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Parametrically Enabled Relaxation Filters with Double and multiple Inversion

and their applications to MR Imaging, NMR Spectroscopy and NMR Relaxometry

This site is dedicated to the presentation, development and applications of the PERFIDI pulse sequence in different areas of
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.


Perfidi is a set of parametrized families of pulse sequence preambles, applicable to almost all pre-existent NMR pulse sequences, whose effect is that of a high / low / band pass filter on the signals arising from different sample components according to their longitudinal relaxation rates R1 (or, alternatively, relaxation times T1).

The concept of PERFIDI was developed jointly by Stanislav Sykora (Extra Byte) and Paola Fantazzini (Physics Department and DICMA MRPM Lab of the University of Bologna) and was PATENTED by the University.

In the opinion of this particular Author (SS), the patent has actually hindered the spread of PERFIDI applications. In any case, since June 2010 the PERFIDI patent is no longer enforced by the University, i.e., registration renewal duties are not payed. The Authors were offered the option to continue the maintenance/enforcement of the patent on a private basis but declined to do so.

    PERFIDI News and Events

2010, Sep 21 Oral presentation (in Italiano) of a PERFIDI application by Giuseppe Rinaldin at the annual meeting of the Società Italiana di Fisica (SIF 2010, Bologna, Italy). Presentation co-authors: Villiam Bortolotti, Paola Fantazzini, Mirko Gombia, Stanislav Sykora. Also available:
2010, Sep 12 A Poster about a PERFIDI application was presented at the 10th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance Applications to Porous Media (MRPM 10) held in Leipzig, Germany. Its title was Performance of two-sequence, two-inversion pulse PERFIDI filters to suppress and/or quantify relaxation time components in multicomponent systems and it was signed by Villiam Bortolotti, Paola Fantazzini, Mirko Gombia, Danilo Greco, Giuseppe Rinaldin and Stan Sykora.
2010, Jul 18 An application article stemming from the Rinaldin's Thesis is published in Journal of Magnetic Resonance 206, pp.219-226 (2010; doi 10.1016/j.jmr.2010.07.010). Its title is PERFIDI filters to suppress and/or quantify relaxation time components in multi-component systems: An example for fat-water systems and it is signed by Villiam Bortolotti, Paola Fantazzini, Mirko Gombia, Danilo Greco, Giuseppe Rinaldin and Stan Sykora. The article, subject to an Elsevier Inc Copyright, can be purchased online. Its abstract and a draft version, compatible with the copyright, are available on the personal site of one of the Authors.
2009, Dec 1 Giuseppe Rinaldin defends his Master Thesis on an implementation and verification of PERFIDI at the Department of Physics of the University of Bologna. The title of the Italian Thesis is Sviluppo del metodo PERFIDI e sua verifica sperimentale per il filtraggio del segnale NMR in sistemi multicomponenti. Click it to open/download the full text.
2007, Oct 26 Oral presentation (in Italiano) of PERFIDI by Stan Sykora at the annual meeting of the Società Italiana di Fisica (SIF 2007, October 24-28, Pisa, Italy). Presentation co-authors: Villiam Bortolotti and Paola Fantazzini.
2007, Jan 11 The international patent was published as WO2007004040 (A1). See the full text PDF.
2006, Nov 20 An article based on the Conference talk was published in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol.25, pp.529-532 (2007). Its title was PERFIDI: Parametrically Enabled Relaxation Filters with Double and multiple Inversion and it was signed by Stan Sykora, Villiam Bortolotti, and Paola Fantazzini.
The article, subject to an Elsevier Inc Copyright, can be purchased online. Its abstract and a draft version, compatible with the copyright, are available on the personal site of one of the Authors.
2006, Sep 20 Poster presentation of PERFIDI at the XXXVI National Congress on Magnetic Resonance of GIDRM in Salerno, Italy. The poster title was New Universal NMR Sequences: PERFIDI and LAPSR and it was signed by Stan Sykora, Elisa Vacchelli, Villiam Bortolotti and Paola Fantazzini.
2006, Sep 14 Oral presentation of PERFIDI by Stan Sykora at the 8-th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media (MRPM8) held in Bologna, Italy. Presentation co-authors: Villiam Bortolotti and Paola Fantazzini.
2006, Sep 1 Application for the European Patent by University of Bologna and the Authors. The international application number is PCT/IB2006/001839.
2005, Jul 1 Registration of the Italian Patent number ITBO20050445 by the University of Bologna and the Authors. See the Abstract of the Italian patent, edited in English.

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