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Stan's Library (ISSN 2421-1230)

Publisher: Extra Byte di Sykora Stanislav, Via Raffaello Sanzio 22c, Castano Primo (Mi), Italy 20022.

Each article published here is assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
Stan's Library adheres to the Budapest Open Access Initiative.

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To link to a Stan's Library article, use its URL, or its DOI (listed under the authors affiliation), or follow this format: 
Sykora S., Generalized Heronian means, Stan's Library III, July 2009, DOI 10.3247/SL3Math09.002.
To cite a Stan's Library article in your own work, use the following format: 
Sykora S., Generalized Heronian means, Stan's Library III, July 2009, DOI 10.3247/SL3Math09.002.

Contributors: This Library is an open forum for the thematic categories listed below and everybody is welcome to contribute. Get published for free and your work will receive immediate attention! Considering the dangers of the Internet, however, the Editor reserves the right to refuse any improper material and/or suggest editorial changes. For more details, contact the Editor.

Cumulative, reverse chronological Index of Volumes (indicated in the first column of each entry):

I: 2004-2006,  II: 2007-2008,  III: 2009-2010,  IV: 2011-2013,  V: 2014-2015,  VI: 2016-2017,  VII: 2018-









Research & educational articles on physics

Research & edu articles, books & references, datasets, posters and talks, ...

Math research & educational articles, references

Notes, algorithms, code SNIPPETS, ...

Scientific/technical databases and Collections of References

Notes on electronics

Essays about Science, epistemology, etc...

 F Books Lists:     Popular Science  F Mathematics  F Physics  F Chemistry
    Patents+IP  F Electronics | DSP | Tinkering  F Computing     Spintronics  F Materials
    WWW issues  F Instruments / Measurements     Quantum Computing  F NMR | ESR | MRI  F Spectroscopy
Hint: the F symbols above, where present, are links to free online texts (books, courses, theses, ...)

PHYSICS (except NMR / MRI)

V Talk by Sykora S.
Molecular Spins: a New Frontier
Conjecture of persistent currents in acyclic molecules and molecular fragments.
V Talk by Sykora S.
Fitting of spin system parameters to NMR spectra, revisited
Proposal of a new, very fast, algorithm for simulations of spin systems spectra.
IV Poster by Sykora S.
Molecular Spins: a new Frontier of Chemical Physics and Magnetic Resonance?
A molecular-physics conjecture presented at 53rd ENC as a Poster and a Talk.
IV Article by Sýkora S.,
Phononian Science: current state and perspectives
A mildly speculative and humorous reflection for Physicists.
III Biography Edited by S.Sykora,
The Life of Professor Fuchun Yu
Biography of a great physicists and co-discoverer of NMR chemical shifts.
II Edu by Sýkora S.,
The Hebel-Slichter effect
Summary of a historic milestone in field-cycling NMR relaxometry.
I Article by Sýkora S.,
Is every finite-dimensional Hilbert space a spin-space ?
An unconventional way of introducing the basic formulae of spin-algebras.
I Edu by Sykora S.,
Ad Astra Ltd and Early History of Gravity Engineering
A simple and amusing example of variational calculus applied to physics.
I DataBase edited by Sykora S.,
Constants of physics and mathematics
Latest CODATA values. Customary & root SI dimensions.
I DataBase edited by Sykora S.,
SI dimensions of various quantities
Alphabetic list of SI dimensions of over 200 quantities.
I DataBase edited by Sykora S.,
SI dimensions of various quantities listed by category
Over 200 physical quantities in 22 categories.
I DataBase edited by Sykora S.,
Tables of SI units and prefixes
Includes basic, derived, accepted and deprecated units.
Collections of Physics Books and References:
V Books list Books about Spintronics, including its theory, physics, engineering, materials, and applications
A large and continuously updated list.
III Free texts Online Texts about Spectroscopy
List and Repository of free, downloadable Spectroscopy Books, Courses and Theses.
III Books list Spectroscopy Books
A large and continuously updated list.
III Free texts Online Texts about Physics
List and Repository of free, downloadable Physics Books, Courses and Theses.
II Books list Physics Books
A large and continuously updated list.
II References Constants of Physics and Mathematics
A large and continuously updated list.
I References Systems of Units of Measurements
A large and continuously updated list .
Reprints of hard-to-find physics articles:
I Reprint Sykora S., Vogt J.,
Experimental Noise in Data Acquisition and Evaluation, Parts I and II
Bruker Report 2/1979.
I Reprint Sykora S.,
Raman Bandshapes and Rotational Diffusion of Molecules
US Clearinghouse Fed.Sci.Tech.Inf. 724330, 20 (1971).


Fast jumps: Educational, Books & References, Datasets, Posters & Talks, Old reprints, Application notes

V Review by Cobas C.,
NMR Data Evaluation: Review of Covariance Applications
Review of an important new NMR technique requiring special data evaluation.
IV Tutorial by Sykora S.,
From Spin Hamiltonian to Spectra
Know Thy Spins series: A lecture on spin hamiltonian and NMR spectra simulation.
III Eulogy by William C. Stevens,
Eulogy of the late Roy H. Bible
A recollection of an early NMR enthusiast who passed away.
III Biography Edited by S.Sykora,
The Life of Professor Fuchun Yu
Biography of a great physicists and co-discoverer of NMR chemical shifts.
II Article by Sykora S.,
The Geometry and some General Characteristics of the Isotropic AB Quartet
Know Thy Spins series: A recreational NMR essay.
II Article by Zeman V.,
Vzpomínky na NMR v Brnênské Tesle
In Czech [Recollections of NMR development and production in Tesla Brno].
II Article by Cobas C.,
Wavelet-based filtering applied to the diagonal suppression of 2D NMR data sets
A novel 2D-NMR data-evaluation algorithm.
II Article by Sýkora S.,
Suppression of receiver recovery time in NMR
Extention of the classical Lowe-Tarr circuit.
II Article by Hornak J.P.,
MRI Hardware: A two decade retrospective
An interesting reflection on the evolution of the routine MRI scanner
I Article by Sykora S.,
Field noise effects on NMR signals: Hahn echoes and CPMG
Analysis of the propagation of magnetic field noise into spin echoes
I Article by Sykora S.,
Field noise effects on NMR signals: FID's and 1D spectra
Analysis of the propagation of magnetic field noise into FID's and 1D spectra
I Article by Sykora S.,
NMR Sensitivity: Novel Approaches and Perspectives
Review of things lurking behind the corner.
I Article by Warren G. Proctor,
Reminiscences of the Early Days of NMR at Stanford
A fascinating 1967 document, edited by S.Sykora.
I Article by Sykora S.,
NMR Relaxometry of Solid Urea, I
Experimental obstacles due to strong piezoelectricity.
Educational NMR / MRI Texts:
III Edu by Sýkora S.,
A Primer on Scalar Relaxation in NMR
Reviews the concept, including order-of magnitude estimates for organic molecules.
II Edu di Gambaro S.,
Risonanza Magnetica Nucleare: Appunti di Lezione
Introduzione alla spettroscopia NMR in lingua italiana.
II Edu by Shoolery J.,
A Basic Guide to NMR
3rd Edition of the famous Jim Shoolery's booklet.
II Edu by Sýkora S.,
The Hebel-Slichter effect
Summary of a historic milestone in field-cycling NMR relaxometry.
II Edu by Sýkora S.,
Antenna Reciprocity Theorem in Magnetic Resonance
A phenomenological summary of the topic.
II Edu by Sýkora S.,
p-Quantum Transitions and a Combinatorial Identity
A combinatorial identity related to transitions in coupled n-spin systems
I Edu by Sýkora S.,
One-Page MR Primer
for newcomers, busy managers, laywers, and other outsiders
I Edu by Sýkora S.,
NMR Math: Pulse and Delay Operators
Basis for simulation of LR-NMR / MRI sequences. With free Matlab utilities
I Edu by Sýkora S.,
K-space formulation of MRI
Principles of MRI image formation and of the k-space formalism.
Errata: The 2D sinc function plot in Fig.2 was wrong until corrected on Jan.3, 2006.
I Edu by Sýkora S.,
Transformation Properties of Probability Density Functions
Math article written after a discussion on T1 distributions in NMR.
Collections of NMR / MRI Books and References:
III Free texts Online Texts about Magnetic Resonance
List and Repository of free, downloadable MR Books, Courses and Theses.
II References Early MRI physics (PDF, 2267 KBytes)
Collection of 270 titled, historic references up to the spring of 1984.
II References Early MRI instrumentation (PDF, 399 KBytes)
Collection of 76 titled, historic references up to the spring of 1984.
I Books list Books about ESR (Electron Spin Resonance, EPR)
The most complete list of ESR/EPR monographs available anywhere.
I References Works about the History of NMR / MRI
Includes also many web links relevant to the history of NMR and MRI.
I References Early History of NMR
A huge list of references: Part I (up to 1955) and Part II (1956-1959).
I Books list Books about NMR (excluding medical MRI)
The most complete list of NMR monographs available anywhere.
I Books list Books about MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
A large and continuously updated list .
I References Physical principles of MRI
A large list from the early days of MRI.
Collections of NMR Data:
III DataSet Varian Associates 1978
Varian EM360/A/L 60 MHz Spectra Set
Historic collection of CW HR-NMR spectra acquired on the EM360 instrument.
NMR Posters and Talks:
VII Talk by Sykora S.,
Realistic simulated MR data (virtual phantoms) and the development of IP algorithms
To develop Inverse-Problems algorithms one needs access to expertly simulated data.
VII Talk by Sykora S., Vasini E.M.
FFC Relaxometry of Poly-Dispersed Samples: some Special Aspects
Part of an investigation of nuclear magnetization evolution in variable magnetic fields.
VII Tutorial by Sykora S.
Tutorial on Spin Systems in Magnetic Resonance
A 40' introduction to a topic that would require a book!
VII Poster by Vasini E.M., Cobas C., Sykora S.
In-vivo spectra pre-conditioning using PcBc
Automatic phase and baseline conditioning of in-vivo NMR spectra.
VII Poster by Vasini E.M., Cobas C., Sykora S.
Metabolomic spectra pre-conditioning using PcBc
Automatic phase and baseline conditioning of metabolomic NMR spectra.
VII Poster by Vasini E.M., Sykora S., Cobas C.
PcBc - Novel Automatic Phase & Baseline Correction Algorithm
Update of a recent algorithm for a basic evaluation of NMR and other spectra.
VII Poster by Vasini E.M. and Sykora S.
Nuclear Magnetization Evolution During the Switching Time in Field Cycling NMR
Part of a more general investigation of magnetization evolution in a variable field.
VI Talk by Vasini E.M., Cobas C., Sykora S.
PcBc - A Novel Automatic Phase and Baseline Correction Algorithm
Progress in the development of the novel algorithm.
VI Talk by Sykora S.
The Unbearable Fuzziness of NMR Data
A reflection and illustration of how experimental data are always fuzzy.
VI Poster by Vasini E.M., Cobas C., Sykora S.
Automatic Concurrent Phase & Baseline Correction in 1D NMR Spectra
A novel algorithm, nicknamed PcBc.
VI Poster by Vasini E.M., Bortolotti V., Fantazzini P. and Sykora S.
PERFIDI Filters: A Summary
Work done so far on the PERFIDI T1filters so far, with focus on MRI
VI Poster by Sykora S., Cobas C.
Progress in Multi-Spectra Automatic Structure Verification (MS-ASV)
Frank report on the problems encountered so far.
VI Talk by Sykora S.
NMR in XXI Century: 30 selected things to do and explore
A technologist's view of the many open roads to innovate Magnetic Resonance.
VI Talk by Sykora S.
Is NMR Stuck?
A frank personal view of the current state of NMR (though not of MRI).
V Talk by Sykora S.
Molecular Spins: a New Frontier
Conjecture of persistent currents in acyclic molecules and molecular fragments.
V Talk by Cobas C., Seoane F., Sykora S.
Introducing GSD-2D
An extension of GSD (Global Spectral Deconvolution) to two dimensions.
V Talk by Sykora S.
Fitting of spin system parameters to NMR spectra, revisited
Proposal of a new, very fast, algorithm for simulations of spin systems spectra.
IV Poster by Cobas C., Seoane F., Sykora S.
Automatic Structure Verification (ASV) as an AI wizard:
the milestones met and the challenges looming ahead

Performance reached so far and perspectives.
IV Poster by Mari S., Righi V., Nocetti L., Valentini A., Schenetti L., Marchioro C., Sykora S., Cobas C.
Toward direct application of multivariate statistical analysis to MRS Datasets
A new approach to in-vivo and in-vitro Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in medicine.
IV Poster by Sykora S.
Molecular Spins: a new Frontier of Chemical Physics and Magnetic Resonance?
A molecular-physics conjecture presented at 53rd ENC as a Poster and a Talk.
IV Poster by Cobas C., Bernstein M., Vaz E., Seoane F., Sordo M., Domínguez S., Pérez M., Sykora S.
An Expert System for the Auto Assignment of 1H NMR Spectra of Small Molecules
2012 ENC report on the performance of the new Mnova software feature.
IV Poster by Mari S., Fontana F., Manteiga J.G., Gaude E., Cenci S., Caneva E., Musco G., et al
Metabolomic of Intact Tissues: Discrimination Between Different Osteolytic Lesion Regions from a Multiple Myeloma Patient 1H HRMAS NMR spectra
A nice and novel application of NMR in clinical medicine.
IV Poster by Cobas C., Seoane F., Vaz E., Sykora S., Bernstein M.
Automated QC with Compound Structure Verification and Quantitation
2012 ENC report on quality-control using NMR spectra and Mnova software.
III Poster by Bortolotti V., Fantazzini P., Gombia M., Greco D., Rinaldin G., Sykora S.
Performance of two-sequence, two-inversion pulse PERFIDI filters
to suppress and/or quantify relaxation time components in multicomponent systems

A practical application of a simple PERFIDI pulse-sequence preamble.
III Poster by Mari S., Mannella V., Quilici G., Musco G., Seoane F., Cobas C., Sykora S.
GSD in Metabolomics: Absolute Quantification and GSD Binning
The first reported application of GSD to metabolomics.
III Poster by Cobas C., Sykora S.
Progress in Bayesian DOSY and ROSY Transforms
Report on improvements made possible by combining GSD with the BDT algorithm.
III Poster by Cobas C., Sykora S.
The Bumpy Road towards Automatic Global Spectral Deconvolution (GSD)
With GSD finally operative, the lessons we have learned.
II Poster by Cobas C., Seoane F., Sykora S.
Global Spectral Deconvolution (GSD) of 1D-NMR spectra
An approach to extracting all significant information from an HR-NMR spectrum.
II Poster by Cobas C., Sykora S.
Bayesian DOSY: A New Approach to Diffusion Data Processing
Bayesian Data Transform (BDT) algorithm and its further improvements.
II Poster by Gombia M., Sykora S., Bortolotti V., Vacchelli E., Fantazzini P.
A numerical method to optimize presaturation sequences on multiexponential samples
Introduction of the LAPSR pulse sequence.
II Poster by Sykora S.
Spin Radiation: Properties and Suggested Experiments
Discussion of the nature of radiation emitted/absorbed by spin-systems.
II Poster by Cobas C., Sykora S.
New algorithms aiming at automatic analysis of 1H-NMR spectra
Steps towards automatic molecular structure verification and elucidation.
II Poster by Cobas C., Monje P., Fraga S., Sykora S.
Novel Data Evaluation Algorithms: J-CorrelatorTM
An efficient aid for establishing proton-proton connectivity from 1D HR-NMR spectra.
II Poster by Cobas C., Larin N., Iglesias I., Seoane F., Sykora S.
Novel Data Evaluation Algorithms: 1D and 2D Resolution BoosterTM
A striking tool for disentangling high-resolution NMR spectra.
II Poster by Cobas C., Sordo M., Larin N., Sykora S.
Novel Data Evaluation Algorithms: Bayesian DOSY and ROSY Transforms
A natural way to display DOSY or ROSY data.
II Poster by C.Cobas, S.Sykora
Extended DISPersion-Absorption (eDISPA) approach to Automatic Phasing of HR-NMR Spectra
Advances in automatic evaluation of high-resolution NMR spectra.
I Poster by S.Sykora, E.Vacchelli, V.Bortolotti, P.Fantazzini
New Universal NMR Sequences: PERFIDI and LAPSR
Two ways of exploiting trains of inversion pulses.
I Poster by M.A.Cremonini, L.Venturi, S.Sykora, C.Cavani, G.Placucci,
Reference Convolution of Low Resolution FIDs
in the Presence of Poor Magnetic Field Homogeneity

A simple approach to meaningful analysis of distorted NMR FIDs.
I Poster by D.Canina, A.Galkin, S.Sykora, G.M.Ferrante,
Novel Approaches to Signal Acquisition and Accumulation in FFC-NMR experiments
I Poster by A.Galkin, D.Canina, S.Sykora, G.M.Ferrante,
Novel Approaches to the Timing of FFC-NMR experiments
I Poster by M.Gombia, V.Bortolotti, P.Schembri, G.Ferrante, S.Sykora and P.Fantazzini,
A dedicated NMR apparatus for non-invasive and non-destructive measurements
of great dimension cores
I Poster by S.Sykora,
Field-Noise Effects in NMR
I Poster by S.Sykora, M.A.Cremonini, L.Laghi, P.Fantazzini,
1H NMR relaxation dispersion profiles of solid BSA
I Poster by S.Sykora, G.Ferrante,
Null-biased fast-field-cycling sequences
I Poster by V.Bortolotti, R.J.S.Brown, P.Fantazzini, G.Ferrante, S.Sykora,
Field-dependence of relaxation time distributions in rock samples
I Poster by Cremonini M.A., Laghi L., Sykora S., Ferrante G., Franchini A., Placucci G.,
Field Cycling Relaxometry of Hen Egg Albumen
I Poster by Sykora S., Ferrante M., Galkin A.,
Measuring Fast Relaxing Samples on Current FFC-NMRD Relaxometers
I Poster by Sykora S., Segre A., Capitani D., Proietti N.
1H-NMRD Profiles of Polymers: A Preliminary Experimental Review
I Poster by Bray C.L., Lee D.Y., Hornak J.P., Satheesh V., Sykora S., Ferrante G.,
A Fast Field Cycling NMR Study of Soil
Reprints of old & hard-to-find NMR / MRI articles:
II Reprint by Sýkora S., Doskocilová D.,
Teorie chemických posunù v Jaderné Magnetické Resonanci
Czech-language review of the chemical shifts theory in Chemické Listy (1966).
I Reprint by Sýkora S., Vogt J.,
Experimental Noise in Data Acquisition and Evaluation, Parts I and II
Bruker Report 2/1979. Properties and evaluation of noise in NMR Spectroscopy.
FFC-NMR Application Notes written by S. Sykora:
I AN040914 Computed T1MX in NMRD Profile Wizard
Problems, solutions and a discussion of merits for Users of Stelar AcqNmr software.
I AN040913 AcqNmr: User extensions of parameter capabilities
A guide for advanced Users in AcqNmr.
I AN040825 AcqNmr: Nesting Control Intervals in Pulse Sequences
Guide to interval splitting/nesting for advanced Users of AcqNmr.
I AN040824 AcqNmr: Direct Pulser-Channels Control
Explains the control of pulser channels in sequences in AcqNmr.
I AN030206 Estimates of mean signal offsets
Explains the improved offset-estimate algorithm implemented in AcqNmr.
I AN020815 Scripting of NMR Sequences in AcqNmr
A guide for advanced Users of AcqNmr.
I AN020805 XML format for an NMRD data base?
A data-base proposal which did not catch-on so far.
I AN020715 A brief note on FFC NMR relaxometry of soils
written with G.Ferrante. A reflection on expected phenomena.
I AN020703 Switching times and signal τ-dependence in FFC
written with G.Ferrante. Proof that FFC NMRD results are correct.
I AN010615 On-line evaluation of mono-exponential decays
Explains how AcqNmr evaluates monoexponential decays.
I AN010601 AcqNmr: Basic and Mute data accumulation modes
Explains settings of the DAAM and DAAP parameters in AcqNmr.


Fast jumps: Educational texts and Reference collections

VI Article Sequences related to the differential equation f''= af'f
Sequences whose egf's satisfy this equation form an interesting family.
VI Article Fixed points of the mappings exp(z) and -exp(z) in C
Properties and 20-digit tables of complex fixed points of ±exp(z).
V Article On some number densities related to coprimes
Densities of numbers m (non)coprime to [m\b] for various bases b.
V Article A Random Mapping Statistics and a Related Identity
A new discrete statistic and new decompositions of unity and of n^n.
V Article On Neighbor-Property Cycles
Counting round-table seatings where every neighbor pair has a certain property.
V Article On Canonical Gray Cycles
Counting canonical cycles of Gray codes for various cycle lengths.
IV Article Blazys Expansions and Continued Fractions
On a bijection of a subset of irrationals onto one of integer sequences.
IV Article Dawson Integral Approximations
Rational approximations (plus exact code) for the Dawson integral function F(x).
III Article by Sýkora S.,
Mathematical Means and Averages: Hermean, alias Generalized Logarithmic Mean
The limit of generalized Heronian means Her(k,a): existence and a closed formula.
III Article by Sýkora S.,
Generalized Heronian means III
Proof that no generalized Heronian mean is ever smaller than geometric mean.
III Article by Sýkora S.,
Generalized Heronian means II
Proofs of Heronian means inequalities for two special cases.
III Article by Sýkora S.,
A convex functions inequality
An inequality on means of convex function values at points evenly distributed over an interval.
III Article by Sýkora S.,
Mathematical Means and Averages: Generalized Heronian means
A sweeping generalization of the Heronian mean to a parametrized family of means.
II Article by Nemes G.,
New asymptotic expansion for the Γ(x) function (an update)
Adds estimates of the remainder for an asumptotic series published earlier.
II Article by Nemes G.,
Asymptotic expansion for log(n!) in terms of the reciprocal of a triangular number
Presents a log-factorial expansion similar to Stirling's but using triangual numbers.
II Article by Nemes G.,
New asymptotic expansion for the Gamma function
Presents two novel approximation formulas, a series and a closed-form.
II Note by Nemes G. and Sýkora S.,
A historic comment on ellipse perimeter approximations
Contribution to the history of the Particularly Fruitful approximation
II Article by Sýkora S.,
Inequalities involving linear and cyclic sums of ratios
Two inequalities for n-tuples of positive real numbers (+corollaries)
II Article by Sýkora S.,
K-Space Images of n-Dimensional Spheres and the Generalized Sinc Functions
Extends the function sinc(x) = sin(x)/x to fit n-dimensional problems
II Article by Sýkora S.,
Advances in Approximations of Ellipse Perimeters and of the Complete Elliptic Integral
S-class approximations, plus a report on Ahmadi 2006 and derivatives (error < 152 ppb)
I Article by Sýkora S.,
Algebraic Approximations of Ellipse Perimeters and of the Complete Elliptic Integral E(x)
A-class approximations, some with relative errors below 1 ppm
I Article by Sýkora S.,
Finite and Infinite Sums of the Power Series (k^p)(x^k)
Explicit formulas and some properties
I Article by Sýkora S.,
Binary Iterated Powers
Introducing BIPs and a novel point of view on the hyperpower series and its cousins
I Review by Sýkora S.,
Approximations of Ellipse Perimeters and of the Complete Elliptic Integral E(x)
Addendum to the 2005 Review
I Article by Sýkora S.,
Is every finite-dimensional Hilbert space a spin-space ?
An unconventional way of introducing the basic formulae of spin-algebras.
I Review by Sýkora S.,
Approximations of Ellipse Perimeters and of the Complete Elliptic Integral E(x)
Includes a MATLAB utility.
I Article by Sýkora S.,
On the Circumference of Ellipses
Two new approximations, applicable also to the complete elliptic integral E(x).
I Article by Sýkora S.,
Surface Integrals over n-Dimensional Spheres
This is more tricky than it sounds ...
I Article by Sýkora S.,
Volume Integrals over n-Dimensional Ellipsoids
This, of-course, includes multi-dimensional spheres ...
Educational Math texts:
V Edu An Abel's Identity and its Corollaries
A note on the huge family of Abel's combinatorial identities.
III Edu by Sýkora S.,
Mathematical Means and Averages: Basic Properties
A primer on means, averages, and their properties with innovative definitions.
II Edu by Sýkora S.,
p-Quantum Transitions and a Combinatorial Identity
A combinatorial identity related to transitions in coupled n-spin systems
I Edu by Sýkora S.,
Ad Astra Ltd and Early History of Gravity Engineering
A simple and amusing example of applied variational calculus.
I Edu by Sýkora S.,
Exponential Transforms of Polygonal Functions
Explicit Laplace and Fourier transforms of polygonal functions (this goes beyond education).
I Edu by Sýkora S.,
Taylor Traitor Functions
Note on some counter-intuitive aspects of the Taylor series.
I Edu by Sýkora S.,
Transformation Properties of Probability Density Functions
Math article written after a discussion on T1 distributions in NMR.
Collections of Math Books and References:
III Free texts Online Texts about Mathematics
List and Repository of free, downloadable Math Books, Courses and Theses.
II DataBase Mathematical Constants
A growing collection of pure and applied mathematics constants.
I Books list Mathematics Books
A large and continuously updated list .


VII Talk by Sykora S.,
Realistic simulated MR data (virtual phantoms) and the development of IP algorithms
To develop Inverse-Problems algorithms one needs access to expertly simulated data.
V Article by Sykora S.,
On Neighbor-Property Cycles
Counting round-table seatings where every neighbor pair has a certain property.
V Article by Sykora S.,
On Canonical Gray Cycles
Counting canonical cycles of Gray codes for various cycle lengths.
IV Article by Sykora S.,
Dawson Integral Approximations
Rational approximations (plus exact code) for the Dawson integral function F(x).
I Edu by Sykora S.,
Writing C/C++ Macros: Rules, Tricks and Hints
What you should know before writing a macro. Updated March 22, 2007.
Articles with CODE snippets
IV Code Integer Numbers C/C++ Macros
Testing and handling of integer numbers.
III Code Three-point interpolation of a real function
This C code includes coordinate estimates and reliability of local minima/maxima.
II Code ASCI Strings C/C++ Macros
Testing and handling of plain ASCII strings (char*).
II Code ASCI Characters C/C++ Macros
Testing and conversions of characters.
II Code Complex Metric C/C++ Macros
Distances to / between elements of a set of complex numbers.
II Code Basic Metric C/C++ Macros
Distances to / between set elements.
I Code Extrema C/C++ Macros
Maximum & minimum values and/or their locations.
I Code Bits and Flags C/C++ Macros
Management of single Bits and Bit-Flag Arrays.
I Code Relational and Sign C/C++ Macros
Relations, Sorting and Sign management.
I Code General Purpose C/C++ Macros
Data extraction, Shifts and Permutations.
Data Bases
VI Books list Books about HDL's, FPGA's, and Silicon Programming
A large, updated list covering modern digital hardware development.
VI Books list Books about Programming and Computing Tools
A large and continuously updated list covering languages, libraries, OS, and more.
III Books list Books on Quantum Computing, Information and Entaglement
A large and continuously updated list.
III Free texts Online Texts about Programming
List and Repository of free, downloadable Programming Books, Courses and Theses.
II CodeLib by IBM (International Business Machines Corporation),
System/360 Scientific Subroutine Package Programmer's Manual, Version III
Free, online re-edition of the now historic 1968 document.
II Books list Books about Web Issues and Web Programming
A large and continuously updated list.
I Books list Books about Software, Programming, Algorithms, ...
A large and continuously updated list.
I DataBase HTML Character Sets
Charset specification in the http-equiv meta. Includes code-pages.
I DataBase HTML Entities and their Glyphs
W3C HTML 4.0 entities with corresponding glyphs.

DATA BASES edited by S. Sykora

II DataBase Mathematical Constants
Huge, growing collection of pure and applied mathematics constants.
I DataBase HTML Character Sets
Charset specification in the http-equiv meta. Includes code-pages.
I DataBase HTML Entities and their Glyphs
W3C HTML 4.0 entities with corresponding glyphs.
I DataBase Constants of physics and mathematics
Latest CODATA values. Customary & root SI dimensions.
I DataBase SI dimensions of various quantities
Alphabetic list of SI dimensions of over 200 quantities.
I DataBase SI dimensions of various quantities listed by category
Over 200 physical quantities in 22 categories.
I DataBase Tables of SI units and prefixes
Includes basic, derived, accepted and deprecated units.
Edited lists of BOOKS and REFERENCES:
VI Books list Books about HDL's, FPGA's, and Silicon Programming
A large, updated list covering modern digital hardware development.
VI Books list Books about Programming and Computing Tools
A large, updated list covering languages, libraries, OS, and more.
V Books list Books about Home and Classroom Electronics Tinkering, Hacking, Programming,
and having fun with Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Intel Edison, Intel Galileo, BeagleBone, etc.
V Books list Books about Spintronics, including its theory, physics, engineering, materials, and applications
A large and continuously updated list.
V Books list Books about Intellectual Property (IP), Patents, Copyright, and Self-publishing
A large and continuously updated list.
V Books list Books about WWW development issues
A large and continuously updated list.
IV Books list Popular Science Books (a reach-out collection)
A large and continuously growing list.
IV Books list Books on Materials Science and Technology
A large and continuously updated list.
IV Books list Books on Quantum Computing, Information and Entaglement
A large and continuously updated list.
III Free texts Online Texts about Spectroscopy
List and Repository of free, downloadable Spectroscopy Books, Courses and Theses.
III Books list Spectroscopy Books
A large and continuously updated list.
III Free texts Online Texts about Chemistry
List and Repository of free, downloadable Chemistry Books, Courses and Theses.
III Books list Chemistry Books
A large and continuously updated list.
III Free texts Online Texts about Programming
List and Repository of free, downloadable Programming Books, Courses and Theses.
III Free texts Online Texts about Mathematics
List and Repository of free, downloadable Math Books, Courses and Theses.
III Free texts Online Texts about Physics
List and Repository of free, downloadable Physics Books, Courses and Theses.
III Books list Physics Books
A large and continuously updated list.
III Free texts Online Texts about Electronics
List and Repository of free, downloadable Electronics Books, Courses and Theses.
III Free texts Online Texts about Magnetic Resonance
List and Repository of free, downloadable MR Books, Courses and Theses.
II References Early MRI physics (PDF, 2267 KBytes)
A collection of 270 titled, historic references up to the spring of 1984.
II References Early MRI instrumentation (PDF, 399 KBytes)
A collection of 76 titled, historic references up to the spring of 1984.
II Books list Books about Patents and Intellectual Property
A large and continuously updated list.
II Books list Books about Web Issues and Web Programming
A large and continuously updated list.
I References Constants of Physics and Mathematics
A large and continuously updated list.
I Books list Books about Software, Programming, Algorithms, ...
A large and continuously updated list.
I Books list Mathematics Books
A large and continuously updated list.
I Books list Books about ESR (Electron Spin Resonance, EPR)
The most complete list of ESR/EPR monographs available anywhere.
I Books list Books about Scientific Instruments, Measurements, and Sensors
A large and continuously updated list.
I Books list Digital Signal Processing books
A large and continuously updated list. Includes books on embedded systems.
I Books list Electronic and Electric Engineering books
A large and continuously updated list.
I References Works about the History of NMR / MRI
Includes also many web links relevant to the history of NMR and MRI.
I References Early History of NMR, Part II
Covers years 1956-1959.
I References Early History of NMR, Part I
From prior art up to 1955.
I Books list Books about NMR (excluding medical MRI)
The most complete list of NMR monographs available anywhere.
I Books list Books about MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
A large and continuously updated list.
I References Physical principles of MRI
A large and continuously updated list.
I References Systems of Units of Measurements
A large and continuously updated list.


VI Books list Books about HDL's, FPGA's, and Silicon Programming
A large, updated list covering modern digital hardware development.
V Books list Books about Home and Classroom Electronics Tinkering, Hacking, Programming,
and having fun with Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Intel Edison, Intel Galileo, BeagleBone, etc.
III Free texts Online Texts about Electronics
List and Repository of free, downloadable Electronics Books, Courses and Theses.
II Edu by Sykora S.,
Antenna Reciprocity Theorem in Magnetic Resonance
A phenomenological summary of the topic.
II Article by Sykora S.,
Suppression of receiver recovery time in NMR
Extention of the classical Lowe-Tarr circuit.
I Edu by Sýkora S.,
Noise Figure and Equivalent Input Noise
Definitions of - and the relation between - the two concepts.
I Edu by Sýkora S.,
Passive Electronic Components: Standard Values
Values of resistors, capacitors and inductors as defined by IEC 63.
I Edu by Sýkora S.,
Passive Electronic Components: Color Codes
Color coding of resistors, inductors and capacitors as defined by IEC 62.
I DataBase SI dimensions of various quantities listed by category
Includes a large section on electromagnetic physical quantities.
I Books list Electronic and Electric Engineering books
A large and continuously updated list.
I Books list Digital Signal Processing books
A large and continuously updated list. Includes books on embedded systems.
I Books list Books about Scientific Instrumentation and Measurements
A large and continuously updated list.
I Poster by D.Canina, A.Galkin, S.Sykora, G.M.Ferrante,
Novel Approaches to Signal Acquisition and Accumulation in FFC-NMR experiments
I Poster by A.Galkin, D.Canina, S.Sykora, G.M.Ferrante,
Novel Approaches to the Timing of FFC-NMR experiments


V Article by Sýkora S.,
On the Law of Diminishing Returns in R&D and Science
A technical reflection about research and development management (including Science).
IV Article by Sýkora S.,
Phononian Science: current state and perspectives
A mildly speculative and humorous reflection for Physicists.
I Article by Sýkora S.,
Quo Vadis, Science
Effects of mass-production of Science (1970).

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Copyright ©2004-2018 Sýkora S.  | Stan's Library, Vol.0, DOI: 10.3247/10.3247/SL.000 Designed by Stan Sýkora