BBC Weather
Forecast for North America
Latest forecast for North America
- Last updated4 hours ago
Weather for the Week Ahead. Video, 00:03:29
Temperatures are due to drop this week but will it be for long? Stav Danaos has the ten-day forecast.
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- Posted6 hours ago
UK hotter than Costa del Sol on warmest weekend of the year
Temperatures topped 19.7C this weekend in Crosby near Liverpool but cold weather is back in the forecast.
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- Posted2 hours ago
Mass blackouts in storm-hit eastern Australia
Residents are warned power may not return for days as further heavy rainfall is forecast.
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- Posted12 hours ago
Already experiencing hay fever? Experts predict a severe season for allergy sufferers
Itchy eyes? Sore throat? Tree pollen may be to blame as experts predict it will be an above-average season.
Five celestial events to look out for this spring
What should we be looking out for in the night sky over the next couple of months?
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- Posted5 days ago