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Welcome from the Program Chairs
Over the years, AMCIS has been evolving into a major international conference even as it retains its regional feel. Over half of all authors on the papers to be presented in Lima this summer are from outside the Americas region. In total, 45 different nationalities are represented in the presentations. Roughly 48% of the authors on accepted papers come from the Americas region; 12% from the Australasia region and 40% from the European region. We thank all of you for traveling in many cases quite long distances with indirect, multiple-stop routes to attend AMCIS2010!
For more information about the program and paper acceptance rates, please click here

Dorothy Leidner
Baylor University

Joyce Elam
Florida International University
Submissions from 2010
From Boundary Spanning to Creolization: Cross-cultural Strategies from the Offshore Provider’s Perspective, Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng, Rong Du, and Leslie Willcocks
Understanding the Internet Digital Divide: An Exploratory Multi-Nation Individual-Level Analysis, Belal M. Abdelfattah, Kallol Bagchi, Godwin Udo, and Peeter Kirs
Influence of ICT on Masculinities and Time Management, Paco Abril and Alfons Romero
Quantifying Risks in Service Networks: Using Probability Distributions for the Evaluation of Optimal Security Levels, Tobias Ackermann and Peter Buxmann
A Review of the HCI Literature in IS: The Missing Links of Computer-mediated Communication, Culture, and Interaction, Anukrati Agrawal, Michelle Boese, and Saonee Sarker
HOW MANY TECHNOLOGY TYPES ARE THERE? PRELIMINARY RESULTS FROM THE TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE LITERATURE, Miguel I. Aguirre-Urreta, Michael E. Ellis, Wenying N. Sun, Yucong Liu, Kiljae K. Lee, Juan Mao, and George M. Marakas
Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software: An Illustration of Limitations and Advantages, Abdulaziz Ahmad and Mike Newman
Ubiquitous Tour Information: the Relationships between Service Quality, Perceived Enjoyment, and Behavioral Intention, Kyungmo Ahn, J. P. Shim, and Juyeon Kim
The Role of Trust in E-Government Adoption: A Literature Review, Cigdem Akkaya, Dr. Petra Wolf, and Helmut Krcmar
Socio Economic Status- and Gender-based Differences in Students’ Perceptions of E-Learning Systems, Leslie Jordan Albert and Camille Johnson
E-Government Implementation in Oman: A Comparative Study of Three Public Agencies, Moaman Al-Busaidy
Adoption and Use of Information Technology in Mandatory Settings: Preliminary Insights from Saudi Arabia, Ibrahim M. Al-Jabri
E-Commerce Innovations in Jordan: Theoretical Model Development and Implications for Small Businesses, Nabeel Al-Qirim
A Conceptual Model for Acceptance of Information Systems: An Organizational Semiotic Perspective, Majed Al-Rajhi, Kecheng Liu, and Keiichi Nakata
Knowledge Sharing Motivations, Perceived Enjoyment, and Anchoring Effects on Perceived Usefulness of Asynchronous Online Discussions, Nimer Alrushiedat, Lorne Olfman, Mabel Kung, and Jakko van der Pol
The Roles of Intermediaries in the Diffusion and Adoption of E-Government Services, Faris Al-Sobhi, Vishanth Weerakkody, and Moaman Al-Busaidy
Does Service-Dominant Logic Provide Insight about Operational IT Service Systems?, Steven Alter
Including Work System Co-Existence, Alignment, and Coordination in Systems Analysis and Design, Steven Alter
Work system concepts as the core for teaching Information Systems and Operations Management, Steven Alter
Are Student Self-Assessments a Valid Proxy for Direct Assessments in Information Systems Programs?, Paul Anderson, John "Skip" Benamati, Jeffrey W. Merhout, and T. M. Rajkumar
Users’ Perceptions of Information Systems Implementation in Banking Institutions in a Developing Nation, Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo, Marco A. Villarreal, Lai C. Liu, and Perpetual Wuddah-Martey
An Ontological Foundation for Agile Modeling with UML, Saquib Anwar
Identifying the IT Readiness of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Jan Stentoft Arlbjørn and Anders Haug
The Process of Habit Formation In IS Post-adoption, Seyed Eshagh Ashraf Vaghefi and Liette Lapointe
MMOGs as Emerging Opportunities for Research on Virtual Organizations and Teams, Jakob J. Assmann, Marcus A. Drescher, Julia V. Gallenkamp, Arnold O. Picot, Isabell M. Welpe, and Rolf T. Wigand
Customers as service innovators within business networks, Christoph Augenstein, Doreen Mammitzsch, and Bogdan Franczyk
E-commerce Readiness in Ethiopia: A Macro-level Assessment, Elizabeth Ayalew, Lemma Lessa, and Mariye Yigzaw
Good Practice Guide for Managing IT Risk in Colombian Banking: Specification by Disciplines, Camilo Méndez Ayerbe, Gustavo Camargo Avendaño, and Andrea Herrera
Organisational Determinants Influencing Citizen Relationship Management (CiRM) Implementation in the British Local Governments, Mahadi Bahari and Syed Nasirin
The Effect of Abstraction of Constructs in Data Models on Modeling Performance: An Exploratory Empirical Study, Akhilesh Bajaj
Crossing Borders, Organizations, Levels and Technologies: IS Collaboration in Humanitarian Relief, Kartikeya Bajpai, Louis-Marie Ngagamassi Tchouakeu, Carleen Maitland, Kang Zhao, and Andrea H. Tapia
IT-Enabled Business Process Reengineering of New Product Development: A Capabilities Perspective, S. Balaji and C. Ranganathan
Signaling Mechanisms and Survival of Service Providers in an Electronic Market, Rajiv Banker, Iny Hwang, and Sunil Wattal
Risky Behavior in Online Social Media: Protection Motivation and Social Influence, M. Shane Banks, Colin G. Onita, and Thomas O. Meservy
Continuing E-book Use: Role of Environmental Consciousness, Personality and Past Usage, Gaurav Bansal
Trading Trust for Discount: Does Frugality Moderate the Impact of Privacy and Security Concerns?, Gaurav Bansal and Fatemeh “Mariam” Zahedi
Interoperabilidade e Inovação em Rede no Governo Eletrônico Brasileiro: um Estudo de Caso, Fernando Almeida Barbalho
An Exploration of Knowledge Management Practices in IT Projects: A Case Study Approach, Corlane Barclay and Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson
IT strategy Implementation Framework – Bridging Enterprise Architecture and IT Governance, Jens Bartenschlager and Matthias Goeken
Deterring Adolescent Dependency on Text Messaging: A Conceptual Model and Framework for Behavior Control, Thomas P. Barto and Wenli Wang
Supporting Creative Group Processes – Groupware for Communication and Coordination, Jörg Becker, Katrin Bergener, and Matthias Voigt
Selecting Interorganizational Standards – A Management Cybernetics Perspective, Jörg Becker, Martin Matzner, and Matthias Voigt
Stakeholder Involvement in Business Process Management Agenda-Setting and Implementation, Jörg Becker, Björn Niehaves, and Ralf Plattfaut
How Many Methods Do We Need? – A Multiple Case Study Exploration into the Use of Business Process Modeling Methods in Industry, Prof. Dr. Jörg Becker, Dr. Björn Niehaves, and Irina Thome
Proximal Business Intelligence on the Semantic Web, David Bell
An Instrument to Measure Student Attitudes Toward and Perceptions of MIS: Exploring the Success of Efforts to Change Perceptions of the Field Across Time and Gender, John “Skip” Benamati
A Cognitive Perspective on How Experts Develop Conceptual Models in Complex Domains, Palash Bera
Outsourcing and Communications, the Role of Stakeholder Analysis - A Case Study in Practice, Dr.Hilary Berger
Precision Agriculture in the Dairy Industry: The Case of the AfiMilk® System, Ron Berger and Anat Hovav
Knowledge Discovery from Satellite Images for Drought Monitoring in Food Insecure Areas, Getachew Berhan, Anat Hovav, and Solomon Atnafu
IT Adoption in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: The Role of Knowledge Acquisition, Pratyush Bharati
On the State of the Art of Coupling and Cohesion Measures for Service-Oriented System Design, Dominik Q. Birkmeier
Identifying the core topics and themes of data and information quality research, Roger Blake
Supporting the Production of High-Quality Data in Concurrent Plant Engineering Using a MetaDataRepository, Juliane Blechinger, Frank Lauterwald, and Richard Lenz
When Protests go Virtual: How Organizing Social Protest in Virtual Worlds Changes the Nature of Organizing, Bridget M. Blodgett and Andrea H. Tapia
Cyber Crime and Criminality in Ghana: Its Forms and Implications, Richard Boateng, Olumide Longe, Victor Mbarika, Innocent Avevor, and Stephen Robert Isabalija
Attributes of Information, Sebastian Boell and Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic
Scalability and performance of a virtualized SAP system, André Bögelsack, Holger Wittges, and Helmut Krcmar
A Business Intelligence Perspective on the Future Internet, Martin Böhringer, Peter Gluchowski, Christian Kurze, and Christian Schieder
The Perceived Advantage of Agile Development Methodologies By Software Professionals: Testing an Innovation-Theoretic Model, Nancy A. Bonner, James T. C. Teng, and Sridhar Nerur
Analysis of County Level E-Government Implementations, Queen Esther Booker, Robert Zelin, Brian Reithel, Carl Rebman, and Fred L. Kitchens
Going Global: A Faculty Connection between Peru and the United States, Larry Booth, Elizabeth Vidal de Garcia, Vickie Booth, and Eveling G. Castro Gutierrez
The Formation of Shared Services Partnerships in Local Government to Manage Resource Dependencies, Mark Borman
Applying Situational Method Engineering to the Development of Service Identification Methods, Rene Börner
Determinants of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use in Individual Adoption of Social Network Sites, Alan A. Brandyberry, Xiaolin Li, and Laura Lin
From Project Management to Project Leadership, Frank Braun and Michel Avital
Impacto de la Implementación de los Sistemas de Planeamiento de Recursos Empresariales ERP en el Desempeño Individual, Edgardo Bravo and Martin Santana
Corporate blogging today – usage and characteristics, Franziska Brecht, Anastacia Cudreasova, and Jing Zhou
Using Ontologies in an E-Commerce Environment: Help or Hype?, Franziska Brecht and Kerstin Schäfer
E-business in entertainment: Insights from the use of Business Intelligence in the Norwegian music industry, Eivind Brevik and Wanda Presthus
A Comparative Analysis of Persona Clustering Methods, Jon Brickey, Steven Walczak, and Tony Burgess
Aligning IT-service propositions to changing business requirements in ongoing servicesystems, Henrik Brocke, Falk Uebernickel, and Walter Brenner
Reuse-Mechanisms for Mass Customizing IT-Service Agreements, Henrik Brocke, Falk Uebernickel, and Walter Brenner
Adapting Project Management Standards – Deriving Guidance from Reference Modelling, Jan vom Brocke and Sonia Lippe
IS Project Escalation in Developing Countries, Laurence Brooks and Bella Eke
Unpacking Green IT: A Review of the Existing Literature, Stoney Brooks, Xuequn Wang, and Saonee Sarker
Customer Satisfaction with Cell Phone Banking in South Africa, Irwin Brown, Paul Licker, and Kudzai Kashora
Effects of Semantic Quality in Business Process Modeling, Johannes Buder
Towards Research Collaboration – a Taxonomy of Social Research Network Sites, Angelika Cosima Bullinger, Stefan H. Hallerstede, Uta Renken, Jens-Hendrik Soeldner, and Kathrin M. Moeslein
Innovation Contests – Where are we?, Angelika Cosima Bullinger and Kathrin Moeslein
Estrategias Tecnológicas de Gestión del Conocimiento Integradas con Sistemas de Información Empresariales, Mónica Henao Cálad
Cómo se desarrolla un Plan de Gestión de Conocimiento en la práctica - Caso Metro de Medellín, Mónica Henao Cálad and Sonia Cardona Ríos
Individual Readiness for Change in the Context of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation, Leonardo Caporarello and Assia Viachka
Semantic modeling usuing theta-roles: a natural language processing-based approach to conceptual representation, Judith Carlisle
Emergent leadership, Gender, and Culture: The Case of Sri Lanka, Traci A. Carte, Albert B. Schwarzkopf, and Nan Wang
The Empirical Investigation of a Wiki based group system in organizations., Sangmi Chai, Patricia Joseph, and Paul Mullins
Identifying Areas for Risk Sharing in IT Outsourcing, Kamalika Chakraborty, Gerhard Schwabe, Rajat Bhattacharya, and Tom Philip
Language Quality in Information Systems Development – Analyzing the Emergence of Requirements in Natural Language Processes, Marianne Corvera Charaf
Friend Suggestion and Friend Browsing in Web 2.0 Applications, Michael Chau
Data Analysis for Healthcare: A Case Study in Blood Donation Center Analysis, Michael Chau, Cheuk-Kwong Lee, Eddie Cheng, and Chi Wai Chan
Adoção da Internet Móvel para Uso Pessoal, Sidney Chaves, Henrique Veríssimo, Alcione Silva, Juliana Bittar Souza, and Patrícia Cotti
Psychological Ownership toward Blog Entry, Social Presence, and Satisfaction in an E-learning Environment, Sophea Chea and Margaret Meiling Luo
Improving the Trust of Users on Social Networking Sites via Self-Construal Traits, Charlie Chen and Alanah Mitchell
General Knowledge Supported News Analysis for Portfolio Risk Prediction, Kun Chen
Secure Web Development Teaching Modules, Li-Chiou Chen
An Integrated Model of Individual Web Security Behavior, Li-Chiou Chen and Gaurav Bansal
Do Schwartz’s Value Types Matter in Internet Use of Individual Developing and Developed Nations?, Khendum Choden, Kallol Bagchi, Godwin Udo, and Peeter Kirs
Information Technology Payoff: A Panel Data Application to Swine Farm in Korea, Young Chan Choe and Min Soo Lee
Toward Optimal Churn Management: A Partial Least Square (PLS) Model, Hyunbo Cho, Yeonhee Lee, and Hyeseon Lee