a Data Mining Process Model: A Case Study- Profiling Internet Banking Users in Jamaica, Gunjan Mansingh, Lila Rao, Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson, and Annette Mills
The effect of pricing online content on perceived information quality in online sites, Juan Mao and Gilbert Karuga
IT Executives’ Perception of CobiT: Satisfaction, Business-IT Alignment and Benefits, Mauricio Marrone, Lukas Hoffmann, and Lutz M. Kolbe
Selecting and Ranking IT Governance Practices for Electric Utilities, Luiz Mauricio Martins, Antão Moura, Paulo Rupino da Cunha, and Antonio Dias Figueiredo
Can the WWW provide better answers than the textbook?, Matheus Matheus
The Management of Distance in Remote-Work Environments: A Deleuzian Approach, CHAUVET Mathieu
The Optimal Employment of Supply Chain management Decision Support Agents: an Exploratory Study, Angela Mattia
A Social Network Perspective of Information Systems Project Management, Angela Mattia and Heinz Roland Weistroffer
Curriculum Mapping: A Conceptual Framework and Practical Illustration, Alexei G. Matveev, Natasha F. Veltri, Enrique G. Zapatero, and Nuria M. Cuevas
A Theoretical Model of the Enterprise System Agility Life-Cycle, Chris Maurer and Dale Goodhue
Integrating Environmental Science into Information Technology Content to Generate Student Interest, Rondalynne McClintock M.Ed., Yoonmi Lee M.S., June Hilton Ph.D., Brian Hilton Ph.D., and Gondy Leroy Ph.D.
Investigating the Introduction to IS Course: Do Faculty, Recruiters, and Students Value the Same Content?, Scott McCoy, Andrea Everard, and Brian Jones
Control in E-Government Projects: An Exploratory Study, Orla McHugh, Kieran Conboy, and Murray Scott
Chaotic Worlds: An Analysis of World of Warcraft, Brad McKenna, Lesley A. Gardner, and Michael D. Myers
An Inductive Classification Scheme for Green IT Initiatives, Tim S. McLaren, Priscilla R. Manatsa, and Ron Babin
The Measurement of Information System Use: Preliminary Considerations, Ephraim R. McLean
Desarrollo y Evaluación de Modelos de Calificación Crediticia, Marcelo Mejía, Francisco Cadena, and Ernesto Carrera
Switching Costs and Abstract Compatibility Standards: Are Vertical Standards as Vulnerable as Physical Products?, Rubén A. Mendoza
How does PLM enhance international inter organizational new product development? Knowledge transfer and translation with boundary spanners, Valéry Merminod and Frantz Rowe
Forensic Data Mining: Finding Intrusion Patterns in Evidentiary Data, Rayman D. Meservy and James V. Hansen
An Exploratory Study about Microblogging Acceptance at Work, Paul Meyer and Jens Dibbern
What characterizes an Enterprise Systems Implementation Methodology?, Daniela Mihailescu
Conceptualizing Public Service Value in E-government Services, Annette Mills, Lemuria Carter, and France Belanger
Critical Success and Failure Factors in a Charitable Organization’s Systems Development and Adoption, Abdulrahman A. Mirza
E-Learning to Improve Intercultural Communication, Alanah Mitchell, Charlie Chen, and B. Dawn Medlin
Selecting an Appropriate Operationalization of the System Usage Construct: An IT Artifact Perspective, Mohammad Moeini and Liette Lapointe
Knowledge Transfer in Distributed Software Support with a Traceability Framework, Kannan Mohan, Balasubramaniam Ramesh, and Lan Cao
Transforming value perception in music information systems, Belinda Moloney, Jacob Cybulski, and Lemai Nguyen
Assessment of Ubiquitous Healthcare Information Systems Benefits, Ali Reza Montazemi, Jeff J. Pittaway, and Hamed Qahri-Saremi
Conhecimento Compartilhado e a Relação Entre Recursos de TI, Alinhamento Operacional e Desempenho de Processos, Valter de Assis Moreno Jr., Flavia Cavazotte, and Ricardo Reis Arruda
Influência das Capacidades Técnicas e Gerenciais no Desempenho das Empresas Desenvolvedoras de Software: Proposta de um Modelo Teórico, Valter de Assis Moreno Jr. and José Ricardo Monteiro Pinheiro
Exploring the potential and challenges of using mobile based technology in strengthening health information systems: Experiences from a pilot study, Arunima Mukherjee and Saptarshi Purkayastha
A linguistic fuzzy model for e-risk assessment, Arunabha Mukhopadhyay and Bhaba Mohanty
A Typology of Design Knowledge: A Theoretical Framework, Roland M. Müller and Katja Thoring
Crowdsourcing with Semantic Differentials: A Game to Investigate the Meaning of Form, Roland M. Müller, Katja Thoring, and Ruben Oostinga
Uso de Tecnologías de Información para la Mejora del Aprendizaje, Estela Lizbeth Muñoz Andrade and Juan M. Gómez Reynoso
Smart phones: Current Issues, Pros/Cons, and Future Directions, Jan Muntermann; Byungtae Lee; and J. P. Shim,
IT Enabled In-Home Direct Selling Presentations, William F. Murphy Jr.
A Methodology for Profiling Literature using Co-citation Analysis, Navonil Mustafee, Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi, David Bell, and Michael D. Williams
Virtual Team Success: Towards a Theory of Performance in Virtual Teams, Ninad Naik and Dan J. Kim
‘Stuff’ Happens: A Theoretical Framework for Internal IS Service Recovery, Mohammad Said Najjar, Aaron Kennon Smith, and William J. Kettinger
WOM or eWOM or Something Else: How Does the Web Affect Our Dependence on Shopping Information Sources?, Makoto Nakayama, Yun Wan, and Norma Sutcliffe
The Wisdom of Crowds in Government 2.0: Information Paradigm Evolution toward Wiki-Government, Taewoo Nam
The Moderating Effect of IT Auditing in Utilizing ICT for Economic Development of Low Income Economies: The Case of Ethiopia, Solomon Negash and Mengistu Bogale
The Dynamics of Women in IT: A Unifying Framework, Klara Nelson and Natasha Veltri
IT Project Retrospectives: Learning from the Past through a Program of Action Research, R. Ryan Nelson
IT Governance Maturity in the Public Sector Organizations in a Developing Country: The Case of Tanzania, Edephonce Ngemera Nfuka and Lazar Rusu
Building Traceability Systems: A Design Science Approach, Eric W. T. Ngai
Text Classification with Imperfect Hierarchical Structure Knowledge, Thomas Ngo-Ye
Institutional perspectives on implementing health information systems in developing countries: the case of electronic medical records (EMR) for children health in Vietnam, Thanh Ngoc Nguyen
Taxonomy Development in Information Systems: A Literature Survey and Problem Statement, Robert C. Nickerson, Jan Muntermann, and Upkar Varshney
The Age-Divide in Private Internet Usage: A Quantitative Study of Technology Acceptance, Bjoern Niehaves and Ralf Plattfaut
Does Your Business Process Management (Still) Fit the Market? – A Dynamic Capability Perspective on BPM Strategy Development, Bjoern Niehaves, Ralf Plattfaut, and Jörg Becker
Demographic Awareness and E-Government – A Quantitative Analysis of Germany and Japan, Björn Niehaves
From Cross-Organizational Business Process to Public Services, Martin Nussbaumer, Tobias Vogel, and Andrea Fuchsloch
Process Complexity impact on IS Audit Service Quality: An Enterprise System Perspective, Joseph Nwankpa
Power Tensions in HIS Integration in Developing Countries: The Need for Distributed Control, Edwin Nyella and Mathew Mndeme
A meta-model based approach to the description of resources and skills, Andreas Oberweis
Towards interoperable E-Government – identifying and classifying G2B services in the European metropolitan area Rhine-Neckar, Sebastian Olbrich
Warehousing and Analyzing Streaming Data Quality Information, Sebastian Olbrich
Examining the Factors Influencing Continued Knowledge Contribution in Electronic Knowledge Repository, Khet Khet Oo Tha
A Grounded Theory Approach to Understanding Mu-Fi Interventions on the Digital Divide, Julio Angel Ortiz
From Green IT to Sustainable Innovation, Wietske van Osch and Michel Avital
Efecto mediador de la innovación entre entorno y desempeño, en empresas de servicio., Jhony Ostos, Martin Santana, and Peter Yamakawa
IT Governance and Organizational Transformation: Findings From an Action Research Study, Boris Otto
Measuring Master Data Quality: Findings from a Case Study, Boris Otto, Verena Ebner, and Kai M. Hüner
A Cybernetic View on Data Quality Management, Boris Otto, Kai M. Hüner, and Hubert Österle
The Impact of Instant Messaging in the Workplace, Carol X.J. Ou
Understanding the Relationship between Project Success, System Success: A Proposed Study, Priya Padmanabhan and V. Rao
A Measurement of Non-linear Relationship between IS Qualities and User Satisfaction, Heun Dong Pak, Soo Min Pak, Ik Hoon Jang, and Young Chan Choe
A Balanced Scorecard for Compliance - Requirements of a Comprehensive Compliance-Reporting, Johannes Christian Panitz, Martin Wiener, and Michael Amberg
Digital Government Implementation: A Comparative Study in USA and Russia, Theresa Pardo
Perceived Organizational Readiness for IT-Based Change and its Antecedents: An Exploratory Study in the Healthcare Sector, Guy Paré, Claude Sicotte, and Placide Poba-Nzaou
Public Access ICT: A South-South comparative analysis of libraries, telecentres and cybercafés in South Africa and Brazil, Shaun Pather and Ricardo Gomez
Adopting New Software: Drivers of Voluntary Adoption in the same Product Category, Nainika Seth Patnayakuni, Ravi Patnayakuni, and David Berkowitz
Enterprise 2.0 Management and Social Issues, Karen P. Patten and Lynn B. Keane