Ten down, one to go

The Long Now Foundation is dedicated to long-term thinking. I’ve been a member for quite a few years now …which, in the grand scheme of things, is not very long at all.

One of their projects is Long Bets. It sets out to tackle the problem that “there’s no tax on bullshit.” Here’s how it works: you make a prediction about something that will (or won’t happen) by a particular date. So far, so typical thought leadery. But then someone else can challenge your prediction. And here’s the crucial bit: you’ve both got to place your monies where your mouths are.

Ten years ago, I made a prediction on the Long Bets website. It’s kind of meta:

The original URL for this prediction (www.longbets.org/601) will no longer be available in eleven years.

I made the prediction on February 22nd, 2011 when my mind was preoccupied with digital preservation.

One year later I was on stage in Wellington, New Zealand, giving a talk called Of Time And The Network. I mentioned my prediction in the talk and said:

If anybody would like to take me up on that bet, you can put your money down.

Matt was also speaking at Webstock. When he gave his talk, he officially accepted my challenge.

So now it’s a bet. We both put $500 into the pot. If I win, the Bletchly Park Trust gets that money. If Matt wins, the money goes to The Internet Archive.

As I said in my original prediction:

I would love to be proven wrong.

That was ten years ago today. There’s just one more year to go until the pleasingly alliterative date of 2022-02-22 …or as the Long Now Foundation would write it, 02022-02-22 (gotta avoid that Y10K bug).

It is looking more and more likely that I will lose this bet. This pleases me.

Have you published a response to this? :


Dries Buytaert

“It is looking more and more likely that I will lose this bet. This pleases me.” adactio.com/journal/17847 Fun bet by @adactio. Is there a crawler that reports link rot over time? While @adactio might loose, the web might not have gotten better at digital preservation.

Nitish Chopra

“It is looking more and more likely that I will lose this bet. This pleases me.” adactio.com/journal/17847 Fun bet by @adactio. Is there a crawler that reports link rot over time? While @adactio might loose, the web might not have gotten better at digital preservation.

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Previously on this day

8 years ago I wrote Long betting

Over halfway there.

12 years ago I wrote Jets dream

A modest proposal for long-distance air travel.

14 years ago I wrote The long prep

Care to place a wager?

17 years ago I wrote Thai-ing the knot

Going east.

17 years ago I wrote Resolved

The search on Upcoming has been fixed.

20 years ago I wrote Another day, another micropayment

Jason Kottke has given up his day job. He is now attempting to make a living from personal publishing.

21 years ago I wrote Teleport

I took a trip on Friday to see the good folks over at Motionpath.

23 years ago I wrote Quest for an iMac

Seems like I’m not the only one who has had trouble trying to get hold of an iMac for a test-drive.

23 years ago I wrote Bring on the dancing iMacs

According to this list, one of the things to be avoided in any blog is "your Mac fetish".

23 years ago I wrote Ashcroft Invokes Religion In U.S. War on Terrorism

Now America has a faith-based war.