Patrick Schneidau Named DTN Chief Executive Officer
DTN welcomes Patrick Schneidau as its new Chief Executive Officer to drive the company's strategy focused on AI-driven, cutting edge, decision support technology that empowers businesses worldwide.
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DTNsights: Episode 3
Renny Vandewege, GM for Weather and Climate Intelligence at DTN visits with Mike Wolfinbarger, RadarScope Co-Founder and DTN Product Manager to discuss RadarScope and its impact on storm tracking, emergency response, and weather preparedness.
Learn MoreWhy Public, Private And Research Weather Entities Make A Good Match
Weather and the decisions made from forecasting and risk planning have profound implications across every aspect of our lives. This is why collaborative efforts are critical.
Learn MoreAI Transforms Meteorologists From Forecasters To Communicators
The role of a meteorologist has undergone a significant transformation, driven by faster computers and AI. This has led to a new responsibility, risk communicator.
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DTN provides powerful weather insights for aviation, agriculture, transportation, and more. Our weather APIs communicate information faster for improved decision-making when it counts. Weather As A Service (WAAS) allows you to access DTN’s weather intelligence anywhere anytime