dbohdan/classless-css: A list of classless CSS themes/frameworks with screenshots
A collection of stylesheets that don’t use class selectors. Think of them as alternatives to default user-agent stylesheets.
A collection of stylesheets that don’t use class selectors. Think of them as alternatives to default user-agent stylesheets.
This is a great HTML boilerplate, with an explanation of every line.
A minimal style sheet that applies some simple rules to HTML elements so you can take a regular web page and drop in this CSS to spruce it up a bit.
Monica shares the little snippet of handy CSS she uses at the start of any project.
A starter kit of CSS that gives you some basic styles that you can tweak with custom properties.
For when you don’t need the whole boot.
Shoelace doesn’t ship with a grid system because you don’t need one. You should use the CSS Grid Layout instead.
I approve this message!
This is so weird—Jordan Moore’s boilerplate responsive HTML template is exactly the same as mine! What are the odds‽
(I was once asked to contribute a boilerplate starter for
A very handy starting point for creating a front-end style guide.
This amuses me. I am amused.
I completely agree with everything Rachel says here. I see far too many projects that start out with pre-emptive conditional comments, JavaScript libraries and polyfills, without knowing whether or not they’re actually going to be needed.