Tags: kottke



Sunday, March 10th, 2019

Regarding the Thoughtful Cultivation of the Archived Internet

Jason contemplates his two decades of blog posts, some of which he now feels very differently about:

Tim Berners-Lee’s idea that cool URIs don’t change is almost part of my DNA at this point, so deleting them seems wrong. Approximately no one ever reads any post on this site that’s more than a few years old, but is that an argument for or against deleting them? (If a tree falls in the woods, etc…) Should I delete but leave a note they were deleted? Should I leave the original posts but append updates citing my current displeasure?

Wednesday, May 16th, 2018

Avengers: Infinity War - Wizards vs. The Prophet

Jason Kottke had the same reaction I did to the new Avengers film:

Jeremy Keith noticed the same thing and I echo his amazement: “I was not expecting to be confronted with the wizards vs. prophets debate while watching Avengers: Infinity War”.

Sunday, March 18th, 2018


Congratulations, Jason—twenty years of kottke.org is a hell of an achievement!

I’ve been reading back through the early archives (which I wouldn’t recommend), and it feels like excavating down through layers of sediment, tracing the growth & evolution of the web, a media format, and most of all, a person.

Saturday, November 26th, 2016

kottke.org memberships

I have so much admiration for Jason Kottke’s dedication (or sheer bloodymindedness)—he’s been diligently writing and sharing weird and wonderful stuff on his own website for so long. I’m more than happy to support him in that.

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

Radiohead/ Remix/ Nude

Ever wanted to remix a Radiohead song? Me neither. But for those who do, they now can.

Saturday, March 15th, 2008

kottke.org is ten years old today (kottke.org)

kottke.org is 10. Many happy returns, Jason.

Sunday, January 20th, 2008

Alison on the Behance Network

A wonderful series of black and white photographs documenting the growth of photographer Jack Radcliffe's daughter Alison from childhood to adulthood.

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

Last.fm – the Blog · Spot the difference

Compare and contrast Last.fm's chart with the "official" UK chart. It's as if Radiohead doesn't even exist in meatspace.

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

Twitter (kottke.org)

Jason Kottke likes Twitter too.