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  1. Next Level CSS

    Rachel Andrew

    While we were all looking the other way browsers have been implementing CSS features that do things you might think you need JavaScript or at least a pre-processor to achieve. We’ll take a tour through what is landing in the CSS specifications and your browsers right now and in the very near future.

  2. Progressive Web

    Ada Rose Edwards

    With new web technologies enabling a new generation of install-able app-like websites it is important to ensure the web carries on working for everyone. This talk will discuss the P in PWA, progressive web apps should work for everyone and should not let their app-like approach divorce them from the web.

  3. Technologic (Human After All): Accessibility remix

    Léonie Watson

    With a little help from Daft Punk, we will explain accessibility mechanics in the browser, why CSS isn't just about looking good, and what tools you can use to get ahead of the game.

  4. All Things Continuous

    Andrew Martin

    Continuous Deployment for everybody: from a one-person army to distributed teams. Ecosystem appraisal, time-saving tips, max velocity!

  5. Power of Emoji

    Mariko Kosaka

    From improving performance 📈 of mobile web in 1999 to reacting with 👍 and 🎉 on our Pull Request in 2016, Emoji has become part of our daily communication. Emoji is fun and ambiguous, let's look at how it became part of our daily communication & how we can invent new use as creators of the web! ❤️ 💯 💁

  6. Optimise your Web Development Workflow

    Umar Hansa

    Learn about new DevTools features which can greatly enhance your workflow. Also, native Node.js debugging straight from DevTools!

  7. A brief history and mishistory of modularity

    Ashley Williams

    "MAKE IT MODULAR," they said. "IT WILL BE BETTER," they said. Modularity is a term so common in today, that it's easy to uncritically accept it as a fundamental development principle. What does "modularity" actually mean? We will talk through the technical etymology of "modularity" and examine history on both its current use today, and where it's heading in the future.

  8. Art.js

    Mathieu 'p01' Henri

    What is creative coding, especially with realtime animations and data visualisation. Looking at the animation loop, some gotchas & tricks (e.g. cheap motion blur or glow), sound synthesis, and more. Then we'll do a live coding session to put in this practice, have fun and create something cool together!


Advanced CSS Layout Training

Mastering browser devtools



ffconf takes diversity seriously. We know that a diverse line-up is important for the inclusion of marginalised people in the tech community.

We want people to attend because of the content we provide, not who's presenting it. As such, we only reveal our speakers at the day of the conference.

This statement is our approach to make our commitment to diversity as transparent as possible. We are striving to do better each year.

In 2015, ffconf's speaker distribution included 50% women and this year we intend to maintain diversity in our speakers. And we are proudly holding our event in Brighton.

This isn't something we should be proud of, because it should be the norm, but it is what we've got and we'd like to share that with you.

You can also apply for our diversity scholarship, open until 9-September 2016.

A special thanks ❤

This year, the following companies and individuals helped the scholarship by purchasing a diversity ticket which helped others attend where typically they may not been able to. So we would like to extend a special thanks, in no particular order, to:

See our sponsorship pack & get in touch today