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Is NMR Stuck?

TALK by Stanislav Sykora, Extra Byte, Italy

presented at MRPM 13, Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media, Bologna (Italy), 4-8 Sep 2016.

DOWNLOAD the talk slides: PPTX (788 kB) Other Stan's Talks and Posters | Stan's Library | Stan's HUB

  Warning: the slides are heavily animated, you must actually run the presentaion to make sense of it!

Permalink of this document: DOI 10.3247/SL6Nmr16.001.

Please, cite this online document as:
Sykora S., Is NMR Stuck?,
   Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media, MRPM 13, Bologna (Italy), 4-8 Sep 2016, DOI: 10.3247/SL6Nmr16.001.


The original title of this Talk was to be 'NMR Technology: Recent history, emerging possibilities, and new challenges'. However, while preparing it, I started by describing the current state-of-the-art and the way (for me unsatisfactory) it was developing in recent years, and I never got beyond that point! Consequently, as it sometimes happens to me, this became a talk about something else.

Admittedly, it was a rather pessimistic talk - a fact that has disappointed some of the organisers of the Conference, but it also stimulated a surprisingly broad feedback from people who share my point of view. People saying 'you did well, these are questions which merit to be raised and discussed'. It is clear that this is an open, unfinished job.

To finish the job (so to say), I will follow this Talk with another one, a kind of more optimistic 'continuation', planned for the MMCE 2017 Conference in Budapest (Hungary), 8-12 March 2017. The title of that one will be 'NMR in XXI Century: 30 selected things to do and explore'. Please, come to Budapest, or else wait till March for those slides to become available.


Your comments are welcome and will appear here

2017 Mar 13, Stan Sykora:
The MMCE 2017 Talk slides are now available at DOI 10.3247/SL6Nmr17.001.


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Copyright ©2016 Sýkora S.,    DOI: 10.3247/SL6Nmr16.001 Page design by Stan Sýkora