Justified Text: Better Than Expected? – Cloud Four
Some interesting experiments in web typography here.
A collection of stylesheets that don’t use class selectors. Think of them as alternatives to default user-agent stylesheets.
Some interesting experiments in web typography here.
It’s great to see the evolution of HTML happening in response to real use-cases—the turbo-charging of the select
element just gets better and better!
Logical properties, container queries, :has
, :is
, :where
, min()
, max()
, clamp()
, nesting, cascade layers, subgrid, and more.
This is a very handy piece of work by Rich:
The idea is to set sensible typographic defaults for use on prose (a column of text), making particular use of the font features provided by OpenType. The main principle is that it can be used as starting point for all projects, so doesn’t include design-specific aspects such as font choice, type scale or layout (including how you might like to set the line-length).
Laying out sheet music with CSS grid—sounds extreme until you see it abstracted into a web component.
We need fluid and responsive music rendering for the web!
You might want to use `display: contents` …maybe.
The joy of getting hands-on with HTML and CSS.
Separate your concerns.
Using the CSS trinity of feature queries, logical properties, and unset.
Let me hear your blocky talk.