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"Transkribus is a comprehensive platform for the automated recognition, transcription and searching of historical documents."<ref></ref> "Transkribus can be used for several purposes. The most important are: "i. Transcribe documents for a scholarly edition "ii. Create training data to feed the Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) system so it can learn to decipher your historical documents. "iii. Run HTR on your documents and receive automatically generated transcripts. "iv. Search for distinct words in your document collections with Keyword Spotting which is much more powerful than standard full-text search. "v. The platform lives from the community. The more data uploaded to Transkribus, the more efficient the program and especially the Handwritten Text Recognition will get."<ref></ref>


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User commentary

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System requirements

(type in that information here)

Source code and licensing

(Is it open-source? If so, what license type?) (For non-open source software, What does a license cost?) (Is there any technical support fee? How often do you have to pay it?) (Is there any discount for academic institutions?) (Is there a discount for TEI members?)

Support for TEI

(Does it support TEI or TEI Lite "out of the box"?) (How easily can TEI be implemented?) (Are there customized versions of the tool created for the TEI community, perhaps even by those not affiliated with the tool's creators?)


(What computer language is the tool written in?) (What language(s) are used in the interface?) (What language(s) are used in the documentation?)


(link to or information about documentation available)

Tech support

(What technical support is provided by the creators of the tool?)

User community

(Are there any communities of users?)

Sample implementations

(links to demo sites running the tool or successful implementations of it)

Current version number and date of release

(type in that information here)

History of versions

(type in that information here)

How to download or buy

Additional notes

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