Mother London

I was in London yesterday for a meeting with one of Semantico’s clients.

I don’t get up to London that often so I was determined to make the most of it. The meeting went well and once it was over, I took a stroll around the area. My feet took me to the British Museum and I was irresistably drawn inside.

Walking into the great court never fails to give me a thrill. It is truly a remarkable architectural achievement. I strolled into the Library and wandered ‘round the exhibits, soaking up the treasures of the world. When it came time for me to my make my way back to Brighton, my head was swimming with cultural sensory overload.

Speaking of feeding the senses…

If you’re planning on reading William Gibson’s Pattern Recognition, I highly recommend doing so when in transit to London. The novel is a fantastic snapshot of life in early 21st century London. Reading in its setting adds another level of richness.

Much as I love visiting London, I’m always quite glad to get back to dear little provincial Brighton. Certainly, after just one day of getting the train to London and back, I’m eternally grateful that I don’t have to make the commute more often. Sorry Richard. Sorry Jay. I don’t know how you guys do it.

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Previously on this day

22 years ago I wrote Wireless Workshop

I’m sitting downstairs in the Grand Central pub in Brighton enjoying the bandwidth.

22 years ago I wrote Redesigning Ben Hammersley

Seeing as I can’t afford a Volkswagen (not to mention the fact that I can’t even drive), I’m trying to get my hands on an iPod by other means.