I post a few links on this site every day—around 4 or 5, on average. If you subscribe to the RSS feed, then you’ll know about them (I also push them to Delicious but I don’t recommend relying on that).
If you don’t use RSS—you lawnoffgetting youngster, you—then you’d pretty much have to actually visit my website to see what I’m linking to. How quaint!
Here, let me throw you a bone in the shape of a Twitter bot. You can now follow @adactioLinks.
I made a little If This, Then That recipe which will ping the RSS feed and update the Twitter account whenever there’s a new link.
I’ve done same thing for my journal (or “blog”, short for “weblog”, if you will). You can either subscribe to the journal’s RSS feed or decide that that’s far too much hassle, and just follow @adactioJournal on Twitter instead.
The journal postings are far less frequent than the links. But I still figured I’d provide a separate, automated Twitter account because I do not want to be that guy saying “In case you missed it earlier…” from my human account …although technically, even my non-bot account is auto-generated: my status updates start life as notes on adactio.com—Twitter just gets a copy.
There’s also @adactioArticles for longer-form articles and talk transcripts but that’s very, very infrequent—just a few posts a year.
So these Twitter accounts correspond to different posts on adactio.com in decreasing order of frequency:
# Shared by Michael Propp on Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014 at 4:44pm