
From TEIWiki
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This page collects together any pages relating to Tools for use with TEI resources. Any wiki pages which include [[Category:Tools]] will appear here.

External links

  • TEI Tools -- a prose overview of tools for use with TEI documents
  • DiRT Directory -- "a registry of digital research tools for scholarly use. DiRT makes it easy for digital humanists and others conducting digital research to find and compare resources ranging from content management systems to music OCR, statistical analysis packages to mindmapping software."
  • Terroir - Tools -- list of tools from Project Bamboo wiki
  • Scholarly Tools for Digital Humanities

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  • Log in (Create a user account for this WIKI if you have not done so.)
  • Add a new page. To do this, add the name of the new page to the URL in your browser's address bar after index.php/ .For example, if you wish to create a new page called "ApacheCocoon", just edit the URL in your web browser's address bar to look like this:
  • Assuming no one else has made a page with the name you chose, you will be brought to a blank page. Click the edit button and do the following:
    • Copy and paste this code to help structure the page.
    • Wrap any non-wiki content (scripts, code, command-line setup instructions, etc.) in <nowiki><pre> .... </pre></nowiki> tags
    • Preview and then Save your page and you are finished. You can go back and edit at any time.

Pages in category "Tools"

The following 135 pages are in this category, out of 135 total.